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Posts posted by Jokerjen

  1. Jen,

    That first one - I'd buy that! Its beautiful :shocked2: I would love to get results like that with my 1274. I would have had a real hard time voting if that that one was entered. (I voted for the mottle - not the likeness).

    So, I'm going to try to dupe YOU! I have the materials. Can you tell me if you used solid or liquid dye? Finally, what pour temp, cooling procedure, and did you have your molds heated?

    Thanks very much !

    Glad you liked em..thought you might like the 1st one better....

    I used dye blocks, temp have no clue, sorry, I don't do the temp thing...my presto is set at 200..filled my glass pyrex up set it up on double boiler method on stove....added stearic then vybar 103, let that sit and mixed a few minutes, then added fo, stirred, let sit few mins, stirred again, then seperated the amount I wanted to use for 1st layer, added color to that and same as above..molds were not cooled, just regular temp molds..and just left to cool on their own....hope that helps some..

    I am a by eye person, the only things that really get measured are the wax, fo and additives, color is by eye and I don't generally take temps....:lipsrseal

  2. Finally got my camera back, so here you are as promised..

    This firs one is made to look more like thde original one you posted before the bbb dupe...

    It is made with 1274, 48 oz liquified wax, 3 tbsp steraric, 1.7 (Mix of coffee and birthday cake) oz fo and 4 pellets vybar 103


  3. Yes she posted that she does not have her camera do get a photo of it...until maybe Friday or something like that..so not sure if she has found a way to get a photo or not.


    Mines on loan right now until the weekend and I cannot for the lif eof me find my sons camera! Although I couldn't play, I will still post the pics when I get my camera back or find Nathans, whichever comes 1st!:)

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