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Posts posted by Deana_P

  1. It's 4:15 and the ups man just left. My oils all stink but I think it's because they have been in transit so long and they are warm. I'll resmell (is that a word?) after they cool off. I got:

    Pumpkin Pie

    Citrus Musk

    Ginger Plum

    Woodland Orange ?

    Wood and Spice

    Anyone have any of these? If so, are they good ones? Ginger[/quoe]

    Hey Ginger~

    Im always at the end of the day for deliveries and mail , so when I get my oils and or FOs theyre VERY warm !!...The fos always smell funky til abt 2 hrs late...Then its all good !!!!


  2. Im burning it now and it still smells like tootsie rolls !!!.........Ill try TN next time, Sharon, thanx !! So it really smells like a cookie ?? ....And maybe this BCN cold be mixed with something to knock it down some !!.....I labeled them "chocolate chocolate chip ...and then some "

    Also thanx for your reply, Bugtussle.....did you find one ( choc chip) that would cell for you ??


  3. When I first saw the name it reminded me of a commercial I used to see when I was a little girl...It was a Fritos commercial and a cartoon of a Mexican guy with a big sombrero singing "Aye yi yi yi...I am the Frito Bandito ....I like Fritos cornchips , I love them I do , give me Fritos cornchips I be friend to you.....Aye yi yi yi .........."...

    thats when you would get erasers of the Frito Bandito and stuff in the Fritos bags.....MAN Im old....


    Well when I read the name I get this little saying in my head (do not kill me, because I don't die easily ;) )

    Everito Bandito munching on cheetohs wishing for a burrito. (It sucks, but I keep trying to rhyme stuff with that name.)

    LITTLEOX!! I have all of those wicks lol. I could have sent you some to try out.

  4. A few hrs ago I poured BCN choc chip cookie. I swear it smells like tootsie rolls to me. .....For anyone that has tried/uses this, when burned or melted in a warmer, does it smell like a cookie at all ? Im needing to make a label for it and need to know what is best to call it !

    Thanks !!


  5. Has anyone even heard of this STUPID program ??? Ive been to their help site and it should be labeled NON help site......and stupid may have been a strong word BUT Im not too happy with it at the moment. Im trying to do the same as Candlebean , and make cards and such and just incorporate the logo that Bizzy made for me , into/onto ANYTHING. And I just can not figure the Printworks out......

    Anyone ever used it ???

    Thanks !


  6. Thanks Mona!

    I just checked ebay stores and there isnt one NARU...maybe they have a website ..Id like to see how old this is I have and see if the 1 oz bottles are theirs too...Not that itkk change anything , but nice to know !!


    by the way...how did you know they changed to Naru ?

  7. That would be it................{{{{sigh}}}}!!!lesson learned..MAN..I just bought this stuff off here too...Maybe youll recognize this label and tell me where it comes from ?...well actually all the others....

    Eh..tried to upload and it said that it exceeded...

    Oh well !!...

    Thanks tho !....


  8. Hey yall !...I bought some FOs from someone on here and all but 1 dont have where they originate from. She didnt know either...

    On one bottle of Hawaiian Awapui has a label that says " Average use is 1- 1 1/2 per pound. Speciall Blended by Alpha-Aromics" ................

    I cant find an Alpha-Aromics.....does anyone know anything about this company ??

    Thanks !!


  9. Yep Jakalex...thats what I was saying about my package I sent to a customer...the leg was busted in little pieces. When I talked to her on the phone this evening she said she was even not ghonna say anything to me and try to fix it herself but there was no way to. ...Im pissed myself...I only used FedEx this time because they wer cheaper..which was a first for me !!! ....Anyone know how long it taked from start to finish to file a claim and collect from it ???????

    Thanks !!


  10. I just got an email from a customer who bought a presto pot , votive mold and wick pins from me. I sent it FedEx. It finally made it yesterday ( was lost for a day) and she said that the box has a huge gash in the side and the leg on the pot is crushed. She said it looks like it was extremly abused ( thats putting it nicely) before it found its way home. ...I called FedEx and they said they will schedule a P/U from her and send me claim forms. I fill it out send it to them and they investigate.So after they get the pot from her Ill send her another...And HOPEFULLY I get all money back plus something for the bs . My cust sounds a little let down with the whole deal. Dont blame her a bit !....

    And I even repacked it with original packing stuff !...Ive shipped at least 20 of these things ( pots) They must been playing drop kick football with the box.......


    sorry to jack the thread ! ...I probably shoulda started a new one ....!

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