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Posts posted by tweek

  1. That would be a great way to advertise if you were invited. My question though is how much are the selling the bags for? and what happens to the rest of the money, if everyone is donating these items why can't they donate all of the proceeds?

    I'm not saying anything bad about this company, this is just a question I was wondering.

    This is exactly why I say SCAM! They get it all for free and ONLY donate $2.00. I checked the site before I posted my original statement... That I stand by and refuse to change. It said 3 cubes for $64.00 and one cube for $23.00

    I am pretty sure... not positive... the customer has to pay for shipping as well.

    I am not seeing what you get for this "cube" for all I know it is less than a pound worth of stuff.

    Legit person and business woman..... Maybe if the above posters say so.

    I still find it tacky to email companies asking me to "donate" for a cause that they are CLEARLY benefiting more than the cause its self. I don't expect them to do it for free, but using a charity as an excuse to obtain free product is sleazy.


    I have breast cancer and ovarian cancer survivors in my family. I will donate to an NON PROFIT organization that I KNOW will receive all of the proceeds.

  2. When you are in the paypal shopping cart it will give an option on the check out page about shipping.

    Go to your profile and there will be a link on " shipping prefs"

    It has nothing to do with your site or adding additional coding.

    It will say on the chek out " no shipping required and the customer just checks the box and shipping will be taken off.


    No can anyone help me with that on line form I need? LOL:laugh2:

  3. Some of the paragraphs were taken off this thread. Tried to reword it but hell... It was perfect so don't fix it.:laugh2:

    I think she was scared shitless. And it was well deserved.

    You of all people I am sure got a kick out of it cause you got the lame ass picture she forged of her in "I really am a radio host" email.:laugh2:

    What got me was that she would not give up and tried to make you feel guilty. She tried every number in the book. What a lame ass!

    "I can't give you my radio stations phone number because I was stalked but here is a picture of me and my home address"

    What a fuc^in idiot!:laugh2:

  4. Candles and supplies marketed there pumpkins as 14 oz last year. Guess what.... the ones I got in my box were only 10oz from them. Total BS!

    I personally get them now from big lots. $1.29 each.... and they come with the eyes painted and the witch hats.

    If you call around they will get them in for you.

  5. Yeah I am curing for about a week. Still I have no throw. I just can't figure out why the heck one works on its own and another on its own but not together. Bad marriage I guess.

    So if I can do the V, what should I add? I want to be able to get the soy tarts out of silicon molds so no steric.

    I am going to pull my hair out over this stuff.

    Does anyone mind sharing a recipe with me? I promise I wouln't tell:D

  6. Okay, Thanks I will check her out. Did you guys have to pay for the pictures because of the copyright laws and stuff, or does she take the pictures her self for the design or does she make the images in like photo shop? Or did you have to provide them?

    I guess I should be asking her this. Thanks guys for your help.

    I just want to make sure so I don't get sued or something.

    I know from experiance that walmart will not even put a picture of "you" on a cake even if walmarts photography took the picture. They say copyright laws blah blah.Doesn't even make sense? LOL I figured if they are that serious about a freaking cake that you are just gonna eat anyway, what will they do if my entire web site comes into question if I can't prove they are my pictures. :undecided

    I checked out the link, all her stuff looks great.

  7. Hi,

    I was looking at the new wine wicks site that was posted but I can't seem to find the post right now to reply. Anyways great job! Where do you get the graphics and pictures from? I was just wondering because I would like to have mine redone but I don't know where to go to get tuscan pictures like that?

    Are they yours and if not did you have to get permission and pay to use them on the site? I found images I would like to use but the owner wanted like 500.00 bucks. Yeah right.


  8. I have been playing around with mixing waxes for my tarts. I am finding that in some electric melters my tarts don't melt, so I wanted to lower the melt point by mixing 70% soy and 30% V wax.

    I think the blending is locking in the scent throw. If I do one or the other its great but when I mix it seems not to smell as strong If at all???? Can anyone tell me why this is happening? I have tried different ratios and still the blends suck ( for lack of a better word.)

    I am mixing 415 and Astrolite V.

    Does anyone have any suggustions for making a strong soy blend for a tart?

    I have seen the soy tarts that are really soft and almost the consistancy of wet sidewalk chalk. I would like to avoid that because I don't think they will ship well. However at this point I will take what I can get.



  9. Hi, can anyone tell me where to get the little bakery bags with the window in the front. They are kraft brown and can easily hold 6 tarts. I have the bigger ones but I need the smaller. What I have now is 4 3/4 x 2 1/2 x 9 1/2"

    I am looking for half that size.



  10. Okay maybe someone can help me here.... I use paypal for my shopping cart and I maintain my web site myself. I am losing a ton of money in shipping, I just gave up on the % / flat rate on the total amount that paypal offers for shipping calculations so I just opted to do a flat rate of $8.75 no matter how big the order. Guess what, ship something across the country and you basically gave it away for free if it did not fit in a flat rate box.

    Here is my question, does anyone know of a service or person that can properly install a shipping calculator that is compatible with the paypal shopping cart?

    If no such thing exists then can someone recommend a shopping cart with a calculator that an idiot can install and maintain, because that idiot is me and as you can see I can barely spell here.:P

  11. Yeah I think the hike in prices are just crazy. I personally think they are taking advantage of a bad situation. I called IGI after the second hike and I got "Gas went up in price" blah blah. "Hard to get ahold of raw materials" blah blah.... My ass!, give me a break. So how do they justify it? I mean really.... The wax is just a by product.:mad:

    By the way I swear the formula of J50 and 223 changed after IGI took over. So maybe they are making more money then we think:mad: Bastards!

    That is why I am slowely switching over to soy.

  12. I am looking to get a new pumpkin pie for the fall and I am having trouble with any of the new ones throwing in soy. I want to smell the pumpkin and the pie without too much spice. ( Some just smell like pumpkin and cinnamon)

    If someone that uses soy can point me in the right direction where to buy the oil I would appreciate it.

  13. Are you talking about those woman on that QVC message board? :P

    God they are so retarted! From what I gathered every night these woman would get together and talk about what etailer they purchased from.

    Ms, Know_ it_ alls. and Customer service to them meant, " I am special, do what I want or I will tell everyone that you suck and so does your product"

    I feel sorry for any candlemaker that ever crossed their path.

    I happend to come across their "candleholic meetings" on the messege board and thought to myself.... I wish I knew there real names because I would NEVER sell to them in a million years.

    Anyway I think that they are gone now, I think they started their exclusive site. Good riddens!

    By the way thanks, I like the idea of making them pay for the testing and buying the whole batch. Usually the ones that want special stuff are cheap as could be, that would put an end to it really fast.

  14. You know I hate to be so negative but do any of you guys have customers that you wish would just leave you alone?

    I have a few that drive me insane with stupid questions and expect me to kiss there ass or something and make special blends and "tweek" ( no pun intended) scents just for them!

    So my question is, How the hell do you get rid of them?:mad:


    From private emails with other candlemakers we think that she is getting it form a yahoo candle chat group and candlefind.

  16. Darn right!

    I hate hate hate dishonest people. You know that if the whack job just emailed people as a regular customer and said " Hey do you offer free sample tarts, I will be more then happy to pay the postage" Something to that effect.... None of this BS would be going on. Most of us would have either sent them or told her to use the shopping cart and pay like everyone else. LOL



    Can you tell me what the differnce between what she did and stealing? Cause from where I sit they are one in the same.:mad: :mad: :mad:

    And the icing is all my time busting this scam artist! Hell, I am sending her a bill!

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