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Posts posted by Jokerjen

  1. As many of you know, I kinda took a break from candlemaking due to a move and some other circumstances, and I pretty much have been outta wax for a bit....well...today or tomorrow I will be getting some wax tp play! My mom decided to take one of my catalogues to work and I suddenly have a bunch of orders to fill!:yay: Gotta love Mom...

    And I had a second interview at Wal-Mart yesterday so I may be going to work there nights re-stocking shelves and such....not my usual office job but at least I don't have to worry about a babysitter, BF will be here and I will be getting an employee discount (jars and such! HEllloooo!lol) and benefits, we'll see how it goes...I do have an opportunity to a possible change of jobs end of October and go work at a place that makes playground equipment (days and better pay) we'll see...

    But I am so excited about playing, I can't remember the last time I poured a pillar!!!!:lipsrseal Will I remember how?lol

    Keeping fingers crossed!

  2. Brought over some candles to pa party bf's Mom had yesterday...I DID set them away from the real food and people still thought these were snacks for the party!lol One of his grandma's bought one of the tarts and the other bought the glass of wine..

  3. Thanks again! I really missed this...funny thing....one of bf's brothers came in and tried to take abite outta one of them, one of them still has teeth marks!lol:rolleyes2 He thinks I should market them with a bite missing outta each one!lol

  4. Thanks everyone!:D that was just a tease for me though cuz I used the last of my pillar wax on my cinnamon buns, might be a couple of weeks before I get another case.....but I guess if I managed to get through months of not being able to make candles, a few weeks won't kill me!:wink2:

  5. Jen! It's good to see you posting again!! Hope you're able to get back in the groove of candlemaking, I miss seeing your creations!

    Thanks Trish! b.t.w... I have that package going out to you beginning of next week, I forgot that I had lent out and just got it back..sorry..hope you still need it:embarasse

  6. Good heavens get unpacked already would ya lol! You moved ages ago ;) We're missing seeing how the BF spoils ya and all the goodies you create :D

    lol! It seems we keep finding other things that need to be done 1st!This is an old farm house that needs alot of tlc! And it is costing us a bit, so I keep putting the candles off so that we can get the house done and I can stand looking/living in it!lol

    Believe me..I am havin MAJOR WITHDRAWAL!! And I can't wait to get back into..even I remember how!lol:tongue2:

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