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Posts posted by BrandNewToCandles

  1. I love the colors! I also love the look of a mason jar candle, I think that's what I'll stick to for my soy. I did two really nice looking peach ones, haven't burned them yet. Finally getting hot throw from my cherry, patience is a virtue...

    I use clothes pins to keep the wicks up in a small necked jar, works great!

  2. Nope, not UPS. Sent USPS air mail and delivered by Canada Post. Maybe duty is the wrong word, I think it's customs fees - $5 + 15% of the declared value. I have paid these fees before and they don't bother me, as long as I pay taxes on the actual value. I just think declaring that amount of supplies at $150 is a bit much. Had I paid the right amount of taxes on the actual cost, I would have saved about $20 as compared to Canadian suppliers. The real kicker is, this stuff wasn't even purchased from a company, just a regular old ebay seller...

  3. Just got a package from the US - 10 pounds paraffin wax, 9 oz oils and 50 wicks (don't have all the specific details). I paid $51 US for the package including shipping and handling. The seller declared the value of the package at $150 US. Is this a mistake or could that amount of candle supplies possibly be worth $150?! I'm upset because once goods cross the border I have to pay the proper duty and taxes and a package that I paid $61 Canadian for cost me an additional $30.95 in duty. That's $92 Canadian for 10 pounds wax, 9 oz oil and 50 wicks!! Just wondering if I have grounds for a claim for a refund of duty? Thanks.

  4. I have decided to do the following:

    Gardenia - symbolizes sincerity (creamy white)

    Pink hydrangea - symbolizes understanding (pink)

    Freesia - symbolizes trust (pale purple)

    I'm excited to get started, found the oils from someone on the boards (THANKS!) and paid very little for just what I needed. Thanks for the replies!

  5. I was thinking all florals or all foods, so these ideas are great! Here's what I got from the posts so far:

    So maybe:

    freesia (trust) - purple??

    hydrangea (understanding) - blue??

    lily (friendship/devotion) - white, with the faintest hint of yellow??

    all very light, pastel shades


    Chocolate - comfort food between friends

    Coffee - cup of coffee together

    some ice cream scent - again, comfort

    All pale shades of brown, slightly different.

    The blue, lavendar and violet would be very beautiful together, too, though.

    Which color rose symbolizes friendship? Maybe I could work it in...

    So many ideas!

    Oh, and the reason for my little disclaimer...lol: I'm very new here and I was worried that my idea might have been something other more experienced members already offered in their lines and I really did not want to step on any toes. Just wanted valuable input... which I am absolutely getting!! Should my candle turn out ok, I will post a pic!

  6. I am going to attempt a layered jar candle for a friend's birthday. I have JUST gotten my first jar to turn out good, no wet spots (I realize that was probably dumb luck) no ripples and no bubbles. Hoping the wick is ok, we'll see...

    Anyway, my idea is to do "Friendship in a Jar", with each layer representing a virtue. I'm doing trust, loyalty and understanding. I need ideas for scents and colors to correspond to the virtues. The only thing I came up with so far is making loyalty blue ("true blue" kind of friend...). Anything would help. The other thing is, of course, the scents should also compliment each other. It turned out to be more complicated than I expected... and I haven't even melted any wax yet!

    TIA for any input!

    **This is somthing I came up with entirely on my own, it was not stolen from any website, message board or anywhere candles are sold (at least not consciously). If I am infringing on anything copywritten, trademarked or otherwise legally owned please let me know and I apologize profusely and remind everyone that this candle is not for resale.

  7. Jealous of the temperatures. It gets up to 6 degrees Celsius and we think it's warm...lol. Poured my cherry instead of pecan pie. Held off on the bubble gum cause I didn't have pink dye and the cherry dye chip ended up making pink candles anyway...grrr! But they look nice so far, may have conquered the air bubbles. And they smell amazing, too. Now I need to practice with the colors...lol. How long do you guys let 12 oz jars cure before test burning??

  8. Waiting for Jodi to call and set up a time for our pour. Realized that I can't do bubble gum after all, no pink color has arrived yet. Might be good, though, save the good smells for after I've tested more. Think I'll pour pecan pie today instead.

    I did have a very productive afternoon on the boards, researching wicks. Then a successful go at the classifieds, got a sample envelope of wicks to try out, saved me a fortune of buying seperately from a supplier. I LOVE the classifieds!!

  9. I added up my paypal recipts for a reality check and then I made a list of everything I have or have in shipment. I decided that was IT, I have a TON of scents to try to find a few I love and 30 pounds of wax to start with until I know which of the waxes, if any, I like and a few different wicks, etc. so I can stop for a while, use what I have and then stock up on what I really like after that's all gone. Then, of course, I realized after testing my first votive that I need a smaller wick and nothing I currently have ordered is any smaller than what I have now, so I need to order that. Oh, but I did get a deal on a small digital scale on ebay, so I'm happy about that. Maybe the spending won't stop RIGHT away...lol!:o

  10. Hello. I have no opinion on waxes, I've tried only one so far and am waiting on a second, then I will buy others.

    I just wanted to say, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not lump all of us newbies together... I have only been here a few days and I have read and read and asked a couple questions and gotten very friendly and helpful responses. I have quickly gotten addicted to the classifieds and made two very amazing purchases. This is a wonderful place for us serious beginners and I would hate to feel that we are all getting a bad rap, some of us really want to learn, and spend money (can you say $300 in three weeks...OH MY!!), and test and test and test and we just want to be pointed in the right direction.

    That's it, thanks.

  11. I am hoping to spend tomorrow afternoon candle making with my brother's girlfriend (and one of my very best friends!). We're both brand new, I've tested two scents in two pounds of wax so far and this is her first pour. I want to do bubble gum in soy, mostly as a test and for my own use (obviously I don't sell... very green...lol). Not sure what Jodi will be whipping up.

    What does Country Gift Shop smell like? Sounds nice...

  12. Oh, great... so I'll be spending the grocery money on fragrance oils eventually, won't I?:o LOL. Haven't tried molds yet, hadn't thought of it... trying to master the votive, maybe a container or two. I like little metal buckets, hides quite a number of flaws:shocked2: ...lol. It's the fragrance oils, just so much selection... But I reason that the money I was spending on partylite is better spent on a hobby that I really enjoy that just happens to produce something I really love!

    BTW, I've been going through the galleries and OMG!! There are some amazing pics in there. Hats off to you ladies, I am beyond impressed!:yay:

  13. I am a very new candle maker (or candle tryer, at any rate) and I think I may be getting obsessed! I have spent too much money already but I can't seem to stop, I NEED every new scent I see, they all sound irrestible. Then I need to try wicks, and dyes, and I need a ton of wax, and molds and tealight cups and pots and thermometers and jars and God knows what else! Did you all go through the same thing? When does the obsession tame into a healthy, normal hobby... lol. If it's not soon, I may need to apply for more credit cards...j/k!

  14. I hadn't considered the safety thing, I just wondered why the dipping was done (now I know they're room fresheners). As a new candle maker who can't seem to get enough wax, I just think I'd hate to use that much on a bear when I could make a bunch of candles. I don't really get it either... but I know a lot of people are doing them so there must be some enjoyment...

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