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Everything posted by sudanaj

  1. I'm new to the website but who is Jason? The reason I am asking is that I have been using C-3 and was looking to switch and came across Golden Brands 464. Kenya
  2. Stacie, How is the throw with Golden Brands 464? I have been using C-3 and I really don't like it. I've been working with it but I want a wax that is easier. I have stopped using dyes and they look much better but I am still having some issues. I was reading up on EcoSoy and reading reviews from the site and a lot of people don't seem to be happy with C-3 or EcoSoy. Kenya
  3. With this method (heat 200, fragrance 190 and pour 150) do you get the holes and craters? If so, how do you deal with that? I'm willing to try anything that will decrease my time spent on reheating. Do you use the repour method?
  4. I use C-3 and what I did to get a better throw was increase my FO to 1 1/2 oz. per pound of wax and 1/2 tsp. of Vybar 103 per pound of wax. They smell awesome but I am experiencing cracks or holes/craters (whatever there called). I am thinking about switching to the all natural soy additive (http://aromahaven.com/wax.html) to see if that works better but when I increased the FO, the throw was much better. Hope this helps!
  5. I use C-3 and I have tried just about everything (except the heat gun) and I still have large craters/holes. I have poked holes, done the re-pour thing, reduced the pour temperature......and everytime, I have a pretty creamy top but with craters/holes. I've even used the blow dryer on low and that helps but it's not the same. Is there anyway to pour and not have to go through all of this? Help!!!!!
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