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Posts posted by MooChelle

  1. Just when I get comfy with soaping..Tonight I had / am having a panic attack.....

    I have always weighed my butters in their..?solid? state, then just melted them down while the other oils were in there with them heating up...Well, I got in some Shea the other day, and they were packaged in ziplock baggies in pails...Well, tonight I wanted to melt them down outta the zippy bags to pour into the little pails directly..You know..neater than in the zippy bag...Well..I had/have ?? I guess ?? 3# of Shea...3pails/zippy bags..Well, of course (I say of course now..Cause duh, the lightbulb went off) Now I have 1 3/4 of the pails full..So of course, now I feel like an idiot!

    Should I be weighing my butters for my soap in their "solid" state, or melt them down and then weight them? Was fixing to do another batch of soap tonight...But now I am like in a frenzy wondering if I been doing them all wrong....grrrrrr :(

  2. Couple more real quick....

    Macy Boutique Halo Milk Bath ~ Ok....I know I didn't exactly use a "measured amount" in my bathwater..but oh well.. I LOVED IT! Had never smelled this scent before and it made my skin feel so soft..and nourished..and darn I wish I hadn't used it all :( Great job!!!

    FireFlies&Pixies/Sawyers Moon Cranberry Yuzu ~ I loved your packaging... Everything from the wrapping in the little brown bag, to the actual soap packaging... :) I wanted to use it cause I had never smelled the Yuzu thing everyone has been talking about..But I didn't want to use it cause it was too darn cute to take out of the packaging..lmao----But after finally breaking down and using it I was pleased beyond words... I used it in the bath and it was great...Didn't get a great deal of lather...But the way it made my skin feel more than made up for it :) Great job... Now, send me another bar so I can not open it...lol - j/k

  3. Or...As I plan to label it:

    Moo-Chelle's Love Oil

    1oz Sunflower Oil

    .8oz Sweet Almond Oil

    .2oz Glycerine

    Fragrance of your choice...In this case I used 4drops Coconut FO & 2drops Pineapple FO

    OMG! I am so happy with the way this worked... It feels so light on the skin..Absorbs good after..awhile..You know..long enough for it to do its job.. :D First recipe I made on my own that I wanted to share..Al relatively simple ingredients :)

    Thanks for letting me share it :)

  4. Well, since I ran outta the sugar scrub stuff, I already decided what was gonna be my next after that went bye-bye..lol

    Glowlite Lizzy's Luxury Bar ~ Got some awesome lather going on this one.... I had already intended to use this on my face with my exfoliating brush thingy (I swear, I wish I had never heard the word "thingy"..Everything I come in contact with is "thingy")....Anyway, I love the way this felt on my skin..Nice and soft.. It made my face feel great! I can't wait to get home in the morning and wash again...lol Your packaging was nice and simple..I love that! Great job..Now I gotta try this recipe for myself :) lol

  5. Among the thousand or so websites I browse thru to do w/b&b & candles...I found one last night that I cant' recall for the life of me... You can select one or two essential oils, and it will go thru and tell you all the ones that would mix well with it/them...Anyone know what / where I am talking about :confused: Please :)

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