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Posts posted by judyvega

  1. I needed to come up w/gifts for Bunco this past week, and I found these tins at the dollar store - Love them! Put in a bag of potpourri, which I scented, wrapped them up and thought they turned out pretty darn cute! I may get more for additional gifts. :) Gotta love the dollar store sometimes lol



  2. Add the dye before the fragrance oil, or you might end up with a lovely dark brown shade for your Spiced Cranberry candles! Nothing like ruining a whole batch of wax and scent by grabbing the wrong bottle of dye!!

    This confuses me. I think most of the peep here (or at least a good percentage of them) add fo before the dye so they can watch it and make sure it incorporates with the wax. And what does that have to do w/ending up grabbing the wrong bottle of dye and ending up with brown candles? I'm perplexed on this one.

  3. I was figuring it was going to take me a year to get the hang of it to where I could start selling them but I have hope. I first thought this was going to be easy. What a fool I was! But now I'm addicited. Unfortunately, there are no classes taught in my small town. I wish I would have known that now. I have already found about 8 sites, including this one, that I am getting a lot of info off. And I have ordered some books online. Also, Not sure if any knows this but Michael's Crafts is useless!!!! I went over there to ask about wicks and they had no idea what i was talking about!

    Just one more question.... I promise.

    What do they call us candle makers in the professional world? Isn't it chandleir?

    Lol at Mizbizzyb. It is broke, for sure. And Chandler. So Broke Chandler, I guess would be the correct terminology. :) I'm still a relative newbie at just coming up on three years. Still learn something new every day, just about.

  4. If it's the rubber ones, I think a sturdy cardboard collar ought to work for suspending them.

    Thanks for that idea - these do have a lip, for sure. I wasn't sure HOW to suspend them. This is so out of my element lol. Have you had experience w/these, then? I hate to pester you with questions, but I'm not sure what techniques I can use w/them. I have some ideas on what I'd like to do w/them, but don't want to waste wax or additives if it won't work.

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