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Posts posted by wildangel112

  1. Lately I've been getting a lot of requests for this one in soap and b&b. Any suggestions as to who carries a good one? Got a sample from BB and it's nice, but shipping is a killer. Would love to find something a bit closer to home. TIA


  2. I haven't tried any of their fo's yet, though I've been ogling several, but have ordered goat milk powder from them and I have to say that their customer service and shipping time is excellent. As far as shipping cost, I was quoted the usual, slightly ridiculous UPS rate via shopping cart, but within an hour of placing my order, had an email from them letting me know shipping had been adjusted to a more reasonable rate. That, if nothing else, won them my respect as well as continued business.


  3. She didn't specify any particular tea so I'm browsing all options. I've got quite a list now, thanks to all your wonderful suggestions, including several from Solas which sound scrumptious :drool:. I did dig a sample of Peaks Green Tea out of my sniffie box and it's definitely on my 'to do' list. Thanks so much for the help, everyone!


  4. Right now, the only thing close to a tea scent that I carry is Peaks's White Tea & Ginger. One of my wholesale accounts has fallen in love with it and has requested soap in other tea scents. Not being a huge tea fan, I'm stumped :confused: . Anyone have any good recommendations?


  5. I've been doing HP for years. Not knocking CP in any way, as I've never met a bar I didn't like :) . But I feel the reason so many think that HP is softer is because you're able to use it so soon. If given proper cure time, my HP gets every bit as hard as the CP bars I've tried. Of course, not many get that chance because I'm rarely patient enough to let them set. While I know I'll never achieve the beautiful swirled and decorative bars I drool over here on CT, I love the slightly rustic appearance of HP. I just cut a log this morning, made with a new eo blend, colored with rose hip powder and added a bit of finely ground lemongrass, peppemint, chamomile and a few other herbs. It smells yummy!


  6. Is there any wonder why I love CT so much...... can't find help like this anywhere else. :)

    Brilliant me never thought to say that I do HP soap. I know what you mean about Lavender fading, Crafty1. I use Bulgarian Lavender and never know what to expect from one batch to the next. Sometimes it sticks nicely and others, it fades to nothing. Go figure :confused: . Was also wondering about the lemongrass/peppermint thing, so I'll definitely start off slow and work with it.

    Thanks so much everyone!!


  7. Thank you so much for the suggestions. My sweet orange does smell pretty strong so maybe I'll start with the 4:1 ratio and work from there. I'm thinking about trying equal parts lemongrass and peppermint for starters also. Off to play! :)


  8. I've been approached by one of our local nurseries about doing a gardeners soap and salve. They have requested a lemongrass/pepppermint blend and a lavender/sweet orange blend. I'll admit that while I've been playing with eo's for awhile, I've not ventured into blending yet. Any suggestions as to what ratio I should blend these at? Also, from the reading I've done, I'm wondering if the sweet orange will fade. Any help or suggestions appreciated :) . Thanks!


  9. We must be thinking on the same wavelength :) . I've been pondering the oval labels or possibly sending one of the jars to a supplier friend of mine who does labels. Maybe he can work out something since I was thinking of letting him do the labels. Anything to save me a few headaches :laugh2: .


  10. Thanks for the suggestion arkangel and Tiffany :). We'd looked into the round labels on the lids, but the over-all effect left the jars looking a bit bare for us. I appreciate the help though. Looks like we'll be sticking with the hang tags, for now.


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