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Posts posted by leisa2003

  1. Don't worry folks, mark my words, if her tart business doesn't stay as successful as it currently is or as she hopes, she will be back as a supplier once AGAIN.

    ETS: Someone should just ask her, instead of "being so kind" to fill orders until Dec. 31st,..why not ask her to share where you can replace some of her oils from (not that she will say) but its worth a shot, or maybe e-mail her about a certain fragrance that she has that you just cannot live without? ;):)

  2. This is her responce as of yesterday to those on her FB page....

    Miami-Erie Candle Supply Sorry for the short notice, figured this would give people time during the holiday season when most places are closed to try to find replacements for our scents. Sorry and thanks so much for your understanding.

    ETS: Now really,..when most places are closed!!!!! And she had fragrances that probably wont be found anywhere unless she shared that info (which she wont),..so alot of people are just left hanging AGAIN. RRRRRRRR,..she boils my blood, but I know her personally,..she doesn't care about others, only herself.

  3. I must say, I have ordered many of her oils when she sold on Ebay - and to be honest, they were IMO, some of the best I have ever used. But, after she pulled her oils off Ebay and raised her prices, I stopped ordering. Add to that, I didn't like her attitude...I won't go into detail, but I'd rather have spent my money elsewhere.

    No,..not her attitude!!! I had a "run-in" with her on this very board in 2006 when she was Snowtop,..and I warned people and some just thought I was "bashing" a business and now look,..everything I have said in the past has come to light with others as well and with her supply business. I knew eventually others would see her true side.

  4. Missywick,..She gave no notice. She's done this before with Snowtop. Only now that her Front Porch Tart/Candles are doing so well, she cant handle the supply business (thats my guess). So those who bought supplies from her, that helped to support our compitition, your now left hanging once again.

  5. It doesn't surprise me. Her Front Porch candle business is doing so well and as she stated on her FB page, thats where her focus will be. First it was the wax with no notice to her customers and now its the oils. She is to "flighty" as a supplier so its probably best. First Snowtop and now Miami Erie,..I wont be surprise if she comes back and under a new name again.

    ETS: wonder if she will sell her supplies off to ICS as before, or to anyone else! :undecided

  6. Do you keep your on overnight if you know you'll be pouring the next day, or do you turn off when done and reheat? How long does it usually take to get your wax at the temp you want?

    I think I need a new Presto,..its taking way to long to get it to 180 and stay there without the wax coolng down,...Rrrrrr!

  7. I think for marketing purposes you have to continue to be adding & dropping some at the same time. Whenever I deliver to a local wholesaler the first question I get is "Do you have any new ones?" So I don't believe I could just pick out 50 and stick with only them. I'd have to evaluate continually which to add, which to drop. That's hard for me.

    I AGREE!!! You have to drop some and add new ones. I usually buy in 1 pounders and if that 1 pd. of FO moves slow, I will drop it and look to add a new scent in place of it,..usually its a new scent I have never carried so I will test it (smaller bottle) first and if its a good one, then it becomes one of my new scents.

  8. Fedex and UPS are going up too just like every year. It's just out of control anymore. When I look back at invoices from 10+years ago I think WHY didn't I just get a storage lockers and stock up. How much money I would have saved.

    I'm in the process of trying to get my jar manufacture to carry wax. Either that or I'm renting a truck and driving to PA twice a year and picking up everything. I just have to save somewhere.

    Thats what I am going to do, I am lucky enough to live in Ohio close to The Candle Source and The Candlemaker Store,..I think I am going to try to do 90% of my buying with the two. Just wished both of them added new fragrance often though.

  9. Will the Priority commercial base pricing take a hit?

    I rarely ship flat rate, to avoid the ever-increasing fees.

    By weight first class or priority com-based pricing is what I do.

    Using paypal seems to shaves a little off too!

    Yep,..they are going up 2%. Here is a more detailed read on all of it....

    ETA: http://postandparcel.info/51174/news/companies/usps-to-hike-shipping-rates-letter-prices-to-rise-2-6/

    I'm so glad we can pay bills online these days for free,..I cant see paying .46 cents to mail a check. I'm thinking about purchasing all my supplies locally starting next year, I've already seen on a couple supplier's Facebook pages that they are gearing up to raise their shipping costs..and some "gouge" on their shipping now, I bet they raise their price more than a buck. :(

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