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Posts posted by leisa2003

  1. I can give you three, but you probably already know them.

    1. Locate your nearest distributor, anything you can buy local and not pay shipping is always helpful.

    2. You can make beautiful soy candles just add some paraffin to help with the frosting and it also help with HT.

    3. If you want to smell a scent before you dedicate to buying a FO, buy some tarts or candles from your crafter friends, you can sniff it in wax, look at others packaging, and you help support the your fellow crafters at the same time.

    Hope that seems helpful for the list. :)

  2. This long statement is on Haley's FB page. I just checked.

    OK,..yes, I seen it now Jack, Thanks. So maybe is was discussed or something and decided no-go. I was hoping maybe someone was going to take over the oils and become a supplier as well. I know that kinda what happened with ICS when Angie had Snowtop oils. I wonder if Haley knows that The Candle Maker Store can dupe fragrances. I dont carry any of Miami Erie's oils or I would see about having them duped. Maybe they have to purchase a 25lbs minimum if they do dupe. I know Steve really well, I will have to ask him about that.

  3. Are you sure? This was on their FB page....

    Just a heads up I will be sending emails tonight & tomorrow on the open orders that have the ME oils. I will list the items & scent on the email and you can either choose a different scent or I will refund the money. All of these orders will be on hold until I hear back and once again I am sorry this has happened. It has created unhappy customers and a ton more work for me. On another note I think I have checked every supplier on the internet for replacement oils and they are not out there the vendors that are carrying some of them have blended them. I have talked to a mfg co that will try & dupe them but you never really know what you are getting and min. qty buy is 25 lbs. I have talked to a fellow vendor that I trust 100% as I know you all trust her also and she made some really good points, storage would be a issue and that large of qty the scent would fade if not used in a timely manner not to mention the expense of it all. I hope you all know that I try to do everything possible to please my customers but just don't think I can pull this one off. I will keep everyone updated. Have a great weekend.

    I don't see that on their page. Maybe I'm overlooking it.

  4. Well I just got word that another vendor has bought Angie's FO's for her business. Why wouldn't Angie keep her oils for herself since she has the tart business is confusing. Maybe this other vendor is going to sell FO's and not just tarts (?) Hmmmm!

    ETA: I heard the vendor is Haley's Heavenly Scents that purchased Front Porch's FO's, I am tempted to email her and ask if she will be selling the FO'S or just for her own products!

  5. Oh and Justajesuschick, We wont share all the details that we do have. Things are being investigated and we wont hinder that investigation. Only time missywick and I post is to reply back to one of you who ask a question or if you want to tell us NOT TO CARE what they have said ,..WHICH WE NEVER HAVE, if we cared about what they think or say, we wouldnt still be commenting to this post because they are reading it,....AND missywick wouldnt still have the blog about that group if we CARED WHAT THEY SAID ABOUT US. And I just haven't mentioned those on this board that WE DO know is in that group. HINT HINT!

  6. wow. You must be kidding. Please read what i said. I said that they are wasting your time. I did not say this was a waste of my time! I also did not "preach".

    Your response to my kind post was unwarranted, was out of line and has shown me much. So sorry that i bothered. Like others, i have no need for drama in my life and i'll comment no more on this subject. I'll go take my walk. Thanks.

    You did say that all AGAINST ME, maybe re-read what you said TOWARDS ME! And I DO NOT TRUST ANYONE! I know I am a witch (literally).

    ETA: My child could not have been spared because of a couple reviews Justajesuschick, because it wasn't ANYTHING ABOUT reviews!!!

  7. Beth. I am with you, sister! I do not sell so stayed out of this.

    Did this really all start because a couple of people did not like you product or service? Kind of like celebrities who should not google themselves (they end up in therapy!), I'd not search for what people think of you. If someone addresses you individually, handle it individually. I assume that you make a great product and bust your rear end to do all you can for customers. If if you make the best quality product you can and take all steps to run a fine business, WHO CARES what a couple of crazy people think?? There will be people who like you and those who do not.

    I promise that the wax boards move on from vendor to vendor who are favorites and those who get bashed because of something silly like some lids came off in shipping. Then several others will vow to never buy from that vendor. Again. WHO CARES!!

    I would hate to think that all of this could have been spared (the precious traumatized child being the WORST victim in all of this) if you could have thought, "WHO CARES" about a couple of reviews and moved on. Mark them of your customer list and keep going!

    Maybe it is because I have been in the corporate world for 27 years or m close to 50 but I really do not care if people like me or not.

    The sad part is that this is consuming time and lives. You closed your business as a result. Life is short. Spend it with those you love. Let the authorities handle what is left to handle. They will have forgotten your name soon enough. They will be on to someone else.

