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Pam W

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Posts posted by Pam W

  1. 49 minutes ago, Karen Ov said:

    True..Maybe those candles are just for looks . I cant imagine they would even burn the right with so much stuff in it 

    That's just the point.......do you want to sell candles because they look pretty or because they are quality candles with an amazing HT???  It's your choice.....sell candles that look pretty and smile all the way to the bank OR sell a quality candle that brings back customers because they are happy with the end product???

  2. 11 minutes ago, Karen Ov said:

      I think i just have to be a little more patient, and realizing soy is a pain , but sticking with it.

    I've never poured soy but I gotta say that as a consumer, I don't remember ever noticing the wet spots.

    We as candle makers strive to produce a perfect candle,  pleasing to the eye seems to be at the forefront but in reality, the quality of the burn and throw is what will bring back customers.  And as a consumer, I do not ever remember noticing wet spots...like I don't even remember knowing what a wet spot was...that said, that's a good thing because a wet spot does not have anything to do with the HT of the candle.

    On 10/1/2019 at 7:55 AM, Karen Ov said:


    Just wondering what do you do with the candles that have bad glass adhesion or just a little and frosting. Do you still sell them, or at a discount, or just give them away and loose money?




    There is no way in H#ll that I would consider decreasing my price on a quality poured container candle just because it shows some wet spots...we as candle makers do notice those things such as glass adhesion and/or wet spots but the general public doesn't even no what that is.

    So, pour those candles and be proud of the HT associated with burning those candles and don't worry about the wet-spots because they have absolutely NOTHING to do with filling a customer's room with a beautiful scent. 

  3. On 10/21/2018 at 11:05 AM, bfroberts said:

    Gorgeous.  Your colors are always so beautiful!

    Bowing to the master!

    I am one of the extremely fortunate people to have received one of these bars.......it smells great and above that, the quality of the soap is amazing.


    That said,  I would love to be a fly on the wall when Barb is creating her beautiful soaps :-)


  4. On 10/22/2019 at 6:05 PM, bfroberts said:

    How many wicks are you using?  I multi-wick 4630 with zinc wicks.

    I guess a little more info would be helpful...duh!  The container is a refillable decorative thingy (gift from a friend) It is 4x4 and 3" deep.  It came with 4 wicks - each spaced appropriately in the corners and burned perfectly but when I repoured with 4630 using various wicks, the melt pools became so deep that I can actually see the bottom of the container.  I've tried 2 and 3 wicks but still get the extremely deep melt pools....that said, I have no problem with the scent throw using the Eco or LX wicks......but using them, the whole container is totally used up in 3-4 days.

    Most of my candle making experience is in making pillars and single wick containers.....the multi-wicking containers is out of my wheel-well.

  5. On 10/15/2019 at 4:06 PM, Candybee said:

    Today I made batches of oatmeal, honey & goat milk soaps in patchouli honey,

    OMG, that sounds GOOD!!  Never thought about adding patch to oatmeal & honey.  I'm not a soaper but a candle maker and have made Oatmeal & Honey candles and was not happy with the outcome...but....adding a little patch to the mix peaks my interest again........now where is that bottle of Oatmeal & Honey FO ?? 

    • Like 1
  6. On 10/21/2019 at 10:18 AM, CandleRush said:

    So I just googled their company thru Glassdoor, their revenues pull in 25-50 million dollars per year!

    BUT............even tho their revenues are that high, how does that relate to repeat customers coming back for more???  I'd really like to see some #s on that...repeat customers.

    • Like 1
  7. Calan:  I use 4630 exclusively...after many years of experimenting with different waxes and wicks, for me the 4630 burns perfectly without any other waxes while using Eco wicks.  

    If using 4630 alone and that particular container, I'd recommend that you try Eco 6....yeah, that's just another wick that you have to test!!  But for me, it works.  After testing many waxes and wicks, I find that I get a tremendous throw with 4630 and Eco wicks so why even try blending waxes except to spend more money??

    • Thanks 1
  8. When I first stared making candles, I was looking at SELLING my product but as time progressed and life took a toll on my time, I decided that I did not have the time or energy to devote to SELLING my product.  As of this date, I am not interested in selling but only in producing a quality product for myself and friends/family...I guess I am not the candle mogal that I once thought I'd be.

    But I still produce a candle that I am extremely proud to put my name one...kwim?

    • Like 2
  9. On 6/11/2019 at 8:22 PM, t2018 said:

    I tried looking on the website, but couldn't find the answer. It says the soy wax on the site is vegan, but doesn't specifically say if Pillar of Bliss is or isn't. 

    I guess you will have to further investigate the vegan issue...but to me I have to say "why should I be worried as to if my wax of choice is VEGAN or NOT".........not like I'm eating it....kwim?  Maybe there is something that I have yet to grasp..so please educate me.................

  10. On 8/6/2019 at 6:26 AM, CaptnKush said:

    You are right that they do not contribute to hot throw. The whole point is its an eye catcher, something that gives you an edge on your sales which is what we all want. Same reason people make cup cake and desert looking candles, because those also do not contribute to hot throw but look good  and there is a market for them. Just need to do it a different way such as what was mentioned earlier about using wax coffee bean embeds for the same effect.

    it may be an '''eye catcher'' but doesn't give me any pride as a candle maker......but then I DO NOT MARKET MY CANDLES to those that are easily confused and/or manipulated by hype.  Hey, if you are into making a buck from your eye-catching creativity, then go for it.  For me, I want to produce a quality candle that throws well and forget the hype....even tho it may bring me a few less bucks.  Basically, I am not into candle making to make money but to acquire the reputation of making a candle that has a wonderful hot throw....hell, if it looks good to you then go for it.......kwim????

  11. On 7/21/2019 at 2:19 PM, Lisa ATX said:

    I’m making small votive size candles using herbs from my garden and essential oils. Beeswax is what I used on my maiden voyage, and it worked great. I’d like to adhere a couple of herb leaves to the inside of the glass votive as decoration. Is there a glue that would work for that?

    I just gotta say that NO MATTER how much fresh herbal elements you add to your candles, it will not add ANYTHING to the hot throw.  You may certainly add some herbal leaves for visual purposes but it will not do anything for the hot throw of the candle when burned.......so WHY even go there???


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