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Posts posted by hometowncandles

  1. If you're truly upset about it, and if your bank doesnt charge anything, when/if she cashes it, stop payment on it. Granted, you may be making things worse, but if it were me, I'd forget about the $30.00 and make sure everything is in writing next time, otherwise it's words against words.

    If she does this, there may not be the option of a next time for her. Besides, once it's cashed you can't stop payment on it, it's already been paid. And most bank's won't do a charge back on an item unless there is a good reason for it, like your check was stolen, or someone other than the person who was suppose to be cashing it cashed it, etc. Not because you've just changed your mind about something.

    Hope all works out for you and you choose the right show.

  2. I am looking to add a couple of smaller items to my line.

    I recently dropped the 5 & 10 ounce apothecaries. Between the increase in price of the jars and the shipping, I just don't feel I could make my money back on them in my area. I am going to start testing the 8 ounce square mason jars and I would also like to add a tin, but I just can't seem to decide between the 8 ounce round and the 8 ounce square.

    What are your thoughts on each. I am currently using GW464.



  3. I didn't mean that because he was indian that was the reason.

    If you didn't mean it that way, then why was it important for us to know you thought he was Indian or Pakistani?

    If he had been really kind and signed your consignment agreement and met all of your terms, would you have felt the need to tell us he was either Indian or Pakistani?

    Stuff like this really bothers me. :mad: My parent's are so bad to make a point of someone's race or nationality when that person makes them mad. I get so tired of hearing it.

    There are goods and bads in all races and nationalities. I am a white american woman, and I know some of the most wonderful white american women in the world and some of the sorriest. But, their race or nationality has no correlation to their personalities or their actions. As I'm sure the shop owner's didn't either. So why should it matter what he was just because he didn't agree with your terms.

    Sorry if I've opened a can of worms, but I can't just sit back and keep my mouth shut about things like this.

  4. This is just my experience, but I think it would depend upon several factors.

    ~How much help will you have loading and unloading your stuff

    ~How much room do you have in your vehicle

    ~How far are you going to have to pack your stuff once you get to the show

    ~Is it going to be too hot to leave excess inventory in your vehicle until you

    need it

    I have done only two shows, but I have learned a little from each. I done my first show last year. I have a pretty large vehicle, but by the time I loaded all my wares, tables, chairs, and accessories, even the largest vehicle wouldn't have been big enough.

    I took everything I had made that first day, dh helped me load everything the night before, but when we got to the show, it was just me and my mom unloading everything. It was inside a local mall and they were letting the vendors pull as close as possible to unload everything, but they had a large area right in front of the doors blocked off for outside demonstrators and food vendors. So we still had to pack all our stuff a significant distance, even with a two wheeler, we were worn out by the time we got everything in and set up.

    I just finished an outside show this past weekend at a local Community College. I took two of each size in each scent or my regular scents, and three each of my best sellers and my fall scents. It was so much nicer not to have all that extra inventory to load and unload. I figure, I live close enough that if I come close to running out of something I can either run home and get more or bring more the next day, again my mom helped me.

    I have noticed something with multi-day fairs, most people attend more than one day, so if you run out of something, they are likely to come back the next day. And if you tell them you'll have more of something they are wanting, they'll be back. I don't like to run out of anything somebody wants, but if you don't have enough help and you get completely worn out before you even get started, you won't have nearly as much fun and that's most of the reason I do shows.

    Just my experience.

    HTH and good luck with your show.


  5. You can thank those who wish to do harm to us for making us deal with yet another inconvenience. I would rather be safe than sorry. It's just now an everyday fact of life that our lives will no longer be normal as we knew it a few years ago.

    This is so true! I know many things have become a real hassle for those of us who are non-threatening consumers. But, it's not easy on those who have to directly enforce the new rules either. I use to get aggravated at the postmaster everytime I mailed a package. I would get so tired of the same old line, is it liquid, fragile, perishable or potentially hazardous. Then I thought, if I'm tired of hearing it, how tired is she of saying it, not just to me, but to everybody who mails a package.

    Wouldn't it be so nice if we lived in a perfect world where our families and homes were safe from all harm and our packages arrived unsquished.LOL

  6. I done a search on whois.net to get the registration info for mymommybiz.com for ya. They are registered with godaddy.com here is the info from that site.

