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Posts posted by becky0404

  1. I am just curious :grin2: . For those of you who have made both types, what is your personal preferance as to which one has the best throw.

    I started off making soy candles, but decided to try the palm wax from S&P a month or so ago and I think I like the hot throw it gives off much better than the soy candles I have made. The soy I have made gave a good hot throw, but to me, my nose picks up some "strange" scent in the soy wax (in all of them...who knows, maybe I'm doing something wrong!)

    Anyway, I think the palm wax gives off a "cleaner/truer" scent than soy.

    Anyone else have an opinion?

  2. Is there a container palm wax out there where you don't have to poke relief holes and do a repour?

    I got a sample from S&P, and I LOVE the look and the scent throw I get with it, however, I don't really like how I have to keep the relief holes and do a repour. Are there any out there where you don't have to do that?

  3. ....that held EZSoy,double wicked, no color and 1 oz pp of NG fo....what kind of wicks would you like to have so that you had a great smell and a clean meltpool and WORKED?:D

    Ok, I'm having a hard time figuring this out. I stared with RRD 34's, and the wicks drowned out so I figured I would wick up. Ok, got the RRD 37's because those say they are for containers with a diameter of 2.5-3". My jars are 3 1/4" and I DOUBLE WICK so I figured that would be more than big enough. Nope, they are drowning out and not giving me a full melt pool still. I'm thinking that maybe I just don't like the inconsistancy of RRD wicks. Do you think I should try some different type of wick? Or just keep wicking up with the RRD's?

    Any help or advice would be GREATLY appreciated.:grin2:

  4. For a clean, modern look, with uncolored soy wax which do you prefer on a label? A label with a picture in the background or a label with more of a solid or slightly texurized background? I use these jars:


    Ok, which one:


    Picture in the back




    Solid/texture in the back?

  5. Everyone is SO helpful, thank you:highfive: . I have got some great feedback from all of you!

    I changed the fonts like you all suggested to be more "plain" other than the company name and the scent. I printed out a label last night and took a family "poll" as to where the label looked best and it was a unanimous decision that it was best-looking on top of the aluminum lid and not on the side of the candle. It's palm anyway I guess, so the candle is "pretty" enough, lol. And actually, the colored box did look really good since it was on the lid with the aluminum color in the background. With the box with the scent name in it, it kind of tied the label into the candle since the box was a very similar color to the candle itself. It definitely looked better actually ON the candle lid then here on the computer screen. However....then I came on here this morning and read the replies and I tried what someone suggested and just colored the font of the scent instead of the box behind it and now I don't know what I like better:undecided . Either way, I really think I want to have the scent colored in some way, because it ties the two together especially since I'll be putting my labels on the lid. So, once again, which do you prefer?



    or this:


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