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Posts posted by ShelleyBean

  1. heh...I guess I can stop wasting my time weighing my FO into my wax and just dump 2 tbsp in instead...what a time saver, damn where can I get one of those lightning fast thermometers at?:undecided

    :wink2: would be nice wouldnt it? And too, maybe I'm just a clean freak or something, but I always wipe my stuff off right after I'm finished so I dont have to deal with it later. Here all this time I thought I was doing a fast job while being thorough, guess I still dont have it right :laugh2:

  2. I have looked on a couple of websites for syringes to give this a try. Problem is, they all offer several different ones, and I don't know which syringe to get. They also come in packs of 100 mostly. Which syringe size do you use, and does anyone have a source where I could get just a couple to try?

    I believe it was Robin who helped me on this one, but she told me to check local feed stores and I ended up finding them at a store (can't remember the name sorry) that sells all kinds of farm type stuff. They were in a section that many different sized syringes for giving farm animals shots, mine came I think 10 to a pack, and were really inexpensive. I found one that was pretty close to what a human would use since I didnt want to make a huge hole with the needle into the critter. You may even be able to find them at pet stores, but can't be sure on that one.

  3. OBVIOUSLY runnin' around like a turkey with my head cut off!:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: Might have to go see if I can locate one of those things... Good point, Stacien, about the soy flakes being so similar to the soy oil used in them...DUH!!

    I feel an appliance-acquiring binge coming on...:D

    OMG I love my Turk and Surf, I use it a lot. I still have my presto pot (with no valve) and still use it for smaller projects. You may be able to find the Turk and Surf on sale somewhere...someone mentioned Linens and Things. Try hard to get it locally unless you find someone offering free shipping, it's a bit on the heavy side.

  4. OUCH! When I got my portion cups they were for sniffies only, but I got them at AceMart. Can't remember the shipping offhand, but didnt seem too bad or I'm sure I would remember where not to order from. I dont know if the ones from AceMart are good enough to make the tarts though, the sniffies I made about 6 months ago or so still smell good, but I havent tried burning them.

    Well I put some stuff in my basket at AceMart and it too is high in shipping, I can't believe I didnt complain about that (even if to myself lol) when I ordered.

  5. Watch out with the shipping from Restockit. I had 2 items in my cart for $12. and not that heavy and they wanted $11 for shipping.

    OUCH! When I got my portion cups they were for sniffies only, but I got them at AceMart. Can't remember the shipping offhand, but didnt seem too bad or I'm sure I would remember where not to order from. I dont know if the ones from AceMart are good enough to make the tarts though, the sniffies I made about 6 months ago or so still smell good, but I havent tried burning them.

  6. Shelley- I sell them in the cup. Much like a clamshell in that you just pour, pop the lid on and label it they're just smaller and different shaped:grin2: They sell much better for me than clamshells do. I use a round label on the top of the lid and I think they look pretty good and they hold up a lot better for shipping too. I too got SO tired of pouring into molds, sticking in the freezer, waiting to unmold, bagging in polypro ziplocks and labeling etc. I can pour 500 tarts in less than half the time it took me to do it the other way- it's a little more expensive this way for me, but the trade off on time is more than worth it.

    Ah ok, I gotcha :D Thanks for the reply

  7. I've only tried BCNs version but used to burn Yan** of that scent well before I made my own and it's very very close. I have only done melts with it, so can't speak for the wicking, but have heard that elsewhere about that FO as well.

  8. I thought about the 4 oz jelly jars for wickless. Thought maybe the opening was not big enough. Where do you get your tins? I haven't found any tins for good prices unless you order in quantity. The wide mouth 1/2 pint masons seem like they wound work good, but hate to use 8 oz of wax for a wickless, when 4 oz would do if it is a wide container.

    I get my tins from Specialty Bottle. I get the 4oz tins, and have also played around with the wider 2.5 oz tin.

    My 4oz jjs did fine though, I was just trying to go another direction with containers and for wickless now I stick with just tins.

  9. www.foodservicedirect.com

    I use the 2 oz portion cups- look for the polypropylene ones. They are rated #5 and work beautifully! I fill about 3/4 of the way up and get a 1.2 oz melt.

