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Posts posted by judyvega

  1. I'm digging the top ones, for sure - second set is a very pretty color - third set is great, also - doesn't look so much like you swished it so much as maybe it bled a little? Glad your others got snapped up in such a hurry, although I would've loved to have seen them :cheesy2:

  2. I know scented, but when I click on it, it still does not enlarge it that much. I have seen some really great pictures on here that enlarge almost off the screen and are still crystal clear. How is this done? I uploaded the second picture at a much higher pixel size and it still does not enlarge very much. I have a 7.1 mp camera which I am using to full potential. Oh well, I was just hoping that the texture would show up more, the picture does not do it justice.

    I can see the texture in the second pic quite well, Tammy. I think we can get the idea from that one :)

  3. That is gorgeous... Hate the FO as I have a customer who likes this FO and it's just way too overpowering for me.. Where did you get the FO? I get mine from NG.. But back to the pillar- YOU ROCK!!!!

    Bought it from the classies - think it's from candle cocoon - I'm not too crazy about it myself, but thought I'd see how it works out. Glad you like it :cheesy2:

  4. Hadn't used the mold for rustics before (it's metal, not aluminum) - wasn't sure how it would turn out, but not too bad. The thing I noticed about the metal is that it did tend to get hotter than my other molds, so there are a couple of spots of straight mottle w/no rustic, but that doesn't bother me - adds more character lol. I made this one for us to use here at the house for fall decoration. Almost three lbs of wax, took forever! Thanks for looking :)


  5. I hand out ornies here and there, also. Um, like I gave some out at our vet's office since we are always freaking there w/one of our six animals it seems. I handed out five, and I have gotten several candle orders from them, w/more for Christmas on the way. Also hairstylist, servers at restaurants along w/their tip (if they seem to not be a ditzy college kid who I wouldn't trust w/an actual candle lol), things like that. Just another idea to throw out there along w/Barncat's (sorry, not trying to hijack your thread) :)

  6. Crafty - yours have it all, tilts, layers, and frosting. They look great.

    EmpressC - Looks like you got some good frosting.

    Tina, should we be doing something to cool the molds between pours when we are working in the kitchen vs a cooler basement?

    I don't know how much the temp variation is - I mean, you can put a cool cloth around the mold in between layers, but I don't know if it will make a difference or not. You can pour two and do that on one and not the other and see if it's worth the trouble.

  7. Thanks for the encouragement folks :) I realised the mold I'd used had a slight dent in it (wondered why it was at the back of the cupboard lol) Had left it overnight and its getting pretty darned cold here just now. Have been playing with the wax again this evening, now using a proper tbsp measure and it seems just to have a pretty snowflaky pattern rather than big clumps of white going through it, so fingers crossed this one will come out ok. Can't wait to get my wick pins it is a bit of a nightmare keeping the wick straight, but still having fun playing with these.

    Oh yeah, the dent would make it very difficult to remove - I had a dented mold once, it really sucked. Can't wait to see this new one :)

  8. And DON'T hate mottling ... (the snowflake crap lol). A rustic mottle is just as pretty as a rustic.

    I agree w/that. In fact, I think they look better w/mottle. But I'm always odd man out most of the time lol.

    Practice makes perfect, you're coming right along! I'm going downstairs to my shop right now to play :D

    Oh, and if you're having to practically dig it out of the mold, it doesn't sound like you're waiting long enough to unmold? You aren't trying to rush it, are you?

  9. I used 1 pound 1343, 3 Tbsp of stearic, poured at 150, room temp was 65-68 degrees. Might have used too much FO at 1 oz (too used to containers). One of the things I missed in your instructions was the side-to-side movement of the mold after pouring each layer (due to the technical difficulties we were having) - saw that today when I could read through it all better. I messed up there - gave me too harsh of lines. As for the lesser amount of rustic, I wonder if my mold was getting too warm...

    I'm going to give them another try, but will have to wait a few days now - work always gets in my way! ;)

    Well, I'm not sure why the rustic didn't quite happen. My molds get warm when I pour, but like I say, I pour down in the basement, so maybe it's even cooler down there than I think it is. Let's see what happens w/your next batch. I'm sorry I'm not of any more help.

  10. Those are some great tilted pillars!!! As mentioned, I didn't tilt mine. I was too afraid for a first try, but next time I will tilt them for sure! Might do some more today.

    Well, here's a photo of mine. It wasn't exactly what I was hoping for, but close. I've usually only used 4625 wax, but this set is 1343, 3T stearic pp, 1oz FO pp. The pillars are a bit oily. I assume that's FO seepage?

    Oh and I do realize that they are leaning. I haven't leveled them yet. :o

    Those look great - don't be scared of tilting them lol :) If you sprayed your molds w/pam or something beforehand, that can make them feel a little oily when you remove them - mine don't really feel oily when I take them out, but I don't use pam anymore, either. You can pat them dry w/a paper towel if it's really bad.

  11. I am not trying to phase out 1343, I am just not sure is 1343 is hard enough to make an everlasting out of. I use 1260 for my everlasting candles now, but I don't make everlasting rustics. Since 1260 has a high melt point, I thought I would pour at 170 instead of 150. What do you think? I am going to give it a try tonight after I put my son to bed.

    170 is too high to get a rustic effect.

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