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Posts posted by smokymountainraine

  1. I've got some of the Tranquil Tropics fo that Bubbles N Lights carried. BCN has it now. It's a coconut vanilla but it doesn't say anything about being a dupe. It smells like sun tan lotion...ala Hawaiian Tropics. I did a test burn today and it did nice. I know someone who came in and smelled it said they loved it, that it made them think of being at the beach.

  2. I make my own. It can be used for a body spray or a linen or room spray.

    50% SDA alcohol

    40% water

    2.5% fragrance

    2.5% polysorbate 20

    If you want to use less (or more) fragrance, just use the same amount of PS20 and short the water by that amount.

    Some fo's will still be too heavy. Stir this up and let it set overnight. If there is a layer at the bottom just carefully pour the top part into bottles and discard what settled to the bottom. The scent will be in the top part. No need to shake it when you make it like this. I'd still do a small test batch with new fo's to make sure everything is going to work alright.

  3. I've never ordered from them before and I'd like to try them. I can only afford to try three scents. I was thinking about trying these three and wondered if any of you have tried them and what you think. Are they good ones to try or should I sub something else? I use a paraffin container blend.

    The three are:

    Green Clover & Aloe

    Butt Naked

    Citrus Blast

    Actually I am really torn about adding just one more and it being Mountain Forest. :D I could really use your help please.

  4. I liked them until everybody started talking about them growing bacteria. It seems as if for some reason the Electric Kiwi was the worst. I don't know if it was just easier to see them or what. Someone has a sil who is a microbiologist. She did some tests on that girls colorants and the Electric Kiwi was especially bad. If you have some try holding it up to a light and see if you see stuff floating all through the color not just sediment on the bottom because that isn't the same thing at all.

    I think a lot of people are going with Lab Colors (I think they have them): http://www.chemistrystore.com/ or Cybilla's Celestial Colors: http://www.celestialcolors.com/index.htm

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