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Lolas Lights

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Posts posted by Lolas Lights

  1. Then I'm assuming you don't do tarts either...right? ;) I H-A-T-E making tarts. Hate is an understatement. Now pouring clamshells, on the other hand, is awesome. I use a pyrex pour pot and they are a DREAM to pour.

    LOL you got that right. I tried a few tarts hate it with a passion. Hate pouring anything small. and the clamshells I hate even more. I either don't get enough in them or too much and you should see the mess I make. course here lately I can't even pour in anything without making a mess, just a few days ago spilled almost a whole pound of melted wax all over my floor. Took me hours to clean it up. I'm beginning to think I'm the all time fumble queen. :rolleyes2 Wanna buy some clamshells to pour.......;)

  2. Thanks for the info. I thought maybe that's how it worked but just wanted to make sure. I have been wanting to do this for some time now so I wouldn't have to go get a MO, or use my CC. (if I use the CC again, DH may scalp me :smiley2: )Thanks again for the info. You all are quick to the rescue. :smiley2:

  3. Don't know if this is the right place to post this, but here goes. I just opened a PayPal account, how does this work, for instance, if I buy something from the classifieds or sell something, how does the paypal work. Might be a dumb question but any help would be appreciated . TIA

  4. Mys,

    You have to be the smartest woman I have ever met! That idea is ingenious!

    You are cordially invited to join

    Mystical Angel



    for a

    Open Your Bills Cocktail Party

    Please BYOB as I'm sure Mystical and I will have already

    depleted whatever we should be sharing

    Bring your biggest bills and strongest liquor!


    I don't drink but I wanna come to this party, I'll make myself some Shirley Temples and be high on life.....you are sooo bad... I mean that in a good way. :P:yay:

  5. I've not made these, buy you two sound like you're talking about different types, one is freestanding(blowout), one left in the container(no hang up). Maybe I'm just confuzzled :rolleyes2

    LOL no your not confuzzled, It's me that's confuzzled. Gee gotta read more carefully. Don't know how I missed one key word "blowout" duh, either got to get my glasses changed or read more carefully. Now I'm gonna go back in my corner with my blankie. :embarasse

  6. According to what type clam container you have, there are 2 out there. Yes they do need to connect but you need to look at the lid. Close an empty shell and look at where the lid fits. You don't wont to over fill so the lid wont fit.

    Here are 2 types I know of. The shells are different and hold different amounts.

    I think the clamshell 2 looks like the ones I've got.

    Thanks. and thanks to you wildangel11 also.

    I'm not gonna try it tonight tho, I've had enough trouble today. :rolleyes2

  7. Got my new order of FO from NG and also got my clamshells from the co-op, made some coconut , some cranberry apple tea containers , and spilled almost a whole lb of melted wax in my floor:rolleyes2 (glad I didn't have FO and color in it)which took a couple hours to scrape up and then took some really hot soapy water and got down on my hands and knees and scrubbed to clean up the floor . Got a pillar cooling for my grandson to give to one of his friends for her birthday now I'm gonna do nothing but sit here and hope tomorrow is better.:smiley2:

  8. I just got my clamshells from shutterbugs coop.... I have never made these, my question is, when I pour these, do I just fill the little cubes just up to the top or do I let them run over a little so these will be attached a little. I hope this makes sense. Any help would be appreciated. TIA

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