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Posts posted by dpowell

  1. Yeah, I'm currently using Zen Cart but I'm exploring a few options because I really don't like that customers have to register to order. I find it annoying and I really don't need any of their information stored on my site (using paypal for payments).

    The only nice thing is if they choose to signup for the Newsletter at registration then you can e-mail them specials / sales / updates. But I suppose you could have an e-mail address set up where they can "sign up" for that by sending an e-mail to that address.

  2. LOL - asking if you can use the idea - of course you can.

    I'm very proud of these. As far as the hearts, they are the puffy craft type stickers and stick like they are super glued on the glass. We have heat tested them and they should stick great.

  3. My wife wanted to try out some wine glasses for container candles for Valentine's Day so we picked up a few. They are scented Wine Cellar.

    She added the ribbon and hearts to the glasses herself. I think she did a great job and wanted to share them.



  4. I would think that while it is being warmed you'll probably get the same scent effect from the 4 oz. or the 8 oz. I get $7.00 for an 8 oz. wickless, and the people in my area seem to like the jar a lot - looks like quite a bit and warms rather quickly.

    I just checked and the weight difference between an empty jar and a full one I have is 6.2 oz. (so that would be the weight for the wax and fo combined). That fills the jar about halfway up the threaded part.

    I haven't tested to see how long the scent lasts but I haven't had any complaints on it so it must be a while.

    Hope that helps a bit.


  5. I use the wide mouth 1/2 pint masons for wickless container candles. People around me love them and this size container works great for them.

    A wide shorter tin would work as well, but everyone I've talked to in my area likes the glass container better.

  6. Sorry your wax didn't come. I know how frustrating it can be when you're expecting supplies and they don't come. They are probably quite busy this time of year and mistakes usually happen more when things are busy.

    I also ordered from candlewic on 12/15 and they sent me an e-mail the day the package arrived (12/21) telling me that they didn't have one of my fo's in but they shipped the order without it. Also, I had ordered palm-2 and palm-3 wax from them just to play with and they sent me palm-3 and soy 125.

    Unfortunatley when I tried to call them right after the package came they were closed. Today they are closed as well I guess and they probably won't be around until Tuesday.

    Oh well, things happen I guess. I'm sure they'll fix it for me. I only order from them if they have something I need on sale cheap anyway.

  7. I actually just got an order from BCN today. I ordered it on Monday evening, but I'm also in Wisconsin so that helps with delivery time. It shipped out yesterday UPS ground and got here today.

    I have yet to have a problem with BCN with wrong items or shipping delays (other than one time they entered my credit card number wrong - and called me back the same day I placed the order to confirm the number).

    I did have a problem with an order I got from Candlewic today though. I got a wrong item.

    This is a very busy time of the year for everyone though and everyone makes an error sometimes.

  8. Yeah, I was actually playing with Zen Cart and OScommerce. I'm going to be using PayPal for payments either way (and paypal has their own cart as well where you add buttons to a page you make). There are a few options, it's the shipping that gets me. It's hard to set a fixed price based on the order total. I think I've almost got it figured out though. I'm playing with Zen Cart again right now.

  9. I have a related question regarding the shopping carts. I am currently setting up our site and can't seem to find a cart that will allow me to use a shipping calculator (usps for example). It seems that most allow you to set a shipping cost for each item or a shipping cost based on the total of the order.

    How do most of you handle shipping costs on your websites?

    Thanks for the help

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