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Posts posted by camoflauge

  1. i got their valentine catalog-just signed up a few weeks ago... the catalog came fed-ex and was 416 pages long!!!

    as far as their plush, it is reasonable priced-considering less minimums... have a ton of vases, balloons, planter type things, gift totes, seems kinda like a flower shop supply type place to me.. would be nice to be able to do a coop from them, but since a lot of their stuff is glass, that would be a pita!!!! their stuff looks very pretty-but my image is more "nature" type stuff. that's what i like and that's what i want to sell.

    that being said, they do have a lot of really neat valentine stuff, and i haven't gone through their other online catalog completely, but they have a lot of spring/easter stuff too. maybe later in the year -like closer to xmas i can purchase some of their vases etc. would be really neat with the wooden rose coop....

    i think i'll stick with first and main for my plush, and someone suggested douglas to me-they have a ton of animals-not just bears and she says they wax very well. if down the road i expand on doing gift baskets and such, will look at ordering from them...



  2. i got some Lime margarita (NG) from the classies and i use soy-from Millcreek, and it throws very good!!!! very strong, but not overbearing. i only used 1 oz per # and that was enough. i just made "wax melts" and they scented up the house for more than 8 hours!!! i actually used them for 3 days (turned on about 6-8 hours per day)

    i've also used their gingerbread and eggnogg (bought through the classies also) and was impressed with the way they threw.. and people really thought they were "right on".

    i've gotten a bunch of different scents from different companies through the classies-much cheaper than the samples -especially if you like the scent.

    out of the places i've tried (and mind you a lot of these weren't brand new) I have liked NG best. i did try daystar and had mixed results-red hot cinnamon was great and so was pink grapefruit and sugar cane. loved the blackberry jam butter cookie one...

    my nature's garden order included about 20 different "sample sizes" have gotten the fresh squeezed oranges in wax... at first when it melted i didn't like it, but after 10 minutes or so, it did smell like a fresh orange. I haven't tried any of the other's yet in wax. i did use the strawberry preserves from NG (very strong) and luscious cheesecake from Millcreek to scent their soy body lotion. oh, yum. talk about walking around smelling like a strawberry cheesecake. my husband was walking around with a fork in his hand... lol!!!

    I think a lot of oils are hit and miss depending on the wax you use. it's just trying to find the ones that do throw good, don't break the bank account, and don't take so much. i've never used more than an oz. for #... except some maple nut crunch and it never did get strong enough....

    so far though, NG has got my vote.


  3. http://www.essential-oil-recipes.com/index.html

    this isn't 100% what you wanted, but maybe it will help. It has recipes-and tips...

    here's part of what i found....

    Using bath salts can be very relaxing as well as easing sore, tired muscles. These recipes use either Epsom salts or sea salt. The latter contains valuable minerals that help your immune system and can be very beneficial to add to your bath if you have scars that need healing or any broken skin. Bath salts can also draw poisons out of your body.

    HTH, i'm bookmarking the site for myself!!


  4. Thanks!! I never would have found it:embarasse . I second Valerie's question of the best scents from southern scentsations. i'd like to order from them after xmas. their prices seem very reasonable-especially the bigger sizes $1 per ounce, but if they aren't strong enough, etc. is not really such a good deal.

    Happy holidays everyone!!


  5. Thanks. i never would have found it:o . I think i will be ordering from them after the holidays. there prices are very reasonable. I think i will order their sample 5) 1 oz bottles for $9. wonder if you can order a couple of those... hmm. will have to check. what ones do you reccommend from southern scentsations-the must haves?

    Happy Holidays to everyone!!

  6. i love the blackberry jam cookies-and i don't get any diesel smell. I use soy wax and i couldn't wait to try it, so i made one little "tart" with it. i mixed it at about 120-and that seemed to be fine. i'm new to this hobby, but i think i've heard that pouring oils and dye at too hot of temps, does weird things to your fragrance.

    and let me say, out of the 50+ samples i've tried from other places including daystar ( i did a bunch of wax dipped bears for a few craft shows and friends and family) and there were only 3-4 that didn't throw well for me. and those were maple cream (could be that i didn't like that scent?) the peach jam cheesecake from daystar did NOT throw well in the bear, but i made a tart and it was right on... most everything else was pretty true.

    and i really loved Daystar's pink grapefruit and sugar cane, it is truly awesome. i do have to say that i got cozy lil store and mimi's kitchen and am not impressed with either of those.

    I even tried some 99 cent FO's from Wick's Wares or something like that, and those even threw very well. i haven't done a sugar cookie or vanilla bear because i think it will be too weak.

    looking forward to someone else who knows more to help out!!


