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Posts posted by justrightcandles

  1. Well when you see all of those links do really think about visiting all of those websites? I think it overloads your site with useless information anyways. There is this lady called the ecommerce diva that has a whole website devoted to increasing your traffic on your website. she has some really good info and i participated in one of her free telenars and it was great help. I reached my monthly goal two weeks after following her advice and i am going to buy one of her cd's when i get a chance.


  2. I just met with the chambers of commerce guy and he said he can make it so that I pay quarterly. Like $125, 125, 125 and then 75 at the end. They have a lot of benefits. They have a member to member directory, they have their own newspaper that if I can submit a 500 paper on anything regarding my biz and they will print it for free or any 50 words short paragraph regarding my biz, say I have a new scent next month they will print that for free, one lady referred me already to the university phys where they go by age and not health for small biz and self employed health insurace, and they have like a power mixer lunch where you have lunch and then it is kind of like the speed dating where you sit at a table of 10 to 15 people and go around the table and pass out your cards and talk about your biz, and then after 15 minutes you switch table and do it again and pass out your cards and stuff, and they have a casual one coming out at night in two weeks where it is after hours in a more casual atmosphere and there are not candle people in the chambers yet and they only one gift basket person, and they will do a free ribbon cutting ceremony where they can come to your biz or you go to the chambers and they will just have people there in suits and all and take a picture and cut a ribbon to celebrate your business opening or what ever he said you can even have one for getting the new magnets and he said to bring your car and they will take a picture and put it in the paper and everything.

    I am painfully shy in person though.....i think i am going to take the plunge....yikes....wish me luck. :eek:

  3. Ah man, we don't have a garden ridge here in AZ. Closest one is TX. :sad2:

    i don't like ebay much. i may have to wonder over to pier one to see if they any here in the store. i hate shipping. There are some at directors chair.com

    that seems to be the going rate for them?

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  4. Sorry i know i have seen this on here before but i can not find it. i am looking for the little jars that you can make samples of you scent like for funraisers and stuff. i think they came in 20 and 40 in a tray.....something like that...i can't remember who sold them. help!

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