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Posts posted by hometowncandles

  1. Stella,

    I knew where ya were comin' from ;)

    And I agree with ya, it makes it alot better if you have two sources to check out. But, in the beginning, I hadn't given in much thought and really didn't know the difference.

    Oh the lessons I have learned.

    Some very expensive lessons I might add.:cry2:

    And it sounds like I'm not the only one.

    Vertically Enhanced,

    My first thought was also wicks, I bought a new batch of CD's(they didn't work either) and even bought some LX's, although I haven't received them yet to try.

    I guess maybe I was hoping it was wicks, a quick fairly easy, inexpensive fix.

    Oh well, back to the test lab.

  2. For me it was a matter of shipping and I guess just not knowing the difference. I didn't know about CT when I first started, so the only info I had access to was just whatever I could find on the internet. And we all know that is 100% reliable always. LMAO But since finding CT and the wealth of wonderful information here I have learned so much.

    Besides, I was referred to my current supplier by someone who does candles and hadn't had any problems. I figured I can drive and pick up my wax and save money. Once I tried the wax, I liked it so I stuck with it. I haven't had any problems with it until now.

  3. Lot # 02-25-07 TK5 SH2B 14:37

    Hope that helps somebody, I sure hate to see anybody else get bad wax, or anything else for that matter.

    Thanks Beth, I think I'll scratch Bluegrass Meridith also advised against them. I would much rather go South anyway, I love Tennessee. No offense to anyone North of me. I'm just a Southern girl who talks "normal" LOL and I can't understand a word you Northern Folks say. :D

    But anyway, I guess I'll use what I have for tarts, and I have been playing around with the wickless in the tins so maybe it won't be a total loss. :undecided

    It's just so frustrating to think you have at least a few scents that you can count on burning right, and them Wham! out of nowhere comes a wrench in the works. Oh well, that's why they call it life I suppose.


  4. You mean I have to CLEAN?


    I don't want anybody to get the wrong idea that I don't mix my B&B in a sanitary environment. As a matter of fact, when I'm mixing my B&B, that's about the only time the kitchen is clean.

    Between DH and my two lil' Ruggies, I'm always fixing somebody something to eat. I have given up on fixing me anything, I usually just eat what my babies have left on their plates. Waste not Want not.

    I guess I'll give them a try. I liked the fact that you could make several different consistencies (sp?) from one product by varying the amount of water you add.

    Woohoo something new



  5. I know which supplier is in reference on this one because I stopped using the soy blends from there. Too many inconsistencies. It's a shame because they have awesome customer service and quick turn around times.

    I agree, but I guess now I will just move on and find a new supplier for my wax. I have narrowed it down to a few places that are close enough that I can pick it up and still save money. Plus I can hit the malls while I'm there. :wink2:

    I'm going to order some small amounts from the following tomorrow and start testing.

    Aztec International~they have 3 specified for containersGW464



    Tennessee Candle Supply

    Celestial Soy Wax

    Coal Creek Candle Company

    Cargill C-3

    Bluegrass Candle Supply

    Bluegrass Soy

    Bluegrass Soy Natural Blend

    Any compliments, complaints or just plain ole' comments on any of these.



  6. Thanks Meridith and Vickey Co, there was too much familiar info in those threads. Drowning wicks, not a full m/p, having to wick way up over what I normally do.

    In one of the posts it mentioned a crayon smell from the wax, DH made a comment last week about one of the returned candles smelling too much like wax. I just laughed at him at the time and said, what's it suppose to smell like butter? Maybe he had something and I just didn't know it.

    Well anyway I'm going to contact my supplier and see if she has any new info or if anyone else has complained. Both boxes have the same lot number on them so no point in trying my second box. I guess I should feel lucky I only have two boxes, in the past I have purchased 6 at a time.

    Geesh!! Looks like now I need to order a different wax so I can compare my results and make sure. Any suggestions on a good soy wax or a soy blend?

    Thanks guys for searching out the threads for me and you input.


  7. Wax is the first thing I thought of too, because it is a new box. But I contacted the supplier and they said they hadn't had any other complaints for any of their products. I don't know who the manufacturer of the wax is because the supplier has it packaged with their name only on the box. As for f/o, wicks, and dyes they are all items that I have had on hand for a while.

    So I really didn't know where to go from there. I'm not really sure what the characteristics of bad wax would be. So I thought I would check with you guys and see if there was maybe something I was overlooking or possibly something else I could try.

    But, honestly I've tried everything I can think of except for burning straight wax. Could this possibly help me rule out a bad batch of wax?

