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Posts posted by blazerina

  1. Awesome!:yay:

    So happy for you! And not only did you fix it, but it sounds like you even went so far as to be able to figure out WHAT was the problem in the first place. This is when my ultimate stubbornness comes out.

    "Yeah yeah yeah, I fixed it, it's fine now, but what WAS IT??" <~~~ That's me when I have a problem like that- after which I spend hours on end, annoying everyone, trying to figure it out because I just CAN NOT give up on it til I KNOW. :angry2:

    KWIM? :rolleyes2

    Very glad ya got it taken care of!

  2. Hmm.. i'm really wishing I could recreate this for myself so I could 'see' it. It's very hard for me to think in abstract terms if you know what I mean... gotta SEE it, lol.

    What version of MS Pub. are you working with? I think mine is 2000 and the one I use at work is 2002. They are very different. I much much prefer my older version. If yours is not newer than mine, then you could send me the file and I can see if I can deconstruct it. But if it's newer it won't let me open it.

    On the one hand, I don't totally understand the custom AND template combo... but on the other hand, I totally manipulate ms pub in all kinds of crazy ways and that's why I love it, lol. So i'm sure you are just describing a way that you have found works best for you. And like I said, my imagination for the abstract is nonexistent.:rolleyes2

    I'm guessing also that you are not able to find it's border, correct? So as to be able to outline it and make it clickable or moveable? If you could, or can get an outline on it try hitting ctrl and T. That should at least make it transparent (aka invisible- unless an outline remains of course. But then you should be able to click for options and go down to 'change object', then 'line' then either click 'no line' or make it a white line depending on the color of your label background) OR you have made your text box transparent already and design format behind it is showing through. This is where you need to be able to shrink the box to get an idea what may be under it. And pressing ctrl T again would make it not transparent.

    But I just get the feeling you know all this already, lol. So hopefully, if you want to, if you are willing, your version isn't too new and you can send it my way for a look see. ?

  3. You could be right... might be a driver issue...but I use Publisher extensively and i'm going to try to see if maybe there is something you can do to fix it.

    First I need to know if what you are saying is that there is essentially a black square sitting on top or below the full size of your label. Does it fill the entire label? Or is it a smaller square, etc?

    Did you use the built in label maker template or did you customize a label sheet by making a few boxes and copy and pasting them to your page set up/ design?

    If it was the built in template, it only shows you one label at a time to format right? So it's probably then NOT a stray design component. They would all show up same as the ONE you formatted.

    If it was customized then there is more chance of that stray.

    Going on that possibility- have you tried to shrink the top layer down enough to see if there is anything underneath to click on? You may have, as Farmer suggested, put something to the back or accidentally done a fill. It just won't show up if the box on top of it is either bigger or same size.:confused:

  4. Also sorry for the Ot... but I wanted to clarify...

    The reason that I pinpoint Pay Pal as the source for the debit card # hack is this...

    I have a varified account, and it comes out of my checking. (I don't use credit cards) I made the mistake of not reading the details of an auction. I looked to make sure they accepted PayPal, but apparently there were special instructions denoting which KIND of PP account the guy accepted. So when I went to pay with my Varified account, it wouldn't go through. I went back to my invoice and then back to the actual auction page and there I seen the details... PP only if it is a 'Confirmed' account. So I go back to PP to see how exactly to do this in order to honor my commitment to pay this guy. It said I could do it with a CC or a bank card. PP had my bank account #... but not my debit card #. Two dif things. So that was cool with me, just add my debit card # and become comfirmed. Well, i'm pretty sure the form to do so required the security code on the back of the card.

    It was that SAME DAY that someone posted a $79 transaction to my account, using my card and that 3 digit security #. The seller had been selling for 6 yrs...had good feedback... and I got my item. I'm not saying it WASN'T him, or that it WAS specifically PP... i'm only saying that somewhere with in that transaction is where it went wrong.

    Either that, or someone was very quick to memorize or write down not only my card # but also the 3 digit security code on the back... and they knew my addy... and not my zip.

    I hope that explains it better. :)

  5. Latenight is right...

    In December I was taken for $79 on my bank debit card. (didn't have that much in there so you can imagine the overdraft fees) The bank could only tell me that it was 'keyed' in rather than swiped. They said my address matched, but the zip they gave didn't, but they had my security code so stupid Cricket Communications approved it. :angry2: Why wouldn't I know my own freakin zip code!? I use my bank account and card for pay pal to buy little stuff off Ebay, and classies here. I've never spent over $35 at once on the card ever, but it wasn't enough to alert anyone either. I only knew because I like to check my balance online right before I pay for something. I don't get paper statements.

