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Posts posted by classylady71118

  1. Ok...I tried doing a search on Birthday Cake to see which supplier won hands down as the BEST, STRONGEST, supplier for Birthday Cake fragrance oil....but there weren't any results under the fragrance heading? Please share your favorite supplier so I'll know IF I am buying mine at the best supplier... :undecided ...:confused: ?????



  2. Candle Science and Fragrance Oil Heaven has the same scent Mediterranean Fig, when I was searching for a Trapp candle duplicate I discovered this smelled exactly the same when put in wax and burning.


  3. I just bought 2 lbs of GL Maduro and every guy that has smelled it said it was the best scent I have (and I have well over 50 f/o's). I believe this will be a top seller for me from the reactions I've received! This one is very manly and upscale smelling to me. I just made some aroma beads using this scent.


  4. Hi All,

    I ordered 2 lbs of Maduro and 1 lb of Indonesian Teak earlier today and I have already received tracking from UPS and my order will be here tomorrow!!! :whoohoo: :bliss: I had thought maybe by Monday, I am REALLY impressed! I believe I will be ordering more from them for future orders. Have you smelled the Maduro? The Indonesian Teak???? HMMMMMM!!!! LOVE, just my kind of f/o's, unique and strong. I already have 3 candles pre-ordered (Maduro)....I see a rise in candle sales with these two scents!


  5. Hi Everyone,

    As most of you know I may have a big order for bath bombs, since first posting I've found out the order is (probably?) for 1200 not 8,000 (the lady that inquired hasn't called back yet with details, but after talking to my referring client she said 1200). In any case I had been buying my citric acid from someone on ebay and until I hear back from Ben E. Keith as to whether they can supply me with citric acid, I need to have another source (if they can't). A helpful person on this board gave me cost guide-lines to use and for 50 lbs of citric acid the cost should run around $40.00. Can anyone direct me to a supplier that has decent wholesale prices? The Chemistry Store pricing was 50 lbs for $70.00 before shipping???? ALL help is MOST appreciated!!!


  6. I've been making different lotions using different types of oils and I would LOVE a recipe using soybean oil. Doe's anyone have a lotion recipe they are willing to share? I tried doing a search but what I've run across is recipes using a suppliers base and I want to make it from scratch? Anyone?



  7. Have you EVER REALLY wanted a certain thing really...really bad? Well I REALLY....REALLY wanted the fragrance Fried Green Tomatoes and the "only" place I could find it was at cinnsom.com and I paid DEARLY....8 oz for $28.00 PLUS $6.00 for shipping $34.00 :shocked2::eek: . OF COURSE after the fact I found it for $15.95 pp at waxnscents. I have to say the only people who get a candle made with the 8 oz bottle is myself and one of my sister-in-laws and ONLY in a votive :) A local shop here sells that candle and we fell in love with it as its SO different..! Call me crazy :rolleyes2 :D


  8. Ok, Breathing a sigh of relief here! I have been sitting here fretting about ALL of this and no return phone call, SOOOOO I called my contact person (whom I filled the 150 bath bomb order for the country club) AND she said it IS FOR REAL...but she thought the order was for 1200, which IS do-able IF I have a decent time frame (without a press) or do-able with a press and less time... which until I get the call-back (which may not be until Wed. of next week). I believed it to be for 8,000... as when she called she said "She wanted them for her employee's of which she had 8,000". AND my contact person said she was putting the last of her bath bombs in a basket and also would be needing more :yay: ! So IF it's not an order for 8,000 But for 1200 and the opportunity to also put them on their website PLUS another order from the country club I need to decide IF I should invest in a bath bomb press???? And by the way I HAVE been making bath bombs for 2 1/2 years so I'm not new at this AND I have 2 sisters whom are willing to help with big orders. I am working on coming up with a wholesale price for her but I'm not there yet :) AND I AM substituting cornstarch for the sugar. If you were in this situation would YOU invest in a press?

    Thanks for ALL advice and congrats from everyone, its so comforting to have SO many helpful and sincere people going to bat for you (ME) :wink2:


  9. I personally would LOVE to contract this order out to Jennie... BUT no one has yet addressed the fact that the customer ( AND HER customers) have already experienced "my" bath bombs and since Jennies are NOT the same size with the same ingredients as mine that causes the dilemma???? AND BUNNY I AM researching the confectioner sugar versuses the cornstarch. I DID start out using cornstarch and it would be NO problem switching to cornstarch in my recipe, and thank you for bringing that to my attention as its possible I was advised wrong :wink2: !


  10. Hi All,

    I'm waiting for a return phone call from her and all the details I would need. I appreciate all the advice but how can I wholesale this order out to someone else when it's my bath bombs she has experienced, which ARE different in size and ingredients? That would be a GREAT deal on my part BUT the buyer would not be getting what she is interested in? Comments?


  11. I just got a call from a lady who has 8,000 employee's and she wants a price for 8,000 bath bombs and to discuss putting them on their website (I don't currently have one) Would it be more cost effective for me to continue buying my baking soda and confectioner sugar at Sams (no shipping) OR finding a place online and order in quantity and pay shipping? The biggest order for me to date was for 150 bath bombs for 2 Trade shows in Dallas and Houston...which is where this lady experienced them? I'm so floored....I never expected this.....ANYONE please advise????


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