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Posts posted by becky0404

  1. Thank you SOOO much. I have no idea what I'm doing, so your help is great!!

    I changed the fonts around a bit, you are very right how I used too many different ones. However, I was thinking of using different fonts for different scents to kind of "match" the scent. See below how Lilly of the Valley is different than the blueberry muffins one. Is this a bad idea? Too confusing?

    Also, I'm not sure if you can see it on your computers (you can't on mine) but when I print them out, there is a small white circle behind the palm tree. I don't want that there. It looks great when I have it on my computer, but when I print it I see the white circle and I don't like it.

    Do the fonts look better in this one?Even though on here it looks hard to read "True scents natural palm wax" it really does print out well and clear.


    I'm thinking I don't like the colored box with the scent now:undecided . Any other ideas?

    Thanks again, I really appreciate it! :highfive:

  2. Could you all please give me some feedback (good and bad;) ) about my new labels? I just started testing this new wax, but I KNOW that I am going to switch and now I just need to test a bunch of fragrances. I was using soy. I know it's kind of early to be designing labels for candles that I haven't even perfected yet, but it helps me nail-down my "look", KWIM?

    I am using a palm/veggie wax blend, color them, and I'm using a clean-looking/straight sided jar with aluminum covers. A clean/modern look is the look I'm going for. These will be printed on clear labels, not white. What do you think? Too plain? (BTW...the website listed is not really a website...yet.;) )

    Thanks in advance for your help!


  3. Thank you all so much for helping me brainstorm! I read the other thread about naming a business too and I got a lot of good ideas from there also. I like the "reflections" idea too.

    If you come up with any more words with a spin on "lake" or "mountains", etc. don't hesitate to throw them out there at me:D . Thanks!!!!

  4. I just have to chime in here and say that I am by no means an expert on palm. I recently requested a sample from S&P's container palm and I have been playing around with it. I have made two 18 oz. container candles so far, and with pretty good results. The wicking is tough so far, but so is soy wax, IMO. It hasn't been any different. I personally don't have ANY problems with hot throw. (too bad I used a fo sample that I HATE to test these two candles).

    With anything else, I think you just have to give it a shot yourself. I, too, read all the negative things about palm wax here but decided to try it myself only because I knew that if I never tried it I would never forgive myself.:D

    I'm glad I tried it, because I think I actually like the scent throw better than my soy (my nose picks up a "funky" smell from most soy candles that gives me a headache).

    Anyway, I would just suggest you try it! Good luck, and happy candle making!

  5. Yes, I think I would really like in incorporate something about my area into my name but I'm not sure. I live in New Hampsire, in a resort/summer vacation area and our main "attraction" here is the lake (Winnipesaukee). However, I'm trying to stay away from the country/prim look and have designed my candles to look more contemporary. Simple and clean lines. So, I don't want a name like "Lake Country Candles" or "Country Woods Candles", etc. KWIM? I'd like something a little more "modern".

    Or do you think it's best to not go that route at all? Should I not even incorporate my area attractions at all and make it more of a "generic" name so they will still appeal to people who have never been here? OH....I just don't know!:cry2:

    Any advice on this would be MOST welcomed.:grin2:

  6. I'm test burning the palm wax container candle I made yesterday. It smells great, which was a major concern of mine since I had read a lot that palm doesn't have a very good hot throw. However, I've been burning it for about 3 hours, have a complete melt pool but the flames (I double wick) seem to be too big I think. Bigger than they are in my soy wax. And there is a little smoking. What does that mean? Sorry if it's a dumb question....I didn't have these problems with my soy.


  7. And now I have LOTS of questions, lol.

    I got a sample from S&P today and I made it immediately:yay: . I've only made soy candles (for a little over a year) so far and i wanted to try something different. My first impression was that it was not as easy to clean up as soy, that's for sure! Does anyone have any great tips on how to clean up easier?

    Also, what are the basic instructions for making palm candles. It's very hard information to find on the internet:embarasse . My candle looks pretty good, although I don't think it has as much "crystalizing" as it should and I think it's because it needed to cool slower (maybe?). The cold throw is really good. Does palm need to cure like soy, and if so how long?

    Now the hardest part for me was doing the relief holes and the repour. I'm not used to that at all since I use a single pour soy usually. Could someone please explain the relief hole process to me? I don't think I did it right. Also, when I repoured, it now has a faint line where the first pour ended and the repour went on top of it, is that normal?

    Ok, I think that's all the questions I have for now. I can't wait to burn this baby:drool: .

  8. How do I do one? Do I need to buy some sort of software to make it easier? I've never even seen a business plan written up so I have no idea what's even in them, etc. I know I need one to start on the right track though :wink2: .

  9. No, you shouldn't have to change jars at all. It's usually the opposite...find the right combo of wicks, fo's, etc. that work in your chosen jar.

    It sounds like you are doing everything right. That is exactly the way I make mine, but I don't use 100% soy. I use EZSoy, which is a blend. The only other thing I could think of is the quality of you fo's. Do you get them from a reputable supplier and have they been tested to work in soy?

    Sorry, not much help.:cry2:

  10. I would like to start testing some palm container waxes. However, I don't know enough about them to know if different suppliers are offering the same wax. I don't want to be ordering samples of the same exact waxes :embarasse . Do you know what (if any) palm container waxes are the same? Here's my list of where I want to order some samples from to see which I like the best:


    Candlewic's crystalizing container palm 1

    Astorlite Q

    candles and supplies container palm

    Any other good ones I'm missing?

  11. Thank you all for your great advice. Yes, my gut is telling me not too, for more reasons than monetary issues. I started this hobby (and hopefully a business some day) so I could do something creatively MYSELF from the ground up. It sounds selfish, but I want something that is all MINE (being a mother of 3 might have something to do with that :wink2: ) and that I have created and hopefully made successful, KWIM?

    Thanks again for the great advice!

  12. I need some serious advice (good and bad) from anyone who has experience.

    I started making candles as a hobby about a year ago. I eventually want to be able to supplement my income by selling them. I showed my best friend how to make them (because she likes them so much and she's my best friend so I wasn't going to have her buy them off me) and now she keeps BEGGING me that we go into business together. I don't think I really want to "share" my new business venture with anyone, but I don't know if it's smarter to partner with someone or not. The shared costs and the shared production appeals to me, but the shared profit doesn't. I'm just so torn.

    PLease, I really need some advice on this one. I'm not experienced at all in the business side of things.

    Thank you!:yay:

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