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Posts posted by tlc26

  1. My newest favorite is cranberry spice from Just Scent..love it! I dislike pine and cinnamon scents, so most of the 'christmas' scents do not agree with me!

    You could also try appleberry spice from just scent! nummy, nummy, yummy!

    Red clove from Peak is a good one though! I second or third or whatever!

  2. I will have to talk to the Manager of our Super Wal-mart. I use Pint mason Jars and I've already bought out our local Biglot of their supply. They won't get any in until May. I dreaded Ordering them in from out of state!

    I pray I can get them thru walmart.:shocked2: I have a wholesale account that I'd like to accept but only if I don't have to ship in jars!:rolleyes2

    Hey I am glad this thread offered some help to ya! Hope you can get them and that account! GL !!!

  3. Just in case some did not know. I was at the all-mighty Wal-mart yesterday and saw them setting the planogram for a new isle. The isle was for canning goods, including the Ball jars I know some of the container people use! They seemed cheap (I wouldn't really know, I do pillars) from I about $7- $9 for a dozen. All kinds of various sizes and shapes. I asked and the sales lady and she said it is a seasonal thing. So if that is cheap for you and would save on shipping, go to Wally World and stock up!

  4. The wax treatments from the salon are not really special wax. If you go to most beauty supply stores they sell it there. But it is just paraffin wax with some color and "essential oils", most are just scents. On the list of ingredients it will just say "Paraffin, tea tree, Lavender," or whatever scent it is. You just put it in warmer when it has melted you dip your hands quickly, pull them out, and wrap them for like 15 minutes. The heat is supposed to be good for sore joints.

    When some of the others were discussing this before they were saying people with soy that were informing customers it is ok to put the wax on their skin, would have to label where the wax was from and not use colors either. The paraffin treatment wax doesn't do this and paraffin is not good to put on your skin at all. I don't know why soy users would have to be so careful.

    Why is parafin not good to put on your skin???? *off to google to search!*

  5. The hand dip things are not really all that hot. My aunt got my mom one for Christmas. You turn it on high to melt the dip and then turn it to low for I think an hour or something before you dip your hands. You let it harden and peel it off and throw it back in the pot. It is not very sanitary if you ask me. I does soften the hands though.

  6. I would be excited for $100 sale. About 2 weeks ago I was excited about a $50 sale. I have only been selling a short time too. Just to friends and then the people that they recommend my candles to. I just had a $120.00 sale and was rejoicing. At first things were super slow but now I am having trouble keeping up. You see how the $$ amounts have been increasing. I am sure they will for you too.

    Do you have any friends that have pampered schef or the adult toy parties or even Mary Kay facial parties? I would suggest going to some of those and then making mention that you do home candle parties. Explain that it is something similar to what they are doing at this party only with candles that you personally hand make. That might been an avenue that works for you. Make up some hand outs or business cards (if you don't already have them)and maybe take a sample candle for the hostess of the party that you are at. Just a sugestion.

    Smile! it is all about growing!

  7. On the old board there was a member that told us there is an Ohio conference. It has already passed for this year, but it is to be held sometime next June in the Akron area. I will have to see if I can find it. She promised to e-mail me but I am not sure I have seen her on this board (re-registed) ...

    *** off to the archives

  8. I have not heard of anyone doing this with candle wax. some suppliers sell an item that is a parafin dip. But it is specially made for hand dipping using the warmer thingys that were very popular around Christmas time. I would not suggest making a canlde out of it though.

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