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Posts posted by daniedb

  1. These are great stories, it's fun to see where our origins are!

    I wanted my business to include my son's name, Henry. I also wanted the name to reflect my business ideal, which is a traditional, elegant, timeless, non-trendy type of business. Henry & Co. was the best one that I heard, and I instantly loved it. My husband and I are the "Co." and Henry is, well, the Henry!

  2. I got Carmen's Olive Oil Intensive Treatment today. Holy smokes, that stuff is amazing. Carmen, I'm so happy with it I could scream. It is beautifully packaged, it smells heavenly (but I love that it's a lighter scent), and most importantly, it is sinfully thick and creamy, but leaves no oily residue.

    We close on our new house tomorrow (having closed on our old house today), and I can't tell you how ready I am to pamper myself a little bit. I'm looking forward to taking a looooong hot bath tomorrow night and slathering myself in this stuff - you guys have NO IDEA what you're missing if you haven't tried her stuff. I'm amazed! :D

  3. Not all the oil will come off when you steam your skin with the hot washcloth. You're going to have to do some gentle wiping with the cloth after it cools. I use both sides of the cloth, making sure to wipe all traces of the oil off. No scrubbing, and nothing harsh, but just a good bit of wiping.

  4. Oh, ack! Gross!

    I sell my 8-oz in a pump top - just twist it closed for travel, and it's usually good for keeping it in. I also always throw it in a ziploc when I fly, that way, even if it does leak, it's contained. :)

  5. I know there was a thread on this in the last few days, but I have a question that is different, so forgive the repetition.

    I make a natural all-purpose cleaner that has EOs in it as well as water. I've been selling it with the express directions to shake before use, but I want to go ahead and use polysorbate to emulsify the water and EOs, instead of making my customers do the work. I bought some P-80, and used it with some peppermint EO (equal amounts of EO and P-80) and added water. It emulsified great, but it's a really cloudy solution, and it has a slight soapy film on top of the water.

    Since then, I've read that P-20 is probably what I'm looking for, instead of the 80. My main question is, will the 20 make a clear solution, and will I still have the tiny layer of foam on top? Will it be cloudy no matter which I use, or is it just the 80 that's doing it?

    Thanks in advance.

  6. To just add to what Robin said, I would also recommend that if you're going to use this method, it usually works best if you use it exclusively. Most of my customers have reported that if they mix it up with other facial cleansers (esp. those that have a lot of synthetic ingredients), they actually find that their skin is MORE problematic. Mild CP soap or an herbal toner (like a lavender hydrosol mixed with witch hazel hydrosol (NOT the witch hazel at the store, as that is mixed with alcohol)), and a mask once a week is all you need in addition to the OCM.

    Each skin type needs different things, but I've found that my dry/normal skin does best when I just splash with warm water in the AM and do the OCM at night.

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