  7. now i know where i saw the aromatherapy scents. it was www.tayloredconcepts.com some of the ones i saw were Balance, Depression Relief, Energizing, Inspiration I and II, Lavender, Lemon Grass (and all varieties of lavender and lemon grass), muscle relaxer, serenity, sinus relief, snore therapy, soothing, stress relief, tranquility, ylang ylang, and youthful are some that caught my eye. 1 oz "samples" are $2, which is pretty reasonable.

    just by the names of some of these, i'd buy a candle or lotion etc. with that name.

    am going to put Taylored Concept on my list for the next time i can order fragrance oils. they seem like they have an extensive list, and from the posts, it seems as though they are good quality.

    hope that helps you!!


  8. you're welcome. glad i could help out.:grin2: i don't know a TON about candles, but aromatherapy is something i'm really interested in. I'VE sold some herbal dream pillows, bears, and some hot packs ( i use mine for my back, but could use for your shoulders, etc.) and i know it has a mixture of things in there for relieving pain and inflamation, for headaches, lavender and chamomille to relax you, well, you get the picture.

    and if you think about it, certain smells make you feel good. that's why you keep going back to them. anything minty really "peps" me up.. when i get more experienced at candle making and more into b&b i will be experimenting with the aromatherapy more. I think a lot of people are into that. kind of has that day at the spa type feeling. I know i seen somewhere that had fragrance oils called "relaxatiion" "energy" and something else along those lines, but now i don't remember where i saw it. :cry2:

    i'm sure there are a ton more sites out there so just pm me if you're looking for something particular. my hubby tells me i'm very good at finding things on the internet that others can't find!!


  9. here's a site to order candle fragrances from, if you need any... look under the botanicals, citrus,


    I think i was reading about Sola's having some very good oils too.


    even more inclusive list of "aromatherapy oils" and their properties.. http://www.aromaland.com/shop/index.cfm?fuseaction=customer.productcat&product_code=20CALE20&category_code=13

    emotional uses for aromatherapy: http://www.naturesgift.com/emotbl.htm


  10. here's a site i found, as i really believe in aromatherapy. it lists the essential oil and when you click on it, you get the effects, scent, properties and uses of each essential oil. It also tells you what other oils you can mix with that create good scents.. http://www.aworldofaromatherapy.com/essential-oils-atoz.htm hope that helps you in your quest to add more aromatherapy products to your line. i make wax dipped bears and i just did one in eucalyptus/peppermint. and let me tell you, i felt good after i made it. i also made a wickless candle out of it. i can say i'm surprised by how good it smells. i will be getting more of that scent for some more candles and b&b. eucalyptus and peppermint is also great when you have a cold-it really opens your sinuses.

    For me, peppermint really rejuvenates me. i use a foot lotion, a tired leg gel, etc. that has peppermint in them. the smell is also said to improve your mood by increasing serotonin.


    good luck..


  11. I ordered FO's from them a few months back and was happy, but don't think i ordered wax.

    That is just as cheap as the waxhouse/scentmaster price and i wouldn't need to have 250#'s of it sitting around.

    Thanks. I think i will order my wax at BCN instead of anywhere else!!

    where at in SD are you? I haven't met many people in SD that make candles/b&B so it would be nice to have a buddy in my own state.


  12. Kymber,

    I am in Mobridge, SD. I have a friend who has family out in Rapid that could pick it up for me. so i emailed them to see what they would charge if you picked it up there. It was still $14 to ship it to them, on top of their already higher price of about $50 for 50#'s. i was getting it from Millcreek soy but the shipping was as expensive as the wax itself-but still cheaper than Moonglo... that's when i found waxhouse.

    Where in SD are you? I had wanted to try to keep business local, but at that kind of price i can't afford to. plus, charging a $2 handling fee when they aren't even handling it seemed kinda riddiculous to me!!

    What is the cost of getting the 200#'s to you? i had looked into that and didn't look like i was saving any money.


  13. has anyone ordered from this company lately? www.waxhouse.com

    i found a few posts on it from way back in march but not many people had ordered from them.

    I'm looking mainly at their soy wax-i need to get it a little cheaper than i have been. I had been spending $80 for 50#'s(includes the shipping). I did find some at Northstar for about $60 including shipping. but would be about $50 w/shipping from wax house. you have to buy 250#'s and price is 95cents per #, plus the shipping is free. that is like getting 1 box of wax for free.

    Just wondering if anyone else had ordered from them as i really don't want to order 250 #'s of wax and have a bad experience that could have been prevented.



    ps, i'm in SD i tried moon glow but their prices are more expensive in the first place, plus $20 shipping, plus $2 handling, plus the state tax. $2 to handle? they don't ever even see the wax. is shipped from wherever they get it. i asked about picking it up there-said the shipping would still be the same, go figure. so that is out of the question.

  14. I told you on chat i loved this, but thought i'd post for all to see.

    You amaze me. I would love to be able to make something this awesome. I'm just getting started, therefore a lot of practice, supplies to be purchased, and things to learn by asking lots of questions.

