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Posts posted by shell1226

  1. If it's container candles you want to make, start with a container candle starter kit. It will give you an idea of everything you need, will come with instructions to start you off it the right direction and you can see if you like doing it without spending a fortune.

    As far as a good price on containers, that would be a local place you can pick up at. Shipping can be a killer on heavy glass items.

  2. That's actually a very good idea. I don't mind the tornado or something being in there somewhere, I just didn't want it to be the focus.

    I really like your idea. I'm going to write down a few that people suggest and take it from there. Sometimes I just don't have the creative mind that I wish for.

  3. I'm playing around with a brown sugar scrub and would like to put it in a tube rather than a jar. Does anyone know where I can get some that has an opening wide enough for a scrub? I guess I'm really not sure what to look for. TIA.

  4. 1. What was the first candle you made and how did it turn out? I made a pillar and at the time I thought is was the best...what did I know.

    2. What resources did you use to research candle making? CandleTech and the internet

    3. Did you use dyes and FO on your first? Yes

    4. Do you have a special room or space you use exclusively for your candle making (basement, garage, etc...), or do you use your kitchen? I moved to the basement earlier this year...started in the kitchen.

    5. Any suggestions on how I should start (maybe what you think is the "easiest" to make)? Get a starter kit of whatever you want to make.

    6. Have any tips that I have not found on this site that may be helpful? Nope. The more you read, the more you learn.

    7. If you could only make one type kind of candle for the rest of your life, what would that be? Rustic Pillars.

    8. What is your ultimate candle, the greatest candle you dream of making (and have not yet)? My ultimate was the rustic pillar and I learned how to do that.

  5. Looking for ideas for a logo. My business name is Wicked Wicks of the East, but I don't want the obvious tornado or anything like that.

    Any ideas? Right now I am just using some candle that I found in clipart, but I want something more unique.

    Let me know of any ideas or suggestions. After I know what I want, I'll be looking for quotes on creating the logo.

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