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Posts posted by MichelleOH

  1. Great job! I love the color of the table clothes. And of course you know the clothes look much better when it goes to the floor.

    I personally would have put some fabric on your risers. Maybe a complimentary color to your table clothes. Nothing to busy...we don't want to distract from your product. I love your jars:yay:.

    And yes more height on the table the better. Maybe bring in some silk mums or something.

    Oh, an idea for pricing(this is what I do) I use 2x3 silver frames for each item and place them near the product.

    By the way, I'm so glad you did well. I know you have been working hard. Oh, and I love your jeans. You Rock!

  2. If this is a professional rep. than he should have a wholesale agreement or at least send you one. All the ones I have dealt with have their own contract and I have revised it to fit what I felt was comfortable. My reps. all have samples of my products that I gave to them free to show merchants and will be returned when we disolve the contract. He should have had a business card to give you.

    This is sooo true. Call me a snob, but I like to know where my candles are going. I don't want my candles ending up at a place where they don't belong:wink2:

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