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Posts posted by andrealh1975

  1. I've had situations where kids have picked up my glass items and I always watch them really closely. I've made comments like, "Sweetie, please be careful with that." A few times I've grabbed it and handled it myself and let them smell. I've also had times where I've had something burning and a child was reaching for something behind it (instead of asking) and his hand got too close to the flame. Maybe instead of "You break it, you buy it", the wording can be a little less harsh.

  2. The sign is to welcome anyone who comes throught the front door. The title of it is Spring Vendor Fair/Fundraiser. It's all kinds of vendors...arts & crafts, retail, service folks. The vendors are donating a portion of their sales, there's a raffle (vendors are donating items for that) and 100% of the money from the raffle is going to the ACS. The general public will also be able to make donations by writing a check to the ACS, there'll be a rep there to handle this.

  3. I'm overwhelmed you guys, definitely feelin' the love from my CT FRIENDS!!

    Like I've told you, there just really are no words appropriate or that I can find to really show/tell you how much I appreciate the contributions that you have made!!!!!

    BOY, dontcha know McKenna is gonna be sooooooooooo excited when she gets home??!!! :D :D :D Hurry up 3:30 so I can tell her!!!

    You are the BEST!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!!!!!

    What comes around goes around and you can bet that when/if someone else from here comes in need I'm gonna be the first one in line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You are more than welcome! It's nice to know that some people you've never met will help you out! :D

    By the way, WHEN McKenna goes on the trip ask her to take some pics for us!

  4. I agree $40 isn't very expensive. I've recently hosted some shows and that's about how much I charge per table/space. Depending on where the show is being held the price could be per table and a table is provided or it could be per space and you bring your own. So definitely ask which it is.

  5. What everyone else said!!! They have them at the craft stores, another is AC Moore, they usually have them for $4. But I've recently purchased the same basket at Dollar Tree. You can also check the clearance sections of places like Target, Walmart, etc. I got some cute little boxes/baskets to use around Christmas from clearance at Target and they were DIRT cheap!

  6. Don't mean to hijack your threat, but I was going to ask the same question!!! I'd seen them around Christmas at Linens N Things. They were the 6 ft tables that you can fold in half and have a handle, but I can't find them anymore. I think they called them banquet tables.

    If anyone knows of some that would be awesome.

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