    Thanks for your replys


  8. Here's some background on my product

    I have been using the same soy/cottonseed blend wax since I started, CD wicks, f/o's, dye chips etc are all from the same suppliers as always. I use the apothecary jars in 16 & 26 ounce sizes with a diameter of 3.75", also the same jar and same supplier as always.

    My f/o % is the same, normally 6% to 8% depending upon how strong it is, the amount of dye I use in each has also been unchanged.

    Within the last week I have had a couple of people return candles because they are not burning well, some are leaving hang-up on the side from the start some burn good until about 1/3 or 1/2 way down and then the flames gets really small and finally extinguishes itself.

    I've tested the daylights out of this stuff, these are my regular scents that I have been selling for over a year now and have never had any problems with them. The customers who have brought them back are regular customers who have burned the same scents many times before without any problems.

    I normally double wick my apoth's with two cd's ranging from cd16 to cd20, but I have had to wick up to a cd22 in most of my scents and still am not getting a good burn. Most start out ok with little to no hang up with the cd22 but by the time they burn down 1/3 or 1/2 way the flame starts to die way down and eventually extinguishes itself.

    In the last week I have changed everything I can think of to make these things burn, except the wax. I have decreased my f/o load by 1% to 2%, which doesn't leave me with a very strong throw, I have reduced the amount of dye flakes that I use, still no luck.

    Sorry this is so long, but I felt that I needed to give as much info as possible so maybe somebody out there can help me, I am about to pull my hair out and scrap candle making all together.



  9. Glad I could help. I know how those internet searches can be.

    When I first started out, I did a search on clamshells for tarts, well let's just say it brought up so many pages that I'm not sure a zillion hours would have given me enough time. And most of the info wasn't even on clamshells for tarts.

    I can't use clamshell stew to package wax.:D

  10. Which ones did you try and did you like them?

    Shipping is getting so ridiculous on everything, I thought about trying some of the multibases out there that you add water to when you get them. It has to be a little cheaper. I have been shopping around and shipping cost is as much or more than the products.

    I use some of KY's bases because I can drive and pick them up. I love the glaze and soy whip and their lotion base is good too, but I like to try different items.

    Kangaroo Blue's multibases have multiple applications by varying the amount of deionized water you add.

    Or if anyone knows of any other's that are good or better.



  11. Ok, I use to buy these wonderful gingerbread house candles from a local florist. They were made by Cynthia's Scents from Irvine Ky, I believe I got that right, it's been a few years since I bought one.

    The florist has since closed and since I am making my own, I thought I would ask around and see if anyone knows of these candles and maybe where the f/o came from.

    I have tried any and all gingerbread's from lonestar, taylored, & KY and none of them smell like this one did.

    I know it's a shot in the dark, but ya never know. You guys are pretty amazing with all your info and such.



  12. You can go to the site of the shipper they are using, ie.UPS, USPS, etc. and put in their zip code and your zip code and it will calculate acutal time in transit. But of course that just calcs the time it takes the shipper to get it there, it doesn't include any process or pack time of the supplier.



  13. I am using KYSoy125 with no additives except my f/o and my color chips. I am currently using CD wicks on my 16 & 26 ounce Apothecaries with a 3.75" diameter.

    I am becoming very frustrated with the CD wicks, too much soot and mushroom. I use the least amount of f/o possible to still get a good throw and I use the smallest size wick possible to get a good mp, but I am still getting quite a bit of mushroom on some of my wicks and it just looks bad.

    I have been searching through the threads and trying to read about various wicks and I see that alot of people are using the LX. What do you guys think about them? or is there something better out there?



  14. I use kysoy125 and Vickey posted on her message board this week that their supplier had increased their cost by $4.00 per 50lb box. She is reluctantly raising her prices also. I know they have no choice but to increase also, they would soon be out of business if they tried to absorbe all the additional cost.

    I'm just glad I live close enough to pick up my wax. I would soon be out of business if I had to pay shipping on top of the cost of wax.

    I have three shows this fall, I'm just trying to get by on what I have now and start getting ready for them. If everything keeps going up, I'm not sure how much longer I'll be in the candle business. Shipping alone is getting ridiculous(sp?). I ordered two 100 packs of wicks Monday and shipping was almost $11.00 UPS. That's almost as much as my wicks.:shocked2:

  15. Ok, I wish you guys would stop coming up with so many great ideas. I would have never thought about using a smoothie maker. I'm off to Wal-mart later to p/u my dd & ds birthday present so I will be trolling the small appliances isle for a smoothie maker.

    It has to be easier than using a pastry bag, I too tried the ziploc baggies, and boy what a mess. I'm clumsy by nature anyway, add a bag full of squishy, gooey, stuff that I have to hold and squeeze with one hand while trying to steady a bottle with the other hand and well, that just reaks of disaster. LOL

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