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Posts posted by Landa

  1. I made my 4th batch os CP soap today with a fairly simple recipe. Everything turned out perfect. I add the color and do a BEAUTIFUL SWIRL in the pot. I pour it in the mold and what do I see? I forgot the danged fragrance!!! I was so mad and I didnt wanna waste it becuase I didnt have the sample 2 oz thing it came in. So I pour it back in my soap pot and mix it and pour it back in the mold. Sooooooooooo disaapointed in myself LOL:mad:

  2. It sounds like things were way to hot. It looks like you did not use FO or EO. Sometimes that is what causes an instant set-up. I use room temp lye (usually mixed the night before) and oils around 120 to mix.

    There is always rebatching......

    That little bit of temp. difference would mess up my soap? Darn it! Oh well try again tmw

  3. Ok I tried this recipe:

    Castor 3,2oz.

    AKO 3.2 oz.

    Avocado 1.6oz.

    Coconut 4.8oz.

    Shea Butter 1.6 oz.

    Olive 12.8oz.

    Lard 4.8oz

    When I combined the lye water and the oils. It immediately became thick before I even got to stirring well. What do you think caused it? I mean it looked like it had traced already. Does the temperature of the oils have something to do with it.

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