    First it was 2 men (but not jbn) from here who are sharing information back to secret groups and then it is "we are not certain who" is taking information back. Secret PM's and secret FB groups. ON BOTH SIDES of the case! Do not become like them or let this fuel you somehow!

    It is a total waste of your time. Go get ice cream or take a walk with that sweet 10 year old. He will be a big boy soon enough and as a mom of an almost 30 year old who lives several states away with his family, believe me when I tell you you will always wished you had cherished every second with him.

    First of all, I NEVER searched for what people think of me or my products. It started when a couple in that group didnt like their package taking more then 4 days to get to them so they googled and found my home address, etc.. and then found my son on Facebook. And, I have been around when the OLD BOARD was active, those women are known by MANY, not just me and LONGGGG before I joined this board in 2006. If its such a waste of time for any of you then WHY READ IT? WHY ASK QUESTIONS to try to figure things out? And then you want to preach to me that I could do better things with my time like go take a walk,..you could be taking a walk yourself instead of commenting on this thread.

  8. I sure hope whoever has or does film these Youtube videos or posted comments of slandering that business sure has alot of money. I have seen business' take people to court and win on less evidence then Youtube videos (you cant argue a video),..and the business won millions!!!!

    ETA: and the people commenting who to their buddies in all this,.. and with what Missywick and I already have against that group of women, their could be several accomplices involved in a lawsuit like that. Wow,..Shaking my head!

  9. Thanks Leisa, Oh this is so sad for the vendor, I have no idea why people are so horrible to do this! It is wax!! It doesn't even rate as a first world problem!!!smh!!!

    I agree! It kinda makes me wonder now if they have done this sorta thing to other vendors and we just haven't heard about it. Its crazy! Those ladies are digging deeper holes for themselves. Like I said, this is a CLEAR CASE of Slander, so if anyone else isn't sure just what slander exactly is,.. its slandering a companies and its name and telling others they are someone they are not to hurt their business. YIKES! BIG LAWSUIT THERE,..and putting that on Youtube or in comments with their REAL names,..they wouldn't even be able to argue the case. Wow!!!!

  10. Who is the new vendor they are trashing? Does the vendor know? This is like a soap opera!

    I dont know if this vendor does know ( I bet she doesnt) and she is being slandered big time! I was Pm'ed a video review on her. Its a Happy Hippy Scents it says in the video her name is Hope. I seen that name before on Facebook but dont know of her to well because I think she is new.

  11. Missywick, GUESS WHAT! That group is thinking that you or I are some new vendor. OMG! Can you see the slander charge coming against them. I know I would go to court for another vendor to prove I am not them and I know you would too! YIKES! Those ladies don't know when to stop do they!! They are just simple women, and most slander cases come about from business' getting slandered by people like this trashing them,..this would win a slander case in a heartbeat! I am glad their names are out there and they are making these videos for the WORLD TO SEE and their comments about innocent vendors.

  12. I'm talking about these words:

    My reference to what someone else was saying out there was to let you know at least some really truly don't want to be included. I don't think that person was lying. Its my opinion but from all that was expained, I just don't think so.

    Also, if you remember a post of yours you bashed those who test wax melts given to them as free. Unless the woman on the YT video is lying, you gave her FREE melts to do a review on.

    ETA: And while I'm remembering posts....I have a DIL who babysits 5 days a week....think you know where I'm going with this.

    Ok,..let just STOP feeding them this stuff,..ITS WHAT THEY WANT!. The problem here is some of you are getting confused. I AM THE ONE WHO SENT TARTS TO THESE LADIES TO REVIEW MONTHS AGO. NOT Missywick. They are upset that Missywick jumped on my ship to help me KNOWING THE FACTS (I shared with her my Paypal transactions with dates) they are saying in their video's that they didnt get packages for 3 weeks, blah blah, I DONT CARE what they say or bash me about in their videos) if they are leaving kids alone they can trash me and say whatever the h$ll they want too, let them make their videos and have their fun. We get our "BLESSINGS" from others who condemn us. Anyways, knowing the facts and seeing the proof herself, Missywick knows the lying and the bashing these women in this wax review group is doing. Missywick (AS VICKY ALREADY VERIFIED IN THE OFFTOPIC SECTION) IS a different person then I. Missywick is being hated for creating the blog that had their names PUBLICALLY on the front of their ALREADY PUBLIC facebook group.

    I hope this helps with the confusion.

    ETA: Missywick never gave or sold these ladies wax, I did and that all ended during the Thanksgiving holiday. All Missywick has done is created a blog and shared their names that THEY THEMSELVES shared on the Facebooks PUBLIC group page.

