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Posts posted by wickchick

  1. Hello,

    I'm delving into M&P and was looking over Peak's. I'd like one that's very moisturizing, but I'm not sure which base to choose. Do any of you wonderful soapers have any suggestions? I was leaning towards the shea. Any suggestions or opinions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!

  2. This is probably a dumb question. I'm registering as a sole proprietor. The form is asking me for the closing month of accounting year. If I start the business in September, is the closing month of accounting year, the following September (2008)? Does anyone know? Sorry if this is an obvious question, I just want to get it right.

    Second question...since I'm a sole prop, I can technically use my SS# for my EIN. BUT, what if I'm not comfortable with that (I know some businesses ask for your EIN and I really don't want to give out my SS#)? Can I register for an EIN? I don't have any employees, nor do I plan to. BUT, I may eventually register as an LLC depending on how things work out!

    Thank you guys for taking the time to help me out. This board is such a great resource!

  3. Hello! I need a some help here! I absolutely love the name "Caramel Cinnamon Latte" (from JS)...BUT...I have several competitors who I'd rather not find out where I get my oils. I'm usually fairly good at renaming, but this one's got me stumped. Any suggestions? I would greatly appreciate it :) Thank you!

  4. Thank you so much! All of this is wonderful information. I had never even thought about people stealing domain names by monitoring domain stores. How irritating! You guys have so many thoughtful insights and ideas, I really appreciate it! I still have so much to research and learn before taking the plunge. I’ve got tons to learn on how search engines work and such. I’m starting with my business plan, and will then go from there. I figure that will give me a good starting point :) But of course, I’d like to have my name first! Who knew choosing a name would be so tricky (okay, I knew, but just assumed something quick and clever would come to me...it hasn’t, LOL).

  5. Thank you both, I do appreciate it. It's such a major decision! I've put alot of thought into what I'd like and how I'd like it to look, now I just need a name to reflect my "theme" :) I agree with keeping it short and sweet, no funky hyphens or weird abbreviations...etc. Guess I'll have to wrack my brain a bit more. I've given myself at least a year to get my business up and running, so I've got a little time to work things out. Thank you :)

  6. Hello all :)

    I'm fairly new to the board, but not to making candles or tarts. I've been dabbling since early 2005, and have recently began thinking about starting a part-time business. I primarily make tarts, but have tested several candle containers. I also make air fresheners and bath melts. My question is, when choosing a business name, should I try to incorporate several products into the name (for example: www.blahblahcandlesandtarts.com or www.blahblahcandlesmeltsandbath.com). And no, blahblah isn't in the name :) I know the term tarts is trademarked, so I probably won't use it at all in my name, I just used it here for an example. Or is it better to keep it short and simple: www.blahblahcandles.com

    even though you do sell other items? Just thought I would pick your brains and see what the general consensus is on this. Thanks so much for taking the time to help me out :)


  7. Wow. What wax are you guys using, LOL! I'm with you Kassandra, I've had the best luck with Peaks. I had absolutely no luck whatsoever with JS, and very little luck with NG (as far as lasting throw...most will start out strong, and then fade within 2-3 hours). I use a votive wax. Hmmm...maybe I need to try a different wax! Curious to see what others say.

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