    I have a quick question for those who make melts with the portion cups, do you make them in there as in using the cup as a mold, or do you sell it in the cup as well? I have cups but so far have only used them for sniffies of the scents I carry. When I made single melts I got tired of making them in the yan*** shaped molds, putting them in freezer, hoping one of the little edges didnt break when I popped them out, but never thought about using the cups as a mold to sell the single melts. I do clamshells now but I have a LOT of these cups because I bought them in bulk and I only have so many FOs so thought about putting some of them to use.

  10. Like I said, not familiar with the injected at all and was wanting someone's insight that had experience.................:)

    I sell both, but more of the dipped than injected. It really depends on a number of things really...the kind of critters you have for scenting is a biggie. Some critters just dont look good or do well dipped, where the longer haired critters do better because they can be combed so the wax doesnt chunk up on the critter.

    I have had requests for injecting instead of dipping because the injecting you can make less strong than the dipped ones. Sometimes the dipped ones can be overpowering until they have set out for a bit, and that mostly depends on the FO itself, wax etc.

    Not sure if I have helped at all with your question or just confused you more, sorry :)

  11. I sell a lot of them, the wickless tins that is. I have one lady who uses a warming plate and my tins in her office, which of course set into motion more people liking them and wanting some of their own for office as well as home. My husband is on the other side of the world in Korea, living in the barracks, and has the plate and tins going anytime he is home and that got the ball rolling for some of the other soldiers wanting some for their rooms, because lets face it, barracks dont smell that great lol.

    Now I will say if it werent for those two people using my product (and in turn getting me customers for the same thing) I'm not sure how well they would sell because at my open house, a lot never heard of wickless candles and while a couple bought them, most still went with the wicked candle.

    I will also add that the way you market them can make a difference as well, I have a little thing talking about dorms, barracks, offices ect where you dont want a flame.....etc etc. I live next to a college town and know a few of the students there and they love the idea of the plates/tins so I'm doing a little show for them and will concentrate on my wickless line for them.

  12. Well the terracotta you see above are out door hangers ( outdoor candles ) you can hang those terracotta diya ( as we call them in India ) with a jute thread - therefore the wick has to be thick, and sure the terracotta will not break, they are fired above 1000*C.

    And well all are handmade with the aid of molds. Wish you all can see my entire collection - but cant really post you my link as it might be understood as spamming :undecided or against forum rules

    VERY cool! Love them!

  13. You will know when you have used too much ... generally they pee the FO out or stain themselves. (As bad as that sounds, it's the truth)

    LOL glad I didnt have a drink in my mouth, but that's true, you will certainly know when enough is enough.

    For me, I usually put more in the ends of the hands and feet, as well as the bears nose, where the stuffing is very tight, then use a little less in areas with not as much stuffing. It totally depends on the critter used, and after awhile, it will become easier to tell when you have enough.

  14. Man Donna quit with those lists lol! I keep trying to put off my searches for new FOs to curb my spending greediness and this ain't helping. Then again, I should ban myself from here.

    I'm the same way, and I always know better than to come to this section, my new years resolution was to quit buying everything I saw and quit being an FO HO, but dang it's hard when I see threads like this one...must...fight...the...urge!! :D

  15. 1/2 oz to 3 oz depends on the size of your bear, what the bear will hold (depends on the stuffing) ... just really something you have to test and try out.

    I agree. I normally set aside 2 oz for each bear, that being a smaller type bear, not a huge monster of a bear of course. I normally use about an oz of it, then I will use the rest as a spray for the bear when it needs freshened and send bear and spray bottle together as a set.

  16. Anything that isn't trademarked. That doesn't help does it? Some call them melts or scented potpourri or scented wax melts ... etc. etc. etc.

    Yep, that's a habit I had to break myself of, I was forever still calling them tarts, but I've made a point to call them melts for so long now it's become second nature. Friends and customers will still call them tarts of course lol

  17. And I started with clamshells and switched to individual melts and they have sold tons better for me. lol

    The dust from outside shows seems to be attracted to the clamshells more and they look and feel like crap after a few shows.


    Ah I havent done any shows yet and havent had to move them, so that might be why I'm partial up to this point. I could see where that might become a problem though.

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