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Posts posted by ah-soy

  1. I love the mottled appearance, but have never been impressed w/ a burning Yankee Candle. I've never seen one of their candles that burned correctly & wasn't coated in deep black soot. Who knows, maybe I just run across a bunch of nimrods that really know how to screw up a candle! LOL Just goes to show what the general public is willing to accept if marketed well.


    Just what I was gonna say. It's all in branding and marketing and they are THE big boys in the industry.

  2. I think I've pretty much eliminated mold as the problem...I made another batch with vanilla scented icing and cakes and tested them...it was not mold. They tested negative for mold/bact/fungi...nothing was growing.

    The icing and cakes though turned brown where they touched each other. I iced some with royal icing (but did not boil the distilled water...hmmmm, should try that) and iced the others with FBB/beeswax recipe I've been working on. There is water in the FBB base...

    I do use a touch of water in my cupcakes. The strange thing is that when I use the same recipe for bath bombs and heavy vanilla scents I get no browning at all - not after weeks or months. It's got to be something in the icing.

  3. Well, first you have to tell me what ironic water is...ha! I've seen ingredient labels with "de-ionized" water and I believe that's the same as distilled water (which is what I use) that has had the minerals etc. removed.

  4. I pulled some bath bombs out that, believe it or not, I made 4 years ago and they fizzed and whirled like crazy...no scent left though. I've read that using dendritic salt and/or adding some orrowroot (sp?) powder will preserve fragrance. I think I might order some and give it a try! Maybe it will extend the fragrance life some???

  5. Wondering if those who used Greenleaf oils and now gets them from JBN are finding the oils the same? I ordered two from JBN that I used to get from GL and they seem to be a bit different...maybe they've been reformulated or it's just my nose...nothing but colds and allergies this spring!

    Please, I don't want to start a "bash a supplier" thread...just wondering if anyone else has noticed anything?

  6. Hey these are great!! :)

    What are you using to mold them? I need to figure out a way to keep mine from squashing.. as they sit, they kinda sink down and get sad looking... lol

    Thanks everyone.

    LouLou, these are made with the 60mm plastic molds and with the extra mix from each batch I use the small stainless steel bombs from the co-op (not pictured) and call them pedi-bombs. If your bombs are squishing and flattening, I suspect your mixture is too wet. Try mixing it a bit more to dry it out some before molding, or use less liquids.

  7. I pulled this off the video:

    1 C Baking Soda

    1 C SLSa

    1/3 C Cream of Tartar

    2 TBS Glycerin

    3 TBS Cocamide DEA

    3 TBS Coco B... (however it's spelled)

    FO and Colorant

    On another board a lady posted some pics of hers and said she didn't use the glycerin at all because it made them soggy but didn't say if she increased the other liquids or not.


  8. Try the souther soapers recipe...it has two foam boosters in it. Cocamide DEA and Coco....B....??? something else. There is also a Baking Soda derivative that is a water softener. I'll see if I can find the name of it.

    Found it:

    Sodium Sesquicarbonate

  9. Ashee Beans posted what might be happening (page two of this thread). She had trouble with vanilla scents browning in between the icing and cupcake. Sure enough, all my cupcakes had a lot of vanilla notes in them and they all browned...I thought it was mold at first also.

    I made another batch of cupcakes and icing with an FO with no vanilla notes and guess what...no browning! It's been weeks now and cakes are fine. LouLou Girl has had some luck using WSP Vanilla Neutralizer in her vanilla scented bubble bars so I am going to order some and try it with my vanilla fo's and cupcakes.

    I want to use some bakery scents in these and almost all of those have vanilla in them.

  10. Been playing the last couple of weeks with foodie scents. Still working on my color formulas and being more artistic with my colors/designs.

    Top row left to right: Candied Apple, Orange Juice Cake, Toasted Marshmallow

    Bottom row left to right: Frosted Lime Cupcake, Raspberry Zinger

    All fo's from NG


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