    Anyways, I have NO idea how EXACTLY, but it had to be paypal. My card was not 'lost' or anything, no one else had it. So they could really have no clue. It's amazing what people get away with and how easy it can be for them.

    I'm still hoping though that it works out for you and maybe is legit like Soapmon suggested. But then again, I'm not above being naieve- and i'm not even sure I can spell it, lol.

    Good luck, let us know what you find out!

  6. Well I FINALLY did it... I chose a scale!

    After an embarassingly large amount of hours browsing Amazon.com in order to spend a Gift Certificate from there... I decided on the Escali. (and some talk black boots :naughty: and some silicone molds) It has excellent reviews and was affordable for a first scale.

    Looks nice too... I chose the black although I wanted the red. But they wanted $3 more JUST BECAUSE it was red:rolleyes2 . It's the principle of the thing!

  7. I've also only done it a few times....but then again i've only made a few dozen batches of tarts so far, lol. I love to layer though. And I do not have a thermometer yet, ack! So needless to say I get a few that have gotten too cool by the time I get that end of the tray mold.

    The only advice I can offer is to make sure there are no drafts- they cool faster than you would think. There is a very fine line between too warm and too cool. (If they are too cool the layers will just come apart- too warm they will blend)

    Also if you can, avoid pouring the second layer directly into the middle of the tart. This is where it is the warmest still and the force of the new wax coming down on top of it can cause it to cave.

    So just be sure you have everything set up BEFORE you start. You have to be careful and take your time, but at the same time, be on top of everything. If you are using the double boiler method, i'd have two going, rather than switching off. It may seem like you have time to melt your second layer while the first one is cooling, but odds are... ya won't. Cuz when it's ready for a second layer, boy is it ready, and ya can't wait a minute too long.

    ONe more thing, I recently read on here, sorry can't recall or i'd give credit where credit is due... but they said when they do layers in their soap they score the exposed surface with a fork before pouring the second layer. They felt it helped the layers to adhere. Makes absolute sense to me and it should work in wax just the same. Also exposing some of the unmelted wax could only act as it's own 'glue' for the next layer. If this is done in the center it wouldn't be noticeable on the outside of the tart.

    Having said all this, depending on your mold shape, there is only so much you can do sometimes. Good luck and please post pics of how it turns out:cheesy2:

  8. Just putting in my :2cents: in regards to preference.

    I don't really like them either. I think mostly I just don't really understand them, lol. They should be called Balm Bars instead of Lotion Bars. A lotion goes all over the body in large areas. A Lotion Bar is WAY too much of a pain to try to do this with. They are great for spot treatments though.

    And I think if you gave it an 'added benefit' somehow like... for itch releif, or as Chris mentioned- bug bites, super duper healer for dry cracked elbows etc, they would make more sense to customers.

    I do have ONE customer who gets itchy legs but since he works with his hands he can't use lotions because it will make his hands soft and they get nicked and banged easier he says. So he is the perfect candidate for this kind of 'hands free' application. And then there are those who might want to apply it at work and don't want to go back to the keyboard or other tools of the trade all moisturized/greased up and dropping things just because they wanted to apply some to their knees or elbows or something. These instances though are few. But if you market it in a way that gears buyers up for a specific use they might take to them really well. For instance, I'd be more likely to buy it as a 'portable solution' to heavy bottles of lotion.

    Not only am I the type that needs to read everything on the package so I feel confident I'm using it right, I also need to be conviced that I REALLY need it in the first place, lol.

  9. Master's suggestion would work.... Purple is the color of royalty. Prince = Royal, even if they don't get it, lol. How bout Purple People Cleaner instead of Eater . Yanno how people can be about home made soap- I always try to play Devil's advocate and I wonder what will come to mind if you put 'eater' with soap... as though it eats your skin away... lol......never mind....

    The green is my favorite in the gallery today! (and i'm liking a lot lately! I don't too often comment since i'm not too educated on what i'm seeing. But purty is purty!) There is something about the texture, i'm assuming because of the quick trace- but it is completely unique. You still managed to get a wonderful swirl. The form it took just gives it a multi level indulgence and even makes it look like it would be a hefty bar if that makes any sense.

    I just love it, lol. What else can I say?

