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Posts posted by wickchick

  1. Thanks guys. I mailed a tart to one of my testers who has an amazing ability to pick up notes. So we'll see what she says. It's not your typical VS scent, you're right.

    I'm absolutely in love with this one, but it's definitely not a laundry scent. Haven't heard of the "yum yum" tree, but I think I have a good idea of the meaning, LOL.

    Any other insight would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!

  2. This one has got me stumped. It's a fabulous fragrance, but I personally don't think it smells anything like "lavish laundry". Their description is:

    "Floral spruce blend with hints of citrus peels and red berries on a dry down of musk."

    I smell a teesy bit of spruce, but not really any citrus or red berries. I'm usually fairly decent at picking out notes in fragrances, but this one has me stumped. Any suggestions on a new name, OR what notes you pick up from this one? I'd greatly appreciate it!


  3. Not an issue - first the very low pH (citric acid) is a good protectant. Second there is so little water that the other materials bind it up leaving nothing for the beasties to grow in. The beasties need a certain amount of active water to live, and this is an extremely low water activity product.

    Like jam - the tons of sugar in there "bind" the water so the fruit doesn't go bad... cept in this case we have something even better - acid & baking soda!

    ETA: My degree finally paid off! I've waited 22 years to use the phrase "low water activity"!!

    THANK YOU! Wow, that's a great explanation, LOL ! I appreciate it!

  4. Thank you guys so much. After my third batch, I mastered it! I'm so thrilled (who knew that something so little could make you so happy!). I ended up overfilling and tapping gently and viola! nice little round bath bombs. Some cracked a bit, but I do have a few nice ones! Thank you guys for all your help and suggestions!

    I do like the idea of "bath crumbles". Hmmm....might have to give those out as "samples". I have a "Ugly Bin" on my website, so I can always stick the not so perfect bombs in there for a discounted price, heee heee.

    Thank you again for all your wonderful suggestions and help!

  5. I just saw the husky cookie cutter thread, so I thought you might be able to help me too ;) I'm searching for "adult" themed cookie cutters (think bachelorette parties). I'd like to buy them from a regular cookie cutter store rather than a *ahem* Adult store if you get my drift. I've googled until I'm blue. Any suggestions? I'd greatly appreciate it! Thanks!

  6. That's a riot :) I wish ALL customers would ask for the proper way to burn a candle, and would take the time to "look into" their chandlers! It irks me to hear people say, "Well so and so has over 200 scents and just started making candles 3 months ago, how come you only have 5 scents". Don't get me started, LOL.

  7. I'm thinking they've had this happen quite a bit. Same thing. When I called to return them, she said, "Just throw them out, we'll send replacements". I've never had a company say that before! I do use their regular warmers and have not problems with them. I have ordered the cafe, and several other ones and didn't have any breakage...just the holiday themed ones. One other thing, they get REALLY hot underneath the warmer (my electric ones don't). They are a great company, otherwise, and LOL about the lead.

  8. Thank you guys :) I like the idea of height. I'll have to measure them. I always put the net weight on the bottom label. I like to charge per ounce. I've always charged $4 for the 4 oz tins (which are actually as I said, 2.8 oz). I'm worried that when I launch my website people will think that's to much. Hmmm...guess I'll have to figure it out. Thank you!

  9. I've been mulling this over and can't make a decision, so I thought I'd ask you guys :) I have 4 oz tins. I know when labeling them, you need to add the net weight (which is 2.8 oz, and I do add that to my warning labels). My question is, can I sell them as "4 oz tins" because that is the size of the tins, or do I have to sell them as 2.8 oz candles. I don't want to mislead my customers. Anyone have any thoughts? Would love to know what ya'll think :)


  10. Hi guys,

    Just wondering if any of you knew where to get wholesale priced teddy bear key chains. I was hoping to make scented keychains for my Girl Scout troop's holiday bazaar. Since the whole premise of the Holiday Bazaar is to let the girls Christmas shop, the highest we can charge for an item is $2, so we need to keep our costs down. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

  11. Hello,

    I was wondering if someone might have some insight for me. I'm trying to decide how to accept credit cards on my site. I currently have PayPal. My concern with using PayPal to accept cards, and please correct me if I'm wrong, is that with PayPal they have to have an account or set up an account prior to being able to use it. I'd hate for my customers to have to deal with that. I want to be able to have them enter their info into the credit card form, hit click, and be done. I don't want them transfered to the PayPal site, have to register, and all that jazz. I looked over PayPal's site and could not for the life of me figure out whether or not it was possible to accept cc payments without having customers register. I will definitely accept PayPal, but I'm wondering if I need another merchant account (like ProPay)

    I have also been looking over ProPay. My issue is the yearly fee, plus slightly higher transaction fees and charges.

    Anyone have any ideas? I would greatly appreciate any thoughts you might have :) Thanks so much.

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