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Posts posted by MichelleOH

  1. Could you contact the woman's club to verify whether you'll be upstairs or not? If you are maybe you could ask to have a sign at the foot of the stairs saying you are up there and maybe a small display of your products. Then the customer would know it was worth the trip upstairs. Are any of the other 16 vendors candles and B&B people? If you are the only one that could be a real boost for you in sales and exposure. Good luck

    I have spoken with the chairperson several times and was almost tempted to ask her if I could have a downstairs(main level) spot.:cool2: She told me they were limiting "alike" vendors. She said last year they had too many jewelry vendors. She seems to really want me there so maybe I could use that to my advantage a little bit:wink2:

  2. Awww thanks! :)

    It really does work though. I was crammed up in a corner once with being new to the particular show. I did that with the soap in the bathroom.... I would say that 70% of the people at my table started the conversation by saying... I used your soap in the bathroom.....

    It is a great way to sell without being pushy. I do not do pushy.

    I think that is a fabulous idea. I want to do this show for primarily for exposure. And I know sales will happen. I think I might just bite my wallet and do it! I'm already doing 4 other shows this fall. Thanks for both of your inputs.

  3. UPDATE: I just wanted to let you all know that I decided to do this show! It is in 2 weeks. I'm also doing a 2 day show this weekend. I'll report back and let you know how it went. Wish me luck:cheesy2:

    I have been invited to do a holiday boutique. I was contacted by the women's club here in town wanting me to participate. It is a 3 day event and there are approx. 16 vendors in this old victorian house. The chairperson told me approx. 1100 people attend. My dilemma...it cost $150.00!!! I'm not sure if I can make that back. My average price of a product is about $8.00 or so. i would be taking my B&B products and candles. One thing I have heard is that they put a lot of the "newbie" vendors upstairs and in the past a lot of vendors that were upstairs didn't get a lot of business. A lot of the women that come are older and can't climb stairs or what not. I don't know what to do because it is local and I could get my name out there. Anyone have any comments or thoughts?

  4. I have 12 different scents that I drag to each of my home parties. I purchased some small 1 oz sample sized containers, and filled with different fo's of shea butter. That way, each and every person has to try a shea in order to smell the scent. Then most will get that instead of a lotion. Then I can normally get them to purchase the shower gel, soapy scrub, body spray, and what not with my 3 for deals! Works great for me, and not any headache to speak of!

    Good luck at your show!

    Heather, thanks for that great idea:)

  5. To be honest when I first glanced at it, I thought the leaves in the background were spider webs, and thought, huh?

    I like it overall, but I think the leaves need "something", not sure what, but just a little "something".

    Hi. I have to agree with Michi. I thought it looked like some kind of insect too. I like the font & name.:smiley2:

  6. I'll be doing a show this fall w/ my B&B and was thinking do I need testers for every scent a carry? Say if I have 12 lotion scents..should I have 12 testers so people can try them out? How about butters, shea,,,etc. What do you all do? I'm used to doing candle shows where the customer just picks up the candles & takes a whiff!

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