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Posts posted by coconut

  1. Penny, one thing I did not hear mentioned-are you running the air conditioner?  A/C can make a huge difference in how your scent travels. I have seen it virtually eliminate the scent, or spread it all through the house.  I have read this in other threads too.

  2. I do not usee J225, I use J50 or 4630 which are also one pour. When I pour too hot I get sink holes. I pour 4630 at about 165 and J50 slightly higher. Try 180 and see what happens. Also be sure to calibrate your thermometer in ice water if you haven't done so already. You could be pouring hotter than you think.

  3. LJA, welcome to the board. I use Astrolite V exclusively for tarts and I get one pour with awesome throw. My only additives are scent and color. This wax is a little hard to find but very easy to work with since it comes in little pellets. I have bought it from Connie's Candles in Ohio.

  4. Peak's fragrance oils are excellent, you will be pleased with the quality. While I don't love every scent, I recommend them highly. My only complaint is I miss the fact they won't ship any oils by Post Office anymore.

  5. I see you use a tapered glass. The second test on the 8oz doesn't look bad, you probably should burn it all the way and see if it catches up. Might need to wick up on the 12 1/4 but the burns really look nice. Tapered containers are difficult; wick for the bottom of the glass. If you wick for the top, you will be overwicked at the bottom. I am one of the people who loves the performa wicks although I also use HTP.

  6. If you are getting a laser, go HP. If getting an inkjet, Canon is the best IMO. Buy the more expensive printer which takes separate cartridges for black and each color. You will save more money in the long run. Canon produces very good quality. I think you can do a single label with the Canon by using the bypass feed but you must increase the thickness setting.

    As to the color on the computer being different, that is typical and you will have to spend thousand of dollars to get something where the screen color matches the printer exactly, like a commercial publishing system. This is regardless of the brand of printer. HTH

  7. I have done quite a bit of testing with both 4630 and J50. If I could only afford to buy one of them it would be the J50 because the burn is more consistent for me. I have to wick down for 4630 and find I cannot get the heavy scents to burn well in my small jars. The flame is too small. JMO. Good luck.

  8. Oh, I'm not planning on buying 100 pounds of oil tomorrow or anything. I guess it's a holdover from my day job, but when I am looking into these sorts of things I just don't feel right unless I start plugging stuff into a spreadsheet. I am interested in CP soaps and looking at the viability of adding them to my candles long term. I just never like to jump into something without a plan ;)

    That being said I appreciate the folks contributing to the thread, if I end up liking it and decide to make a go of it full time somewhere down the road I may have found an avenue to lower costs. A friend of mine's dad runs a butcher shop, and they get orders from sysco. If I pay up front he told me that he doesn't mind if I piggy back some things on his orders. That's a deal since I don't have to worry about shipping or minimum orders.

    I actually haven't had a lot of trouble finding cheap lye. I have read that in some places it is hard to come by these days. I was disappointed with texas natural. They are the closest supplier to me that I could find (though still outside of comfortable driving range, Texas is a big state :P ) but they were over triple the cost for some of the base oils than other suppliers.

    If you are not opposed to animal fat in your soap, you could probably get the fat from your friend's dad at a good price but you might need to specify that it is not rancid.

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