  13. You know, I will share with everyone alittle something the police officer shared with me because this is really scary and people should know this stuff. He told me that SOMETIMES a lunitic (kidnapper, child-molester) will join groups like this and become "apart" of that group and the group will think this person is simply "one of them", in this case, it could be a lunitic in a woman's world of candles/tarts,. to seek what he/she/they are looking for. But he also told me that MOST of the time, its just women who are upset over their order and their bark is bigger than their bite and so their friends jump aboard (who didnt order from me). Anyhow, things do have to be watched and things have to be "recorded" just to assure that its not some lunitic after a child. I can tell you that the 2 facebook "profiles" that contacted my son were not the buyers that filed paypal claims, but their names are on that list in that group. I didn't create that list as it was just copied & pasted from the PUBLIC group's page.

    ETA: But in a sense I have to hold the two who did buy from me accountable for something because they posted and shared my home address,. that was not cool on their behalf to share my info to a group because they weren't happy with their order.

  14. I would be livid if someone tried to contact one of my kids like she has experienced! I wouldn't be shy about exposing such a moron either, but that's me.

    Well I am sure all of us parents think like that and I understand why you would want to know and why you would put them out there everywhere, but when I am advised by the police on how to handle this situation and knowing they see many many cases like this and how they sometimes turn out, I think I would rather follow the policeman's advice rather than share these couple names on the internet to a world of people I don't know. If you are not in their group, then my appology to you (I am sorry), and I hope you understand that I have to also be careful. Things are being watched and IP addresses are known. ;)

    ETA: When messages to a 10 yr. old on Facebook by adults telling that child they know where he resides and where he attends school, the police do not take that lightly, trust me.

  15. Mala, I am not responsible for posting any names of that group anywhere. If you have followed along and paid close attention, you would know missywick created the blog, it has her name on it as the "owner". I have no access to that blog to add or delete any names. I shared my experience that I have had with a few of those names is all. And the names in that group and on that list is kinda like.. "you're known by the company you keep".

    ETA: I think this is a good one for that group: "No matter how wise you are, foolish friends will bring you trouble. But also, no matter how foolish you are, wise friends will teach you wisdom. What a simple rule for wisdom and life! Reject fools and choose wise men as your friends, and you will grow in wisdom and avoid much trouble in life."

  16. I'm just trying to understand the motivation behind posting all the members of the group on that blacklist. You say that not all of them are involved but yet they are included on the list just the same.

    Why not just post the names of the offenders and what they've done as they love to do with their reviews. I would certainly start with the one who threatened your son. That would make much more sense, no?

    Mala,.... No that would not make sense because it seems with being a newbie with 6 posts, you are PROBABLY in their group coming to this board wanting me to share more information to your friends. My local police have the information you are SO SEEKING to know, maybe your "friends" can find that phone number since your "friends" know the town in which I reside. DO YOU THINK I AM DUMB! GO AWAY!!!

  17. Just wanted to mention that although my business dealings were with two individual women, the reason the group is being listed by missywick is because a few of those names have hit other vendors in the past (just like in the thread that was deleted in regards to VDC), and also because of a few others from that group who have never had a business transaction with me that have also contacted and me and my son. The other women (not all) just "joined-in" with bashing and the messages to me and my son. After those women started al this craziness,... Missywick (not using her real name), they now are sending her facebook messages with threats and that is what got me so upset yesterday. She has been a good "friend" while all the other vendors know the wrath of this group, they just lay low and "out of sight", some have unfriended me so the ladies in this group don't show their "association to me",..but I don't care, I am not going to let them bother me anylonger, I have new "avenues" to pursue with my business locally and I believe those women will reap what they sow and what they have done will reward me in the end. ;)

  18. Just trying to figure out the association of what happened to you with all the people listed in the review group. I can understand you being mad about a crazy customer but why aren't you naming the person who went over the line with your son instead of posting all the names in this group?

    Well there was two of them involved in ordering within a weeks time (during Thanksgiving holiday), I had RTS items that they didn't get within 4 or 5 days, so then they filed a paypal dispute wanting a refund while their package was in transit. This group just "follows along" in trashing me in all the other wax groups and vendors groups on Facebook. Missywick originally posted the list of women because they haven't just trashed me, they have dont it to others (we've seen that thread but it was deleted). The other vendors know this is going on and several have even appologized to me that these women have done what they have done and they too have also shared some of their stories about how some of these women have done nasty things to them as well but they just let it go and move-on. A few of the ladies in that group are known on this board by other members here for scamming, only it may have been on the old board. I don't want to share the couple names involved because there is no telling what kind of people they really are and I have to try to keep things "calm". I believe Missywick has offered to add it to the blog she posted earlier but I have been advised to not try to provoke any of them for my son's safety because they do have my home address and where he attends school. I think their bark is bigger than their bite and they just want to be bullies and have drama to talk about with their buddies in the facebook wax review groups.

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