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Posts posted by wickedwanda

  1. :yay: my stuff finally came in from farmhouse,soooo... i used 4# of wax, a touch of color and 4.5 oz. of peach fo..and made 10 1/2 pints..does this sound about right on amounts = amount made? the scent is wonderful, the color is peachy..of course they have been sitting for 3 hours, wicks are straight, and there is not alot of shrinking as of yet. i did relief holes. so now waiting to do repour..from what i read i should wait about 6 hrs?
  2. no, i dont think real close, i am about 18 miles of gulfport. small town called wiggins...except i am way out in the country.

    btw...got my farmhouse sups..in late yesterday:yay: going to get started shortly..:yay: now of course i have ?, i will be pouring either pint or 1/2 pints(havent decided yet, maybe both) in their intructions it says to pour wax to top of jar, wax will shrink 1/4 to 1/2 inch. is this correct? i swear i saw somewhere that you dont. i will check the tech area also. they also say to warm jars.. as for the wax it is container wax, they say heat to 180,add color, fo...pour,,,then reheat to 165 for repour..i thought the repour should be warmer than first pour...:confused: i think this post is me thinking out loud..lol...i will now go to the tech area...thanks..:tiptoe:

  3. Sorry:) your hooked on candles. I started first by buying a candle craft book, got the stuff needed for a container candle and went at it. Now, i make votive, pillars, tarts, container candles, I really enjoy making them, only I had so much stuff put up, couldn't give it ALL away, so I started selling them now and then. It really is addictive, I have to get all the new FO's, wax, wick, whatever.

    But don't forget to TEST, TEST, and TEST:D Good luck and have fun:)

    I am afraid that might happen to me..too...:D and i am stil waiting for my order to come in..been tracking dhl all week. i ordered from farmhouse, and i cant wait..but i am still testing my first votives...the second one is burning as good as the first..just no smell...but thats ok.. and i just want to say to all i appreciate all the advice and good will you all have shown me..

  4. wow...thanks for the info...but...lets say a batch is a bash...what to do with the other candles from the same batch...pass them on to someone who buys dollar store candles?? hehehe...jk...:cheesy2: seriously..burn them and recover jars?

    i dont want to start a business doing candles, i would just like to be good enough to make as gifts and share with friends..with being :embarasse .

    thanks again..

  5. ok, my votives turned out good, they smell good(not burning), they burn good..but hardly no smell...when holding them and smelling them, its kinda like all the scent is in the bottom...maybe didnt stir well? and i know i proably didnt add enough. it was the block kind from micheals. but i consider it a good first try..good enough i ordered supplies online...and i am waiting really impatiently.:cry2:

    also can someone explain the testing to me..kinda break it down something like CANDLE TESTING FOR DUMMIES:D

  6. no, i bought the therm. at walmart..standard candy making one..

    and quess what they actually look like votives...smell good and all..

    for my first ones i think they turned out good..:grin2: there was like some stuff on the sides .. like someone stuck them with pins..very small..maybe air..????

    wicks did good, color is pretty...they smell good...i havent burned one yet..letting them cure...

    on the repour i did go up to 200. i was jus kinda jumpy cuz..i dont know why but i just thought it would take longer on the first to heat up...and it was like when the wax was melted it was time to pour...then i just couldnt get it back down to where it needed to be.....and i can tell you this....it seemed like it took forever for them to cool..so i could do the repour....oh it is sooooooo much fun...i am hooked....and i know what i am getting for christmas...:D

  7. you sound a lot like me...i am a newbie too..i did my first votives today..made 6, just to test the waters lol...they are now cooling, and i am anxiously waiting to do my repour..

    as for the soy stuff..i have not even looked at that stuff yet..i decided to start small..baby steps for me...as for me i bought the presto kettle, a therm.

    a 1# of wax, votive molds, a postal scale(that i didnt use this time)wicks and i think that is all..oh and of course fo and color block..i bought my stuff from micheals, just casue i couldnt wait..and if this turns out to be a good thing for me i will order online...well good luck...it was kinda scary...and still is..all the testing people talk about on here is kinda overwhelming to me...but i am reading, reading and reading..good luck...

  8. here is what i have so far..i melted 1# of wax in the kettle, it seemed to me the heat was quick..i never got it regulated at 175..so i read the instruct. that came with wax from micheals..it said for metal molds ideal range was 200-225.. i got it regulated to 190 then added fo,stirred slowly, then added dye..stirred slowly..heated measuring cup..and molds..watched temp...stayed at 195...decided to pour...and now waiting on congeal..to put in wicks..now..on the repour which is suppose to be atleast 10 degrees hotter..i should go up to like 205? wicks went in well...color is just right for mulberry...i am so excited...

  9. i am a newbie, and of course i have no idea what you are talking about..but with that said..yesterday when i was at wally world looking for my newbie presto..i saw an electric turkey fryer...i almost stopped to check it out..to see if it could be used..but then i said...no...i am newbie..start small...:D now it is huge looking to me..upright like a presto kettle...big enough to hold a turkey...and electric..and it was a new item for walmart..hope this helps.

  10. ok, i am fixing to start on the votives, wish me luck..:D oh yeah and whats really bad, at micheals is that i had to buy a fo that doesnt match the dye or vice versa..but i was just so excited:embarasse ...now 1 question - do i need to heat the votive molds..they are metal..one site says yes and another says not necessary..ok maybe 2 questions..after the repour, can left over wax be kept for another time..since i have only 6 molds...and from what i read..1# of wax should make 8..and how would be the best way to store it...:confused:

  11. first off hello everyone, yep i am a newbie...candle making is something i have thought about for a while..but never acted on...now i have been reading and looking for several days, and i am in to it...i have the presto,therm. 1# wax, fo,and dye, digital scales,votive molds(6) wicks, i think i have everything, so now what???:undecided i figured i would try to master votives first..:embarasse .i do have to admit that i rushed to micheals to buy the stuff i needed....i couldnt wait for mail order...you understand...it had to be now...i have read over the archives, i have read most everything on here..all the how to's...plus everthing on cajun candles..so what do you all think,,,am i ready?? any and all advice is greatly appreciated..

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