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Posts posted by elitenaildesign

  1. I would love to have the little bitty mold he has, since the soap is just for me anyway. I really dont like the foam stuff. I tried to do that myself and it was a big mess and ummm, yeah dont put that stuff in the oven:o But it looks like the Togs molds lining fits much better than mine did.

  2. It's not so much the scent of the skin but rather the scent of the clothes that give humans away to animals

    But you still have to eliminate all scent of skin as it can still be smelled by the deer right through the clothing. So the human scent and the clothing scent have to be eliminated totally. My guys use the whole she-bang, the scent eliminating shampoo, soap, deo, sprays. I am not allowed to go with unless I have showered with that stuff, becais of all my hairspray and perfume:o

  3. After doing a lot of research on the subject, I have decided due to cost, its just easier buying the commercial hunters soaps. Anise really is more for fishing as opposed to hunting. Do a google on hunters soaps, ect and maybe one of the commercial sites will pop up and some ingrdients will be listed there. My guys will not use anything hunting related made by me as far as scent elimination goes because of one wrong scent and those deer are gone!

  4. I know I got the 3 in 1 mold that is supposed to hold 3lbs. It overflowed so bad, I had to put the extras in some comtainer to not waste it all. I have used it twice now and both times it was a pain to assemble, the edges were VERY sharp and it took several days to unmold the soap, and I am way too impatient to wait that long. The only bonus of it, it is very easy to wash up.

  5. Didnt want to hijack the tallow thread, but just realised rifle season for deer hunting starts Sat. and being my family is big into hunting, I will be up to my neck in deer "stuff". I guess I should just google, but does anyone know a site that give tips or pointers on rendering deer tallow. I'm not gonna lie, I dont even know what rendering is:p I also hear deer tallow is fantastic, so why not try it right?

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