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Posts posted by LovelyLathers

  1. I can't believe you were just notified of it! Mine was one of the cards that was breached. I got the email last week about it . The only ones who were breached were people who ordered in the past 4 weeks (this was from the letter I got last week.. I received a letter from my CC holder the next day saying they had been notified of the breach and a new card was on it's way to me and the breached one canceled. The next day I got the new card. It seems that TKB knew about the breach way before they notified us by email which does not make me very happy. They should have let us know right away!

  2. I bought it and I have only made the soap frosting with it. It did harden up for the frosting on CP cupcakes and stays nice but with a rubbery feel to it. Very difficult to work with as it gets hard too fast, there's only time to frost 1 or 2 at a time. No way can you use it in a decorator bag. I had to keep zapping it in the micro to soften it. I will not use it again, I'll stick with the whipped soap from now on. I want to try it for a scrub but not had the chance yet. There are a lot of good reviews on facebook about it, I am looking forward to playing around with it more.

  3. I am not comfortable with the agreement either. The wording is not very good. Doesn't look like it was done by a lawyer or a financial expert. It does say the currency is close to American dollars, what ever that means. It certainly looks like a scam to me. No way would I use it.

  4. Everything you make has to have 100%. You must have the amount you want for the end result in oz, lbs, grams then divide each ingredient by the percent, so say you have 5 ingredients and say you want 10 ozs of final product. Each ingredient is 10% then you need 2 ozs of each product to reach 100%. Another example is

    25 % coconut oil

    25% palm oil

    25% shea butter

    25% oatmeal



    converted to oz for a final amount of 100 ozs would be

    25 oz of coconut

    25 ozs palm

    25oz shea

    25 oz oatmeal


    100 oz or 100%

    I hope that helps

  5. If you do a search of "rebatch" (with quotes) you will find lots of info on rebatching and different ways it is done. I use one of the roasting bag for the micro. It depends one how old the soap is as to how much liquid to add. You do have to shred it.

  6. Sorry to hear of so many bad shows and sales this weekend. Day 2 of mine was better than yesterday in sales with a smaller crowd. The crowd estimation was about 8,000 to 9,000 today. Sold lots of men's and florals today as well as fall scents. The weather was great again, a little chilly and windy at times. 'I hope everyone has a better show next weekend.

  7. I did one of my biggest festivals of the year today was day 1. It was fantastic weather, 73 and bright sunshine. There were about 15,000 people

    at it. I did great! Sold out of a few soaps, sold lots of gift baskets in fall scents. Pumpkin, Apple, Cranberry, and Lavender were the scents that sold like crazy . Did well with Frankincense and Myrrh, Cinnamon, Patchouli and anything Sandalwood. Music was great, food was great, people were in great buying moods. I am the craft chairmen of this festival for 14 years and love every minute of it.

    Hope everyone had a great day also.

  8. I think you just made your first batch not even a month ago, am I right? You are making CP? It is not ready to use and judge what the final outcome will be. You really have to let it cure a good 4 weeks, I usually let mine sit 6 weeks. There will be a big difference in the mildness. It takes time to find the right recipe. Try doing a few in the recipe section that people have really liked. Keep formulating until you get the right recipe for you. It took me a year to get mine the way I like it. I hate to think how many bars I made in that time.

  9. I had my best Farmers Market yet! I am so happy. Best sellers were the soaps that have not been selling well at all. Glad to get rid of some of those.

    Next weekend is my biggest festival of the year, which I am chairperson of. Last year we had a lot of rain so hopefully this year the weather and sales will be great.

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