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Posts posted by LovelyLathers

  1. Thanks for the info. I think I have finally got it! The video helped TexasBrat. I found out the gauge wire I was using was too small and the wire kept breaking when I was twisting it too much. Went with the 24 gauge and it worked fine. Now to see if I can do the smaller crystals with the lower gauge with out breaking it. The smaller ones look to heavy with the bigger wire.

  2. LB shaving truffles has peaked my interest! I never heard of them. I ended up making Patchouli Chocolate, Patchouli Raspberry soap and I love them. I am not a patch fan at all. I did get made a Lavender sage and pine tar. Not as much as I wanted to but I am trying my hand at some jewelry making and I spent way to much time on it. Miss Mori you have your hands full with that many samples! I thought 20 or so were a lot to play with.

  3. It is suppose to be a snowy weekend so I am hoping to get a lot made, at least 12 to 15 batches. I just finished rendering 25 lbs of tallow . What a job that was. I have to make restocks of shaving soap, Dead Sea Mud soap and quite a few others. The one I hate most is Pine Tar!. Play around with some new FO's, for a new line I am thinking of carrying. Hope everyone has a great soaping weekend!

  4. Thanks Sherry and dnj. Since those pics I have added lavender tulle draping on the walls of the tent and love them, really dresses the whole thing up. I have no idea what I would do with out those risers. They are lightweight to carry and fold flat which makes it great for the market and shows. Covered with contact makes them easy to wipe clean. I know you will love them Sherry

  5. I use the 4 step ones for my soaps. I had the same ones the past 5 years. I have never had a problem with them. When they started to look "shop worn" I covered them with white contact paper, it has worked out great. 5324524243 This is what they look like set up.




  6. I love the neons. I use them all the time. You can get the colors you want by adding more or less. I also mix them with black for a deeper color and can be mixed with TD to get a light pastel. Be careful though Strawberry morphs into orange otherwise they are great!

  7. I don't use FCO in my lip balms. I use bees wax, babassu, shea or cocoa ( I have customers who are allergic to one or the other), sunflower, safflower, a touch of castor.. If I want to play around a little some times I add rosehip or pumpkin oils, palm, Squalene (if I add it I only use a tiny bit that's all you need). I also make one with emu for a heavy duty skiers one.

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