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Posts posted by candelecandlecompany

  1. I'm with Jenn. We do a lot of business making candles and all we use is a presto pot because ideally gel is to be used in a double boiler. Heating the gel too hot will cause a fire and it does heat up quicker than the soy we use. The presto is not a bad investment. Much cheaper than the regular candle wax/gel melters.

  2. I use a release wax and my votives don't stick at all. I tried the wick pins and I just don't like them. It took me a long time to find a soy wax that my scents throw great in both hot and cold. When I used the wick pins they too stuck. So I did away with the wick pins and my votives don't stick. The only other time the votives stuck is when I, having a blonde moment, hot glued the wicks down in the votive molds. What an idiot I was that day. If you find out why they stick let me know and I might try the wick pins again.

  3. Hey there. I think you must have some awesome products from your huge response to your "selling" issue. I undersatnd that kids and life takes a toll on businesses. I agree with that. But if this is your passion you should stick with it. We have 7 children 16.15,14,8,6, and 21 months old. We have 2 businesses and both hubby and I work outside the home as well. If we can do it I think anyone can. Stay with it and when the kids get bigger they can have fun helping like ours do. Make it a family affair! :)

  4. Hello jack. I'm with you in your frustrations. I used to have the same problems. We handcraft strictly soy candle in small batches. It took me a long time to find what works best for me. I use only the eco wicks, a soy wax that leaves no wet spots on my candle glass, and I manufacture my own scents. I have tried other fos and they just didn't work out. I have great flame height, no black smoke, great melt pool, and I trim my wicks to about 1/4 inch foe testing. I just depends. The eco wicks are made to be self trimming so I just do it on a candle-by-candle basis. It sounds from the black smoke that if you have the wick right it just might be the quality of fo you use. I bought some candles from someone wholesale to just add another line of candles to my line and the fo had a terrible burn quality. I like extremely scented candles but the chemicals really came out in these and made my whole family sick about everytime I would burn them. You'll get it...it took me a year to find what was right for me. Good luck in your endeavours! :)

  5. I have tried 3 other web site designers over the past couple of years and, in my opinion, nothing compares to www.citymax.com. If you don't know how to do something they fix it for you! Superb customer service for less than $20.00/month!...Oh yea,,,,they give you a free 10 day trial. How awesome is that? They don't even ask for any cc info. or anything like that during your trial. I found out that the cheapest is NOT always the best.

  6. Hey there. I'm with you about the craft stores and things. When I first started out I used craft store scents and let me tell you, when I found the supplier I have, I thought I had died and gone to heaven literally! OMG what a big difference. I never went back to the craft stores! If I run out of something and I need it desperitely I would rather make my customer wait a few extra days for the highest quality scents I offer than to sell them crap and lose them all together! I am hoping to open a bath and body supply store in my city within the next few years!

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