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Posts posted by thecandlespastore

  1. I have a cream soap recipe that I really like for tooth soap. Its made with coconut milk for the liquid. The first time I made it I tasted it to see if it was done, and all I could taste was the glycerin, no yucky soap flavor. Added a little spearmint to it and its almost edible:drool: My teeth have never been cleaner. I will be posting the same recipe in the cream soap thread once I get some down time this weekend.

  2. So sorry that happened:( Were your oils or lye warm? I soap any new oils at room temp or colder.

    Off topic, but you are so lucky you have an IKEA so close. I am jealous. Can you share a pic of your tray?

  3. Always warm your LS up before adding FO. I don't know if yours was freshly made and piping hot already, but yeah, bringing it to a warm temp really helps. I also zap mine for 10 seconds in the microwave after I add FO to clear it up and make it relax.

  4. It depends on:

    1. Cost of base oils and equipment

    2. Whether you have them shipped to you or not

    3. How much the fragrance costs. I use fragrances that are $13.95 to $85 a pound, that all gets factored in.

    4. You also want to factor in your time making soap, most people don't pay themselves what they are worth.

    Here is a simple cost calculator. I know there are others but I can't find them right now;)


  5. Not knowing your temps is probably behind one of the reasons you traced quickly, since didn't you say the lye hadn't cooled?

    The amount of time you run a stick blender will bring trace on quickly. If you went 5 minutes straight with it going instead of short blasts and stirring, then in would come to trace quickly.

    I'm curious in the pix with the mold filled, what's the orange?

    Congrats on losing your virginity!

    I think the orange you are seeing at the overhead kitchen lights.

  6. Ok, last question (I hope ;) ). I want to experiment & add avocado oil/butter, so would the KOH be changed? I've never worked with it before, so I wasn't sure. OR...would you not even recommend adding anything?

    TIA!!! You rock! :yay:

    Yes, the KOH would change. Please pop whatever recipe you plan on using into soapcalc making sure to change the lye from NaOH to KOH for the correct amounts of lye that you would need.

  7. Thanks so much, Z!! I'll try out the site you gave. The color of the LS is just beautiful!!!! :)

    BTW, can this be used as a foaming soap? I believe it has to be watered down for the pumping mechanism, right? If so, what do i need to do differently?

    Yeah, you can use it as a foaming soap, I have never done it though. You will have to play with some soap to water ratios and see what happens.

  8. I can't wait to try this!!!!! Is the only place to get the KOH (plus NaOH for the cream soap tut.) is at the chemistry store? I called my home depot & they don't carry either. I would rather purchase it locally if possible.

    Also, what kind of coconut oil? Sorry, I'm new to all of this. :grin2:

    I use 92 degree coconut oil, but most use 76 degree. I would call your local chemical company and see if they can sell you some KOH. Home Depot does not sell that kind of stuff, Lowes does not have it either. Chemistry Store is expensive. If you want to ge tit online, go to http://www.aaa-chemicals.com/ .

  9. Hi! Z I have to ask about the my LS It turn out a liltle thin for my taste and i like to know were I can by this crothix i can't for the life on me find anybody that sales it in Canada Please help :confused:

    If you pay shipping I can send you some of my crothix pastilles. Pm me:)

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