    Someday when i'm ready i hope mine turn out as good!! And i love how you "dressed up" the picture without overdoing it. Showing someone how they could display it in their home gets their creative ideas flowing and i think encourages them to buy more-imo anyways!!

    and I just ordered my daystar oils-the pressure finally got to me. I got tired of hearing everyone say how great these oils are!! so, now i will find out for myself.

    what a lucky customer-i hope she appreciates it-i know i sure would!!!

    Thanks for sharing with us!!!

  15. I want to open a candle type biz-and what i mean by that is candle type stuff and also some gift type stuff. I am fortunate to live in a town that LOVES handmade items. Plus, we have a lot of farmers and their wives LOVE to shop. i need to make about $1000 profit-and by that i mean that much $$ goes to the house payment.

    Maybe Bruce should have read this part.. to be more specific, i should say i will be selling a variety of items related to candles-wax dipped teddy bears, tarts, tart warmers, some wickless candles, jar warmers, herbal items, gift frames, etc.

    The only thing i need to test are the tarts and the tart warmers which i have done already. and yes, i do know what i need to retail to get $1000 profit-i've done the math. it's not an overnight thing. I have until August of next year. and as long as it's close, i'm ok, it doesn't have to be exactly $1000. and, i am looking for something else to go along with this so all my eggs are not in one basket.

    I realize you were trying to be realistic-but, could you put a positive spin on it instead of being so negative? I don't want to act defensive, but i'm not going to let you or anyone else ruin my dreams either. I am being realistic-and i can tell you which would drive me crazier faster-the screaming kids!!!

  16. I'm so glad you posted this question. I was just asking Dani the same question. I do daycare and desperately need to get out. In the small town that i live in, jobs pay $6 an hour unless you are qualified for manager type jobs... that's not enough to even leave my house for, after all the things they take out of it. Plus, with daycare i don't have to leave my house, pay for daycare, buy fancy clothes, spend $$ going out to eat every day, etc. so, while daycare does offer me a lot of benefits, it is also driving me crazy.

    I want to open a candle type biz-and what i mean by that is candle type stuff and also some gift type stuff. I am fortunate to live in a town that LOVES handmade items. Plus, we have a lot of farmers and their wives LOVE to shop. i need to make about $1000 profit-and by that i mean that much $$ goes to the house payment.

    I already have what i need thanks to a gift from my mother. I think i have the determination to make this work, after all, i opened a daycare 6 years ago with barely anything, and now, it is an awesome set up. Unfortunately, the kids just aren't there, people want too cheap a rate, the hours suck, 5:30 am to 6 pm, there's still after hours work to be done, and i just don't have the kind of kids i want (have some screamers and can't afford to get rid of them). so, i've decided i have to make this work, or i'm going to go crazy.

    I think in order to make a decent profit, you need to come up with a "business plan". what do you want to sell, who will you sell it to, where will you sell it, is there a need/desire for your product, can you offer something that the next guy can't?... plus, then you need to make a budget and stick to it. do your research before you just purchase items. or like the other girls suggested you will nickel and dime yourself to death. get the best deals, look around all the supplier websites-there is a link on here for a number of candle/bath and body suppliers, read the forums for things others have tried-what works, what doesn't.. ask friends and family what they think of your products.

    I'm just getting started, and like you wondering if i could ever make a biz. out of this, and i say "yes, you can" if you want to, you can do anything you set your mind to. just realize, as others have said, it's not going to be easy. Marketing yourself will probably be the toughest part..

    would like to keep in contact with you and others. maybe we can help each other realize our dreams!!

    Good Luck!!


  17. i did a search on the web, and for some reason i had thought i had searched the forums instead!!! too many late nights. I apologize for repeating an earlier thread...

    so, for those of you who have wahm shoppes as your web host/ site builder, would you please link your sites or pm me with them as i'd like to get some ideas on what kinds of sites they can "build"

    thanks (and sorry!!)

  18. ok, i've done a lot of things to get my business ready. i've got my address reserved. but now i need to get a web host and a store front going. I want something easy for now, but has the ability to be personalized later. I also want a shopping cart and the ability to use pay pal for credit cards-which i have set up already too.

    who did you use for your webhost/internet store and why? and cost if you know.

    i used godaddy.com to reserve domain name. i have my business email through them and so far i'm impressed. but, don't know what to think about their "website tonight".

    thanks for the help.


  19. i'm new here but did a search and found this company. http://www.yessupplyco.com/products/jars5.htm seems like they are very reasonable 75 cents for 8 oz(jar only), $1.74 for 16 oz (includes lid) can order w/o for cheaper price-but i would want lids for keeping fragrance in jmo, and $1.86 each for 26 oz w/lid... and for 8 oz you order 24, and for the 16 oz and 26 oz. you must order a dozen.

    don't know if that's the cheapest, but i've been looking for containers period and that seems like a very reasonable price to me. even the mason jars I paid about 35 cents for...

    hope someone else can help you-i dont know if that's reasonable for this particular line of jars...


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