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Posts posted by EmpressC

  1. I have Mango Papaya FO with a flash point of 155. My wax is IGI 4625 with a melting point of 141 degrees. I usually mix and pour my wax at 175 - 180 degrees. Obviously, that won't be possible with this FO.

    Can anyone tell me what one normally does with an FO with such a low FP? Do I keep the temp of the wax at about 150 or lower? And if so, any ideas on what sort of effect this might have on the appearance of the finished candle?


  2. That really is kinda messed up! I think I would cancel the order altogether. There's no reason you should have to pony up extra cash because of their error. If they advertised a certain price they should honor it. And do a better job of calculating total cost next time. Plain and simple!

  3. Thanx Scented. I was thinking my wicks must be too big.

    I've been burning them for almost 1.5 hours and they are dwindling fast. The wax is just pouring over the sides. I know they're supposed to burn for at least 10 hours, so I'm looking at them like, WTF??? (Starting to see why everyone says, "Test, Test, TEST!!" Sigh...)

    I'll get some of those votive holders and try, try again.

    This is kinda fun!!! :cheesy2:

  4. Wow! This is GREAT, Scented. Thanx for finding it and reposting it! :yay:

    I am testing votives right now, and some of these things I didn't consider. For example, I am burning 4 (to test the various wicks) and have each in a different room as well to test the fragrance. I had not considered the fact that room sizes are varied. That helps me to make sure I'm testing accurately.

    Here's a question (to ALL): Is it a bad thing if the wax ends up running over the sides of votives? Or is this to be expected? All 4 that I am burning have had this happen. So just wondering if this is ok or not, or if I should be looking to test even MORE wicks.


  5. Just would like to know if people have specific ways of testing things??? In other words, do you have a methodical way of testing candles? If so, care to share?

    I know to test scent throw, wick size, burn rate. Anything else? Also, should one also test different candle styles? By that I mean, if I have a 3 same-size pillars (one rustic, one layered, one plain), do I need to test for each style? Or can I expect to get the same result, all other things constant?


  6. Thanx all, for the honest replies. I agree that if I am asking the question, I must already know the answer. I am just anxious and eager to participate. But I do not want to put out a crappy product, that's for sure! I will continue on with my learning and testing and when the time is right, I'll move forward.

    I guess I just needed some objective opinions.

  7. Hi all,

    With the craft fair season ahead, I would really like to get into a few events. Even at this late date, I can still get into a couple in November. However, I am very new to candle-making. A part of me just wonders if I am moving too fast. I still have a lot of testing to do, so I want to ask others, based on their experience, when is a person ready for a craft fair?

    I keep wondering, what if I run out of products? What other considerations are there in these events?

    Am I worrying for nothing or what? Should a person be at a certain point before they exhibit at a craft fair? How much product is enough? How much is too much?

    A million questions... Any answers would be appreciated. Thanx.

  8. I can't seem to make any combinations out of their three names. But, based on your screen name and signature, I can see that your faith is important to you. Why not try to convey that in some way. What about "Trinity Soy Candles & Gifts"? A double entendre, if you will: the trinity of the Christian faith, and the trinity of your youths. Just a thought. Good luck. :)

  9. Hi all,

    I posted this same thread in the General Candle Making Discussion forum, but later realized it might be best served here. (Sorry mods.)

    I'm new to candle making and was just wondering what everyone's favorite seasonal/Christmas scents are. I don't really have a lot of time to buy tons of samples, so I figure this will help me get a good idea of popular scents for the season and I can go from there and pick my own favorites.

    I tried doing a search but didn't come up with much. TIA.santa big

  10. Thanx all for the quick reply.

    Go to the fragrance discussion forum and do a search and you'll find tons of info on what works best for the really experienced peeps on here.

    I didn't even think of that! That's where I should've posted this thread.

    Again, thanx all...and keep 'em coming! :D

  11. Hi all,

    I'm new to candle making and was just wondering what everyone's favorite seasonal/Christmas scents are. I don't really have a lot of time to buy tons of samples, so I figure this will help me get a good idea of popular scents for the season and I can go from there and pick my own favorites.

    I tried doing a search but didn't come up with much. TIA.santa big

  12. Hi all,

    I am planning on making a second bedroom in my home my candle work area. I am concerned, however, about getting wax onto the carpet. So I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas on what I could use to cover the floors. I thought about a vinyl floor mat, like the ones used for office chairs so that they roll easily, but obviously that wouldn't be big enough.

    I know I can't be the first person to try to work on top of a carpeted space, so just wondering what others have done. Thanx.

  13. I'm not QUITE sure what you're asking.....um, I am using three separate colors, white and two shades of plum, but they are layered - are you maybe thinking of draped layers? If you have any questions, let me know and I'll try to help ya :)

    Thanks everyone else - and Vicky - I got my pillar holder on clearance for five bucks! Yippee! Too bad there was only one!

    Hi, thanks for the clarification. I could see the 2 shades of plum but I wasn't sure if the white was just part of the rustic effect or if it was part of the entire candle.

    Is the white sort of poured on an angle or something?

    (I can see I need to do a lot of playing around to get a better idea of how to achieve certain looks.)

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