    Amber & Musk.... since you mentioned they have a nice 'stone' look to them, maybe stick with the Amber and do something like Amber Glow, Amber Sky, Amazing (or Awesome) Amber, Absolute Amber (stuck on the A's:rolleyes2 )

    Moving on, lol....

    BSM = Therapy Garden, Healing Garden, Garden Chill - yup i like that one if the mint is strong. I also like Jenniejr's idea of Happily Herbal After!

  10. I'm guessing Crystala seen it done somewhere and is wondering about the viability of it?

    Personally I wouldn't want to risk putting anything up to my mouth that couldn't sit out on the table in 75 degree (or warmer) weather and not turn or attract flies, lol.

    Maybe there is a way to use dehydrated food... like what the military/survivalists use?? :confused:

  11. First of all- everything is lovely... the soap petals picture really well. They look flawless!

    Second...I've always wondered... though I think I know the answer, lol... i'm just wondering what other's think....

    So what if you leave the candy on the tub truffle... it will melt right? Is there 'really' any harm in a few peices of candy in 30+ gallon tub of water???? KWIM???

    I'm pretty sure there are people who sell bath cupcakes with real candy sprinkles on them...surely you aren't supposed to pick off the sprinkles. :confused:

    It's sugar.... and sugar scrubs are great for the skin, right? Just thinking out loud, lol.

    Even with a broken cam your pics are pretty durn good. I love the color scheme and how everything fits so nicely together. Excellent!

  12. I have only used hang tag type labels for salt tubes. I think so much of the beauty is in being able to actually see the product clearly so i've just never wanted to cover it. I make my hang tags square or round and you can work it out so that you actually have 4 surfaces or squares or circles, whatever- to put text on. The very back or an extra individual tag is used for the ingredients. I take a hole punch to the corner of it and use either stretchy gold cording, raffia or thin ribbon to tie it on.

    Hope you find what works for you.

  13. I did a quick search out of my own curiosity and came up with this so far...


    Looks like a 32 ft roll, but I only see bleached and unbleached, no colors. I also don't see any ordering minimums or anything, but again it was just a quick scan of the site.

    Here is another with colors. http://www.1stopsquare.com/emagination/springroll.html

    There seem to be a lot of sites offering it, but again, i'm not sure exactly what you are looking for, so I don't know if i've helped or not, lol.

  14. One thing I've learned recently is that 'Vegan' does not only describe how a person eats. A true Vegan, for example, will not wear real leather shoes or use products that have been tested on animals,(which most of us TRY not to do anyways)-But it goes way deeper than just what they eat.

    ( I guess petroleum comes from fossil fuels...aka really old dead animals.... so they won't use it- I'm guessing. Must be hard to be a vegan and get around if you dont' have a hybrid vehicle)

    I've been trying to spend a GC on Amazon and decided to look for some boots... it threw me off for a second when I seen 'Vegan Boots'. Lol, that just means they are fake leather, all man made materials. They just turn it into a marketing tactic. Although some manufacturers really do EVERYTHING in the Vegan way- that I can respect.

    I don't know if there is a way to KNOW exactly if FO's in general are or not. And each FO is made up of so many different components that is different than another FO on your shelf right next to it. Your only hope might be to directly contact the company for specs per FO, and hope they aren't too secreative or unknowledgable about it. BUT I'm sure, SOMEWHERE there is a seller/chandler who is also Vegan, who has done this research already. Your best bet might be to seek them out for help.

    Good luck finding the info you need.

  15. If that fails, ah heck...just grind 'em up, bag 'em and sell as fizzies!:yay:

    This reminded me of a product I recently seen while browsing on Amazon. They were selling a plastic jar of what they called '...blasted or crumbled bath bombs.' Supposedly they WERE bath bombs, but they INTENTIONALLY crumbled them for your convenience....:rolleyes2 Yeah right, whatever, lol. Genius way to market your crumbs though, I gotta give it to them for that. I suppose in a round about way it could be the result of crumblage from the production process. (aka bottom of the bowl and drying rack crumbs)

    My tip is the same as has already been mentioned... definitely overfill and when you put them out to dry, try to set them so that one half is on top of the other as opposed to each on their end.

  16. Baby.... chocolate....

    I see a really good reason to break one of those beauties in! ;)

    They are very nice and clean looking... really- very nice!

    I did notice one thing - if you remember to underpour just a bit you won't have the excess edges. I'm not even very good at taking my own advice though, lol:rolleyes2

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