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Posts posted by pamperme

  1. Thanks..was looking at the soap boxes..but was thinking of doing a cut and charge by oz thing at my booth...if they want to big a chunk though..it would not fit in the boxes :undecided ..so I was considering tying a raffia around it and hang tag.

  2. ...If I were to discontinue this scent due to lack of availibility..and my main supplier discontinued it...what scent do you think would be a good replacement? Looking for something similar..Tangerine Dreams was a good one ..but not body safe..so I am thinking a tropical type..mango or something.. any suggestions? :undecided

  3. Have you used the KY body glaze? I was trying to decide between that and the base you have from WSP. If you've tried the KY glaze, is it similar to the silky base from WSP? Or are they different enough from each other to have it make sense to offer both?

    I have not tried it though I have heard good reviews on it..not sure what the difference is in them...or if there is one..the one from WSP comes in a bucket not a bottle..not sure on the KY glaze..it is a nice fluffy but thick lotion that is glossy white..and goes on kinda between a butter and a lotion..then when it dries it feels kinda powdery.

  4. ..LOVE IT!

    I was trying to decide between that one and the goats milk..and I went with the Satin & Silk one..and it is GREAT! I mixed some up last night and ended up mixing 8 different scents up..wonderful consistancy and it felt soooo good on my skin.. not greasy and then dried kinda powdery. I gave some samples out today..and everyone is raving over it..even got an order already and it is not even lunch yet. :D

    So if you have been looking for a lotion base ..this is my fav so far by FAR.. it is thick though..you need a pump or malibu tube (I am using these).. Colors nice as well...and no major scent to try and cover up. :wink2:

    I should have made this first before all my other stuff and I probably would have sold out of it at my booth last weekend. :undecided

  5. I would just add some gradually keeping track of how much you are putting in until you get a consistancy you like..where you can see the salt..when you add all that other stuff the salts kinda get buried under it all and you can't even tell they are in there.:undecided

  6. I think the whole concept of the company is an all in one place for gift basket businesses.

    The retail gift basket shop can buy all products to put in gift baskets just from one source. Sure it's not cheaper and you are limited to some of the items but it is a "One Stop Shop".

    yeah ...BUT you still have to meet each wholesalers minimums..which frankly being in that biz..did not matter..you can buy from those businesses on your own..with the same minimums and get it directly. Kinda seems pointless to me. :undecided there are sooo many other companies that cater to gift basket business that do not drop ship..they actually buy and stock the products so you only have to meet the one minimum and still get good prices..

    this concept to me even when he pitched it to me..seemed 'off'

  7. In my opinion, guest books scream amature website. I think those went out about 5 years ago. Maybe look into upgrading to a form mail system for feedback instead so you can have it emailed directly to you. Then, you could always have a rave page somewhere on your site and use the positives about your products in a quote.

    Good idea..I already have a contact us page and have the option of a feedback mailer..I already set my guest book to hide..so no one can post on it. It was taking up to much space on my tabs anyway. :wink2:

  8. ...have any of you had a problem with people 'spaming' your guest book on your website..I have over the past week..multiple things that say look at this..and a link to their 'crap' knives..some 911 stuff..other crap...and they post it multiple times..I have had to remove my guest book until I can find a solution to this problem from my web host provider.

    Why do people have to do crap like that. HOW RUDE!

    I don't get to check my site every single day...and one of those was on there for almost a week. :mad:

  9. Interesting! I know there was a recipe on here a while back..I THINK ..Bunny posted for bath jelly..wonder if it is similar..but just more firm..more gelatin maybe...got my mind a wondering..I have a box of clear gelatin and some shower gel base at home..it's making me wanta give it a try...if I had the darn time.

    Guess I will have to book mark this one..for later..hope someone else chimes in on how they think this works.

  10. I know what you are saying about the cost.. I have gone to bases because of this ..it is just easier for me to test ones that I have to worry more about the dye/fo than the actual base itself..that being said you also have to WATCH your bases carefully for change..age..keep stored properly or you could grow mold..ASK ME HOW I KNOW? :tongue2:

    There are several bases I have used...keystones, millcreeks and WSP ...all very pretty nice..I have to say I there are sooo many options out there..just buy a sample size or two and try them out. ..but if you prefer to go the handmade route..you could always try one from here(in the recipe section) and then perfect it to your preference.

    It is definately not a cheap hobby or business..but boy is it fun.:D

    Adding FO and Dye to a base should not mess up the preservative unless you go over what is recommended..keep that in mind..unless you had planned to add a bunch of other stuff to it then you should talk to the supplier and get their advise..they may be able to give you alot better info since it is their product.:wink2:

  11. Can we just kill the "middleman" (so to speak).... I can't stand that....

    I hate dealing with the middleman..If I am able to buy directly through a company I would rather go that route instead..the lady that placed my order for First & main actually charged my dedit card for someone elses order as well and caused me overdraft fees and I could not order stuff I needed for several days becuase of it..I was TICKED OFF..

    if there is a HUGE minimum that is one thing..but this company does not seem to be really offering anything of great value.

  12. yep..they are a pretty main supplier for those who do gift baskets..I was going to use them before I started to make my own..

    wow did not hear they went bankrupt..will check the gift basket board I belong to and see if I can find anything on it.

    as far as the other thread you posted is concerend..I would not go that route..IMHO..not worth it...you would do better marketing wholesale to gift basket pros on your own. you min is not that high..most GB pros would pay that for bath & body and candles with no problem.:wink2:

  13. They contacted me as well late 2004 for my dipped bears and bath & body line..I belive it is the son of the lady that owns www. gift baskets 101

    she is a wholesale place to order gift basket supplies..but I always found it CHEAPER to order them directly through the company myself.. her minimums are the same as the actual companies..so why would I go that route. :confused:

    He even tried to 1/2 my start up fee and I still said no..it was not worth it in my opinion..plus they have to have a membership to order.

    I had a gift basket shop and have been making them for 8 plus years...and I would not have ordered from him..I ordered from his mom..one time..and she Totally screwed up my order from First and Main..when I called them they said not to order through her to call them directly.

    IMHO..I would not pay to do that..being on both ends now..I still dont think it would be worth it..and I never would have paid a membership just to be able to possibly buy stuff at a discount.

    I also belong to one of those gift basket boards as well..and I don't think most of them would go for the paying membership either. ..oh and they were telling me 800 customers in 2004 ..so they have not gained any since then??????

  14. I think that those in-shower body lotions are the coolest!! Like the ones from Olay and B&BW. I still have not found a recipie to make those so I just keep buying them. I don't know how popular they are but I sure think that they are new and exciting! BTW if anybody has a recipie for one that they want to share please, please send me a pm :wink2: !!

    Ditto that..I used the Olay one with the body butter to shave my legs..WOW..have never ever had that close of a shave and I was even using a cheap crapy razor.

    Bet they would be great sellers at winter time..

    I was thinking of tyring one of these out when I get my booth completely stocked up..just to play..maybe use a body butter base and then a body wash base..and layering it

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