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Posts posted by EmpressC

  1. Thanx for all the great advice and info. I purchased the cp kit from BCN which comes with canola, palm and coconut oils. So that should be a good way to start.

    Now I just wish I didn't have to wait so long for soap to cure. I'm gonna go nuts waiting to try out my batches! :embarasse

  2. Well, I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna attempt to make CP soap! :yay: :embarasse I am wondering if any experienced soapers can tell me if this is a good recipe. I want the soap to be luxurious and conditioning and lathery and clean and....perfect! I know it won't be perfect, but I want to know if it's a good start. And any advice on what I could/should change to make it more _____.

    18.24 oz water

    6.80 oz lye

    6.24 oz babassu

    8.16 oz coconut oil (76 degree)

    4.80 oz avocado oil

    1.44 oz stearic

    12.00 oz peach kernal oil

    12.00 oz sweet almond oil

    3.36 oz shea butter

    I did run these numbers through soapcalc, but since this is my first time, I don't really know what to look for. TIA!

  3. I for one am glad to see this thread. It is good information to have. I want to spend my money with a company that not only provides a good product but good service as well. It says a lot when a company is defensive versus doing everything in their power to make things right BEFORE their mistakes are brought to a public forum. Shouldn't have had to come to this. I know it is probably difficult to please some customers who just want you to kiss their arse, but it sounds like luckymom tried in good faith to rectify a situation. Yet the same can't be said about the supplier.

    If a supplier is too busy to resolve problems, that's fine. Just means they are too busy to get my hard-earned $$$.


  4. My opinion is that you used too much in additives first off. 4T of each of those just seems like too much. But to salvage it, try adding Dr. Bronner's liquid soap to it. I've gotten great results with it for adding the lather back. It might help this batch, it might not. If it doesn't it's cuz you used too much of each additive. I've found you really don't need to add a whole lot to get a good effect. An addition of about 5% additives to a pound of base is sufficient...based on my experience. Anything over that and you seriously decrease the lather, but you can always add it back with Dr. Bronner's. To me it helps better than coconut or castor oil or even glycerin.

    HTH :D

  5. I have the same disagreement with my wonderful boyfriend. He likes things lightly scented. But I keep telling him he's not the "average" consumer. My experience is that woman in particular want their scent moderately strong and want it to last as long as possible (i.e., all day). At least that's been my experience.

    Think of the people you plan to sell to and what THEY might want. Natural products are somewhat more expected to have a not so strong scent. Fragrance perfumes, I think stronger is better...though not overpowering.

  6. Hi all you wonderfully wise CT people! I have a question. I made a body butter using olive oil. I like it but it's a bit too greasy. Someone suggested I add cornstarch to it. I'm unfamiliar with how to do this. Can I just add it by itself and mix it in? Or will it clump? Also, how much should I add?

    Any suggestions would be much appreciated! TIA!

  7. Wow! That is some nerve of you neighbor!!

    I am interested in other's suggestions on how to deal with people like that as well. I don't sell yet either, but I can foresee that sort of thing as a potential problem that I do not want to have to deal with. LOL!

    I think I would just ask for the product back and not even offer a replacement. That is some nerve seeing as she didn't even pay for the product in the first place!!! I would also ask her when she plans to pay for the rest of the things she received. If she's a fair person, she should come up with the money right away. If not, then I just would not deal with her anymore unless it's on a cash/credit card basis.

    Good luck on that one!

  8. Oooh, EO's... I swore I'd never get into them, stop it damnit.

    (As I sit checking out EOU this morning... :D)

    I didn't get the notice till today... I won't do it. Not enough time to plot properly.

    What's EOU? :confused: I'm always interested in finding new sites for EOs.

  9. I've ordered from WSP plenty of times. It has never taken longer than 2 days for them to ship. Usually it's only 1 day. I can only guess that they must be backlogged a bit. I'd shoot them an email with the order number to find out what's going on. NEVER have I orded on a Monday and still not gotten shipped before Friday. Something's up.

  10. Here is the recipe you are looking to make.. it is from www.lotioncrafter.com

    Body Butter Bliss

    If you've been wanting to duplicate the feel of The Body Shop's Body Butter look no further! Our Body Butter Bliss is a luscious and stable emulsified butter which offers a rich emolliency with a quick, greaseless dry down and long lasting hydration for the skin. Made with shea butter and tocopherol-rich rice bran oil, along with glycerin for added humectancy and dimethicone for its skin protectant properties, this body butter will prove to be a real customer pleaser!

    Percent Grams



    Phase A 58.1 581 19.37 Distilled Water

    0.2 2 0.07 Xanthan Gum

    3.0 30 1.00 Glycerin

    0.2 2 0.07 Tetrasodium EDTA

    Phase B 3.5 35 1.17 Lotionpro 165

    8.0 80 2.67 Rice Bran Oil

    4.0 40 1.33 Lotioncrafter FCO

    12.0 120 4.00 Shea Butter Refined

    2.0 20 0.67 Cetearyl Alcohol

    2.0 20 0.67 Behenyl Alcohol

    0.7 7 0.23 CoviOx T-50

    0.8 8 0.27 Phenonip

    2.0 20 0.67 Dimethicone 350

    Phase C 3.0 30 1.00 Lotioncrafter LC8515 or LC995

    0.5 5 0.17 Fragrance (adjust to suit)

    Phase D Q.S. Q.S. Q.S. Citric Acid (20% Solution)


    Just wondering if anyone has made this recipe? If so, how did it turn out? I'm thinking of giving it a try.

  11. I ordered samples from WSP, Peak's, Daystar and ICS. The only 2 I was really pleased with were from WSP: Midnight Pomegranate and Henri Bendel Pomegranate. While all scents proved to be pleasant, the WSP ones were quite strong as well. I haven't tried them in wax yet. I'm just referring to B&B.

  12. I've read where this is the easiest soap to make. Am I making it harder than I should?

    Yep. Best thing to do is just give it a try. Not exactly sure what style m&p you're trying to do. Regardless, you have to just jump in and do it. Fastest way to learn is on-the-job training. ;)

    Good luck and have fun.

  13. I've tried all 3. I honestly didn't notice much difference in them, but others have said different. Since I didn't notice much difference, I opted for the Shea Butter base, to which I add other oils. Personally, I like it. Once I began adding a touch of this and a bit of that, I liked it even more. I've sold it with and without additives. Either way, my customers tell me they LOVE it.

  14. I ordered samples of virtually all mentioned, except NG's. But I will! This is gonna be a pomegranate weekend for me!!! Thanx for all the suggestions.

    Hey Groovy Chic, I have a sample of the Midnight Pomegranate and Henri Bendel Pomegranate, both from WSP. They smell very similar. Have you tried both? How does the Midnight Pom. sell for you? Thanx.

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