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la bella

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  1. hi marisa, thank you for answering some of my questiones, ill try that idea first and its true all the sites that ive visit the supply are kind of expensive and alot of ingridients go in them so that means more money....:undecided
  2. waoo they are cheap thanks for the info, when i go on bussine i will order from there thank you...
  3. Im new here,ive been researching candells, soap, lip balm and decorative viegar bottles i will start as soon as posible with sample among family members,in the future if everything goes well i hope. I will go as a at home small busine.... ok my questioned are what do i need to start a bussine do i need a licence(i supose so) where can i get it at what price ect ect... do i need insurance? in case somebody get an alergic reaction lol i hope this does not happens to me, im a mother of four kid and only 24 years old i cannot get a regular job because of the kids thats why im taking in mind a small busine, i will take in mind any sugestion that you ladies give me ohhh ladies that already have web sites do you guys sell alot? because ive seen alot of soap candell sites selling them, do you get what you invert on materials? well my name is eugenia from the dominican republic im living in florida, hope to make a lot of friends ill be around alot bye...
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