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aroma of the light

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  • About You
    Making candle is my biggest hobby. Whenever I'm sad, whenever I'm glad, I'd light a scented candle. Well, I'm not good at writting in English but I love to read and share all about candle.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. How do you use coconut oil, if you don't mind sharing with me. I have very cheap coconut oil source right next to my house but every time I tried to use it, I messed it up.
  2. Thank you Dcroome! Always been thinking that would be too oily so that I never tried 100% palm wax formula. BTW, adore your Chocolate one
  3. Well, some of my friends show me a very soft appearance glass container (palm + paraffin wax). It feels like kind of cream/vaseline. I've tried to figure it out with no result the last few days. I tried petrolatum in the formula but is doesn't help much. Maybe the % ( palm wax, paraffin, petrolatum) is not quite right. Do you guys have smt to suggest me, help me out, pls! Thanks!
  4. Yes, this is true. For exemple, the best quality/most expensive paraffin wax is ab 0.92 $ ex-work price per kg, (from China, Malaysia, India...) while palm wax is ab 0.70$/kg.
  5. Wow, that's beautiful. It looks like mable effect on your candles. How did you do that. I mean, it's not 100% Palm wax, is it? if you don't mind
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