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Posts posted by CareBear

  1. I think they've had some technical glitches. Hope you get it worked out. Those who have previously registered and purchased are grandfathered in at The Perfumery site and do n't need to meet the minimum purchases, but you may need to do a bit of email communication first, not sure.

  2. Stella, that is a "rule" I've been trying to educate OUT of soapers. I have old last dry skin, and sensitive at that, and I happy use this formula without problem. It's actually the "break the rules" soap which I found out there years ago except the original is a milk soap with a lower lye discount.

    High coconut does not have to mean "drying" in a properly balanced formula.

    You MUST let it gel, though, to minimize ash.

  3. Doesn't our "dear friend" Paul (aka Soapmaker Man) make the molds for Diana? TOG molds?

    And in the double mold pic it sure looks like funky foam. You can buy and cut it quite easily. It's at craft stores by the paper and stuff. Not the easiest material to soap with, though.

  4. I got an FO with sediment in it from JS. A LOT of sediment. I called and they said "oh, it's supposed to be that way" and I couldn't get my money back. Nor could I use it in candle because the bits showed up. I called again and they said to filter it, or to just pour off the top and leave the sediment behind. I left them behind.

    ETA: this was 2 years ago.

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