    The data contained in GoDaddy.com, Inc.'s WHOIS database,

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  7. I started out with 4 sizes in the apothecary, 5, 10, 16, and 26. I have recently decided to stop selling the 5's and 10's because between the cost of the jars and the increase in shipping, I'm not sure people are going to want to pay what I need to get out of them.

    I am currently looking into testing the 8 ounce square masons, I think they are soooo cute, and it would give my customers more of a try me size. Alot of people want to be sure they like something the first time they try it. But most of my repeat customers want the 16's and 26's.



  8. That's what I've been using lately, and haven't had any problems with them. The only thing is, you can't get 1 ounce of wax in a 1 ounce cup, I know sounds kinda crazy. But actually you can only get 3/4 weighted ounce in a 1 ounce cup.

    Here's where I ordered mine from www.instawares.com they are called souffle cups. They have several different styles and sizes, they even have black ones.

    I have tons of these, I just ordered a case of them a few weeks ago, if you want a few to try out pm me. I definately think I can spare a few. Just let me know.



  9. Ok, I have a question. Does she realize how fragile silk arrangements are and how difficult it would be to actually get them to their location in one piece?

    I mean You can't just drop an arranagement into a box and cover it with packing peanuts, and you can't wrap it with anything or it will cause the flowers to shift. Floral foam is very delicate and if the flower stems shift around alot, it creates larger holes and the flowers will fall out.

    Besides, you have many companies like FTD that already do things like that, but they don't ship their items. They contract with shops all over and then when an order comes in for something, they contact the shop within the closest driving distance of the customer to produce the actual product and deliver it by hand.

    If this is something she really wants to pursue, then I wish her good luck, but I'm not sure that is the ideal product to ship.



  10. I have noticed lately that my tarts are selling way better than my wicked. I still have a few people who want candles, but not many. I think in the summer most people are in and out alot and don't want to have to worry about forgetting to blow out their candle.

    Many people I sell tarts to say they leave their tart burners and warmers on all the time, even at night and when they are gone. Of course, I always tell them that this is not recommended, but that's all I can do is to tell them. I can't sit at their house with them and make sure they turn it off everytime they are going to be away from it. Personally I would be terrified to leave something like that on when I'm gone, I don't even like to leave a fan or anything like that on. I guess I'm just a fanatic.LOL

  11. Perfect Paper Adhesive (PPA) 4 oz Gloss

    Archival - UV Resistant - Permanent - Flexible - Durable - Non-tacky

    Non-Toxic - AP Approved - Transparent

    PPA adheres to virtually any non-oily surface, including wood, paper, glass, polymers, mica, and acrylic. It has a smooth, non-sticky consistency, which sets it apart from any other adhesive. Non-sticky means cleaner hands and cleaner artwork. PPA dries to a totally transparent matte or gloss finish. Water resistant, flexible, and durable, it is considered a museum-quality adhesive and medium.

    Uses include: collage, decoupage, assemblage, montage, sizing for papermaking, glass painting and glass decoupage, and impression lifts.




  12. I'll go ya one better than that.

    I use to work in a local bank before becoming a sahm. We actually had people try to cash checks on overdrawn accounts. Hello! We check your account before we give you cash. Well at least most of us did, we were the ones who got to keep our jobs.

  13. Thanks Luci,

    I really didn't know I could do it either, to be quite honest. But it's amazing what you can do when you have the proper instruction. There is a method to floral design, who knew. Until I started taking the course, I just thought you put a bunch of flowers into a container and voila, you had an arrangement. Kinda like candlemaking, there is a whole other side to it that normal consumers don't see.

    But I really do enjoy it, I would like to open a shop in a few years. I need to get some real world experience, so maybe when my babies both start Pre-K and I have a few hours a day, I can con one of the local florist into taking me on as an apprentice for a few hours day. Hey, it would be free labor for them and great experience for me. I guess the downside would be, that they might not be too eager to help future competition.

    I think cake decoration would be wonderful, but I have tried that before and failed miserably, but my mom done a wonderful job as well as one of my neighbors. They both make it look so effortless. My poor little roses looked more like blobs of cake icing on a stick. :grin2:

    If anyone is interested in online courses www.pennfoster.com has several to choose from, and you work at your own pace. You can even submit your exams and work online if you want to.

    Well off to fix lunch now, my little natives are getting restless.

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