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Posts posted by warmvanilla

  1. Now wasn't it the taste and not the smell that were characteristic of the brownies. I've been around those in my past and cannot remember them remotely having a smell of anything other than a brownie.

    i asked my dad. lol. back in the day...well, nevermind.:lipsrseal

    he said some people like to put the mj in the brownies and eat it that way because it was suppose to save your lungs...didn't have to smoke it. just eat it.

  2. you're amazing. i love them all, too. it's just not right for me to ever buy bar soap from the grocery store ever again.

    you and so many others here (way to many to try and name)--i'm in awe of your talents.

    i can't wait to grab a hot cup of joe and log on to see what you guys have come up with next. simply beautiful-all of them. come on tax return.

  3. Thank you so much everyone. You guys made me feel so good with all your nice compliments! It was fun making it. I wish I had ice cream scoop molds.

    The strawberries I did not make myself. I bought those, haha.

    It does smell wonderful...and it's soy so it must be really good fragrance oils to be throwing so well in just one day. I mixed Strawberry Ice Cream (ICS) and Vanilla Velvet (BCS). I'm so anxious to burn it.

    Carrie, I love the candles in your avitar!!

  4. I've been using C-3 since December and some what gotten use to it.

    I like using it. For me it's all about the temperature of the area I'm pouring in.

    If I can maintain 70-75, I have no problems at all with it.

    I made strawberry last night and it has a wonderful cold throw, but I have not lit it to test hot throw. Baby powder I can get to throw after it sets without waiting for curing. Also Cinnamon Vanilla and Sweet Pea.

    Very creamy beautiful wax but has some frosting issues!

    I melt my wax up to 190 and add dye (block kind). Add fo at 180 and try to pour between 145 and 160. It's also better, imo, to pour into heated containers. Boy it sure does not like temp changes. Like..if I'm at 72 degrees and I drop overnight to around 67 or 68...it may frost a very little.

  5. George Washington Carver would be proud? It's all soy!

    It's my first one and I don't have any molds for the ice cream :sad2: but I think it looks pretty ok.

    It was suppose to look like scoops of ice cream (cold) with whip cream and drizzled strawberry syrup.

    Smells good! Don't know if I'm brave enough to light it though.:embarasse


  6. :yay: For my grandmother!

    Do you think she'll like them?

    I have to tie the bow better!

    But I put a little charm on it for her. It looks like pink opal up close.

    This was my first time trying to make them and I'm so happy!

    I made the chunks in pink sugar using 1343.

    It's french vanilla and pink sugar and it smells almost like a cupcake!

    It made about 9 and I've burned 4 to test:-) They've all burned safely and smells so wonderful hot and cold.

    Thanks for looking!


  7. You can PM me if you want, and I'll try to help you. I'm not sure what you are wanting to use the program for, but you can do lots of things with it.

    I can make screenshots for you too, if that's easier.

    Just let me know where you want to start.

    You'll love this program.

  8. you said your candles looked like they had been in the cold...ummm......15-25 degrees IS cold so they HAD been in the cold!!!


    I think soy likes to be kept warm during the entire cure time.

    I have been pouring in containers that are warm, trying to keep a temp of at least 70. Makes a beautiful candle with no frosting, but once I light them...all goes out the window.

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