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Posts posted by Lorrie

  1. I use el soy wax blend and I love it. It comes in a great pellet form and is easy to measure. Draw backs it is 99% soy and does get some frosting. But some off the oils that I use tend to frost worse than others.

    Some cracking can come from the candle actually cooling too fast. Or if there has been a weather change. When I pour my votives I put all the molds in a cake pan and place in a warm oven. Don't leave oven on. Just warm it up an turn off. I would try that too. That may be part of your cracking problem.

    Remember that votive wax need to be poured at a higher temp for them to release from the mold.

  2. You mean we are supposed to make money at this? No I am kidding.

    It took me a long time before I even could sell anything. I know that sometimes you feel down in the dumps but it will turn around. You just have to get out there and pound the pavement. When I started I started with two scents and worked my way from there. I don't have a huge amount of scents but I got into other things to help offset the cost of everything. It just takes time...

    Good luck!!

  3. Lorrie, I made another batch of the bergamot soap. The only problem is I added about 1/4 tsp of color to the batch and it was too much. The suds are yellow. It is curing. Let me know if you want to try it and I'll send you a bar when it gets a little dryer. (I don't discount water so they have to cure forever)

    Oh crap I totally missed this one.. I am pming you right now. sorry....

  4. I personally would try to set up an appointment to see Ann. This way you can get the other woman out of the middle. And when you get the chance explain to her that it was a mis-understanding and tell her what you told the other woman.

    But the point I want to make is you really need to talk to Ann..She is the one that will make the final decision..

    I also wouldn't drop off any samples until Ann is back in town this way you know that they get to her.

    That is just my two cents.


  5. Thanx Lorrie,

    Live and learn right? Boy have I learned! Even when you know the person somewhat and would think they would keep their word...GET A SIGNED CONTRACT! :(

    I learned the hard way too. The customer that backed out on me last year was a friend of my moms. Let's just say when she orders now she has to pay for the order in full before I will even start on it..

    And I hope that things change and they decide that you are the better deal. I know that you said that HI gives 50% but do they charge shipping? If they do you could offer delivery to them. (Meaning the person in charge). Good luck Sallykate!

  6. I am so sorry that this happened to you. I had a customer do the same thing last year. I got lucky and got a fundraiser right after they cancelled. I don't know if you can cancel any of the supplies that you had ordered. If not maybe you could see if anyone off the board would take any of the items off your hands.

    I know that this sucks but next time don't order anything until you have a signed contract. I always make sure of that now. Plus on large customer orders I get a deposit.

  7. I know the formula of 2-3 times my cost but I want to know what do you charge for these. Please tell me what you charge not a certain % off your retail. I would like to know the XX amount for each.

    1/2-pint jelly jars (Canning jar style)

    2 oz Votive

    1.5 oz tarts. I am trying to figure out if I am competive.Thanks

    Also do you offer any discount with the more they buy?

  8. I have found some of the mistakes. Thanks for looking. I will be fixing the mistake as I find them. Everything is starting to blend on me and it is hard to pick out the mistakes.

    I am glad for those of you that have dial that you didn't have any problems. I hate going to websites that take forever and a day to load.

  9. For someone who doesn't know much, I think you did an awesome job! I love it. Clean and easy to navigate. I don't have dial up so can't help there, but it loaded quickly for me. I did see you spelled daisy wrong on the tartwarmer page. Love your ragg dolls, they are adorable!

    Thanks, I will get the daisy changed. I keep looking for mistakes and everything is starting to look the same.

    And everyone is welcome to sign the guest book!

  10. I have been working on my website and well I want you all to tell me what you think. I tried to make it as dial up friendly as possible, things are also very simple because I really don't know that much about website building so please be gentle. I all ready know that I need to replace a couple of the pictures because they just aren't the quality that I wanted..


  11. Sara is starting a list for candles - let's create some more links for her that are bath and body. Add on your favorite suppliers - if you do a rolling post (copy the one above you) that will help us sort it out...

    Ooo I can help with this

    Kangaroo Blue

    To Die for

    Oils by Nature

    Soap Dish

    Southern Belle

    Bramble Berry

    Columbus Foods

    Wholesale supplies Plus

    Bitter Creek North & South


    And i know I have some more!

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